
Sang Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sang" Showing 1-12 of 12
James Patterson
“It's the ciiiiiiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiife!" Iggy sang”
James Patterson, The Final Warning

Kamand Kojouri
“Nothing belongs to itself anymore.
These trees are yours because you once looked at them.
These streets are yours because you once traversed them.
These coffee shops and bookshops, these cafés and bars, their sole owner is you.
They gave themselves so willingly, surrendering to your perfume.
You sang with the birds and they stopped to listen to you.
You smiled at the sheepish stars and they fell into your hair.
The sun and moon, the sea and mountain, they have all left from heartbreak.
Nothing belongs to itself anymore.
You once spoke to Him, and then God became yours.
He sits with us in darkness now
to plot how to make you ours.” K.K.”
Kamand Kojouri

C.L. Stone
“I had nowhere to look but into his beautifil freen eyes. "I make a halfway decent friend if you give me the chance." (...) Kota was on his back, his elbow against his forehead. His mouth was open and he was breathing slowly. With his glasses off, he looked completely adorable. I stayed awake as long as I could to watch him.”
C.L. Stone, Introductions

“You're a beautiful wreck.”

“I mean it," Gabriel said. "Do you know that girl that came after us nearly gave me a heart attack? She said Trouble's in trouble. Again. Second time in a week. And what do I see when we get to the hallway? Trouble jumping from the fucking second floor, does a barrel roll and hobbles up to get back in the fight. And you're on top of some motherfucker on top of Silas. Fucking beautiful. So that's like quadruple grounding because you went in twice. I swear if you go over that balcony again, I'm going to break your damn feet so you can't go anywhere near it.”

“You're too sweet for your own damn good.”

C.L. Stone
“My head dipped again into his chest, holding him close. I didn’t want him to go anywhere else. I couldn’t stop it from flowing out of my lips. “Not you. Not the guys. I want you to touch me. I always want it. Hugs. Kisses. Anything. It makes me happy.”
C.L. Stone, First Kiss

“Your my Trouble”

Manuel de Pedrolo
“Es va aturar arran de taula , deixant que la sang fes el seu fet, suau, callada, i alhora misteriosament present i agradable, terriblement agradable...”
Manuel de Pedrolo, Perquè ha mort una noia

Giulia Enders
“La salive, c'est du sang filtré, passé au chinois par les glandes salivaires qui retiennent les globules rouges, plus utiles dans nos veines que dans notre bouche.”
Giulia Enders, Darm mit Charme. Alles über ein unterschätztes Organ

Sarah J. Maas
“The salt and the sea and the breeze tugged on me, sang to me.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Comte de Lautréamont
“On doit laisser pousser ses ongles pendant quinze jours. Oh ! Comme il est doux d’arracher brutalement de son lit un enfant qui n’a rien encore sur la lèvre supérieure, et, avec les yeux très ouverts, de faire semblant de passer suavement la main sur son front, en inclinant en arrière ses beaux cheveux! Puis, tout à coup, au moment où il s’y attend le moins, d’enfoncer les ongles longs dans sa poitrine molle, de façon qu’il ne meure pas; car, s’il mourait, on n’aurait pas plus tard l’aspect de ses misères. Ensuite, on boit le sang en léchant les blessures ; et, pendant ce temps, qui devrait durer autant que l’éternité dure, l’enfant pleure.”
Comte de Lautréamont