
Safe Space Quotes

Quotes tagged as "safe-space" Showing 1-30 of 70
“The idea that you have to be protected from any kind of uncomfortable emotion is what I absolutely do not subscribe to.”
John Cleese

Haruki Murakami
“I'm safe inside this container called me.”
Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

“Might the safest space be this:

Safe from having to wear your armor.
Safe from having to laugh off your pain.
Safe to laugh at your pain, at yourself.
Safe to know your truth...
Safe to feel...
Safe to disagree...
Not safe from struggling with the conundrums of life, safe to struggle with them...
To sit in the dis-comfort of no-extremes...
Safe to spin through all the chaos...
And feel the shoulder of another traveler...
And know you are not alone.

You are not alone.”
Shellen Lubin

Avi Tuschman
“Because leftists are more likely to believe in the innate, inner quality of all people, they attribute the world's inequalities to outer, structural injustices. In particular, the left sees many power hierarchies as unmerited and exploitative. Leftist morality is rooted in the imperative to equalize, to various extents, discrepancies in power (especially through education). Compared with conservatives, leftists have a lower tolerance for inequality.
In this leftist worldview, evil comes primarily from undeserved inequalities in strength or power: from capitalists who exploit workers, unscrupulous corporations that deceive consumers, colonialists who leach off third-world countries, soldiers and police who abuse civilians, men who mistreat women, humans who disrespect the animals and plants in their environment, and so on.”
Avi Tuschman, Our Political Nature: The Evolutionary Origins of What Divides Us

Alex  Gino
“A sign in the far corner showed a large rainbow flag flying on a black background. Below the flag, the sign said SUPPORT SAFE SPACES FOR GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER YOUTH. Reading the word 'transgender' sent a shiver down George's spine. She wondered where she could find a safe space like that, and if there would be other girls like her there.”
Alex Gino, Melissa

“If you feel safe, you're unsafe.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Carolina De Robertis
“Safe is never given. Safe is what you make with your own hands.”
Carolina De Robertis, Cantoras

Lynne Tillman
“The rain persists, an amniotic fluid, the perfect environment for reading in a room, a womb of one’s own.”
Lynne Tillman, Motion Sickness

Mitta Xinindlu
“There will come a time when being raw will be the norm. Don’t be embarrassed for being sensitive and vulnerable.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Marcus Aurelius
“This is not a debate about just anything', he said 'but about sanity itself'.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Maureen Sharphouse
“When you cannot calm the storm, remember to access the safe and calm within you.”
Maureen Sharphouse, Unhackable Soul: Rise Up, Feel Alive, and Live Well with Pain and Illness

Brooke Gilbert
“Usually there was a sense of warning like I needed to flee, a primal part of me always subconsciously knowing I wasn’t safe, that I did indeed need to guard myself and my emotions. But here in his arms I felt like none of those demons could reach me, like I was finally able to indulge in the warm sun after an extensive stay in the dark, cold underground.”
Brooke Gilbert, The Paris Soulmate

“The same progressive activists who campaign against microaggressions might also call for the banning of conservative speakers, for the forbidding of displays of support for certain political candidates, and for the creation of safe spaces where progressive ideas can go unchallenged by opposing views.”
Bradley Campbell, The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars

“Sensitive to slight, they police even unintentional verbal offenses; concerned with the oppressed, they champion minorities and vilify the privileged; reliant on help, they publicly air lists of grievances. The university is the epicenter of victimhood culture. As such it is the epicenter of microaggression complaints, as well as trigger warnings, safe spaces, and hate crime hoaxes.”
Bradley Campbell, The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars

“As the definition of what is harmful grows, there is a corresponding expansion of concepts related to victimization. More and more people are seen as vulnerable and in need of special protection from harms.”
Bradley Campbell, The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars

“And just as some conceptualize racism as an inherent property of all white people, there are those who view trauma as a collective and hereditary condition shared by all members of an historically victimized group.”
Bradley Campbell, The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars

“Manufacturing a case of victimhood allows the aggrieved to elicit sympathy or even to mobilize third parties such as legal authorities against their enemies. Since a victimhood culture is one where this status is most valuable, we should expect it to be especially prone to false claims of victimization.”
Bradley Campbell, The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars

“There are different kinds of false accusations. In some cases, the accusers might genuinely believe what they say. People accused of witchcraft are innocent, but those who condemn them might genuinely believe that they are witches. In other cases, the accuser kwnos the accusation is false. Such cases can happen because the accuser and accused were embroiled in a conflict over something that third parties would not treat as a matter for intervention.”
Bradley Campbell, The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars

“There are different kinds of false accusations. In some cases, the accusers might genuinely believe what they say. People accused of witchcraft are innocent, but those who condemn them might genuinely believe that they are witches. In other cases, the accuser knows the accusation is false. Such cases can happen because the accuser and accused were embroiled in a conflict over something that third parties would not treat as a matter for intervention.”
Bradley Campbell, The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars

“The prominence of victimhood culture in higher education, especially at elite institutions, indicates that victimhood culture is concentrated among the relatively affluent and successful members of the upper middle class.”
Bradley Campbell, The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars

Ainsley Arment
“If anything can be said of our homes, may it be that they are safe places for our children. Places where they can be encouraged in their gifts and comforted in their struggles. Places where they can share their fears and express their sorrows. Places where they can be heard and known and taken seriously. We create a safe haven for our family because children thrive when they feel safe, but also because this is love.”
Ainsley Arment, The Wild and Free Family: Forging Your Own Path to a Life Full of Wonder, Adventure, and Connection

Samantha Childs
“He didn't tell his mom, fearing if she knew that he was a Pig Dog, she'd turn away, too.”
Samantha Childs, Henri and the Magnificent Snort : A Children's Book about Bullying, Belonging, and Love

Samantha Childs
“His mom listened to him, until he was through.
Then she responded, "I love you.”
Samantha Childs, Henri and the Magnificent Snort : A Children's Book about Bullying, Belonging, and Love

Mitta Xinindlu
“Look for safe people to whom you show your vulnerability and rawness. Not everyone deserves that privilege.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“It is possible that some may use your vulnerability and rawness against you. Don't worry much. Just place plan B into motion to combat their actions.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Remember how raw you were with your mother when you were a toddler? Now, remember the reaction that you received. Was it good, was it bad? Have you made any actions to resolve those feelings? Reflect.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“The arms of a trusted and safe person are the best gift for the full development of any person.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“ना मकान को
ना इंसान को
जहां मेह्फूस लगा ना कभी
उसको घर मत कहना।”

Julia Connors
“Wrapping her arms around me, she clings to me like a koala, and I’ve never been so happy to be smothered in my life. Holding her tight against me, I realize that the only thing I want in the world is for her to feel safe, and for me to be the one who makes her feel that way. - Colt -”
Julia Connors, Fake Shot

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