Politics Quotes

Quotes tagged as "politics" Showing 2,881-2,910 of 10,254
Ljupka Cvetanova
“The negotiators sat at the table, opened the cards, and threw some dice.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, Yet Another New Land

أمل دنقل
“Do not reconcile
even if they give you gold
I wonder if I were to gouge out your eyes
and replace them with two gems
would you see?
These things are priceless.”
Amal Dunqul أمل دنقل

“Often the weight of patriarchy is heavy, but when you've been carrying the weight for so long, you forget what it feels like to be without that weight. You start then think that carrying that weight is normal, rather than thinking of what you could do to put that weight down - or how much freer you could be without it”
J.J. Bola, Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined

Omar Digna
“Think of the greatest minds in your opinion, were they not young and foolish one day? Were they not on the wrong side of your definition of truth and had a change of heart at some point? Or maybe their ideas weren’t perfected until a later stage of their lives. That’s how humans operate; I know the greatest minds were not so great at some point, and I certainly wouldn’t have wanted them interfering in important issues that affect me.”
Omar Digna, Governance & Human Nature: The Crippling Incompatibility Hidden In Plain Sight

Dominique Manotti
“–Ξέρεις καλά ότι δεν με ενδιαφέρουν αυτές οι πολιτικές ιστορίες.
–Το ξέρω. Αλλά αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι η πολιτική, από τη μεριά της, δεν ενδιαφέρεται για σένα.”
Dominique Manotti, Escape

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Politicians talk about democracy and respecting its main attributes, but deep down they still believe that their party is always right.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Equality cannot be only on paper, politically speaking. But it must also be made visible in economical and financial terms.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Guy Haley
“I cannot allow myself to be subordinate to anything except the survival of the human race, not even an idea, and certainly not a belief. If I were to become dominated by one faction or another, then I would serve their ends, and not those of humanity.”
Guy Haley, Plague War

“Could you imagine what the Wild Wild West would have been like if there had not been good people to fight back against the Wicked Ways of evil people?
The internet is the "Wild Wild West" and if you're not speaking out against the evil wickedness out here you're part of the problem.”

“Could you imagine what the Wild West would have been like if there had not been good people to fight back against the Wicked Ways of evil people?
The internet is the "Wild Wild West" and if you're not speaking out against the evil wickedness out here you're part of the problem.”
AnonymousWiseGuy ~ @OnymousWiseguy @OnymousWiseGuy

“The aim of a great radio network, like that of a fine newspaper or magazine should be to integrate the disparate events and ides around us into accessible, regular programming: not just the classy events and elegant ideas, not just the natural concerns of aesthetics and charitable worthies. The result should be a mix of wordsin which those listeners who ne er read Call it Sleep might sense an invitation to do so and ... capture the voice of Noah Adams captured in Northern Ireland ...”
Robert Siegel

Bertolt Brecht
And I always thought: the very simplest words
must be enough. When I say what things are like
Everyone's heart must be torn to shreds.
That you'll go down if you don't stand up for yourself
Surely you see that.”
Bertold Brecht

Guy Haley
“Ultramar is important for all sort of reasons. But we must take politics into account, and politics do not speak the same language as logic.”
Guy Haley, Godblight

“Once people have that sense that their voice is being recognized, they then are more willing to move to consensus. Once people feel that their ideas are respected, I think that you will find a move toward cooperation. People are much more conciliatory once they feel they've been respected. That's the threshold we need to get to: the idea of respecting different viewpoints.
(from the book The NPR Interviews 1995 edited by Robert Siegel)”
Lani Guinier

“Libri e fikson politikanin si në mermer dhe këtij libri mund t'i drejtohesh në çdo kohë dhe ta gjejsh lehtë, ndërsa shtypi e fikson politikanin si në akull, i cilli shkrin nan rrezet e diellit të ditës së nesërme, tuj u zëvendësu prej diçkaje të re po aq të paqëndrueshme.”
Kastriot Myftaraj, Nacional-islamizmi Shqiptar Baleta & Feraj: profili dhe polemikë

“Në historinë e publicistikës ka dy kahje përsa i përket polemikës. Në njërin kah asht polemika si aspekt i debatit publik mbi idetë, ndërsa në kahun tjetër asht polemika si aspekt i propagandës...
Polemika si aspekt i propagandës ka karakter demagogjik. Ky lloj i polemikës është kultivuar në shoqëritë totalitare, komuniste, fashiste apo fundamentaliste. Ky lloj i polemikës ka si veti jo analizën e ideve të personit apo të personave me të cilët polemizohet sepse kjo nuk shkon me karakterin demagogjik të saj, por etiketimin në sens përkeqësues të tyne, denigrimin e tyne në çdo aspekt të personalitetit të tyne. Prej këtej fjalori random tejet vulgar i përdorun në polemikat e këtij lloji. Analiza e ideve të kundërshtarit ze pak vend në këto lloj polemikash...”
Kastriot Myftaraj, Nacional-islamizmi Shqiptar Baleta & Feraj: profili dhe polemikë

“Hey Republicans, Don't Trample on Books and Libraries, Un-American Tyrants.”
D.L. Lewis

Ljupka Cvetanova
“Macedonia has been receiving positive recommendations for entry into the European Union for 12 years now. It is three circles ahead of Dante's Inferno.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, Yet Another New Land

Ljupka Cvetanova
“The politicians sow fear among people. It gives the best yields.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, Yet Another New Land

“Before Be The Why They're For...”
Jonathan McKinney

“The right-wing mind sees and hears what it wants and nothing more...”
@AnonymousWiseGuy @AnonymousLyWise

“Always keep in mind that there is HOPE everywhere, you just can't see it, in fact, if Hope was a forest fire you would be running for your life.
So have faith in Hope! because hope is great but hope makes you run through the forest fire where Faith gives you the power to leap over it...”

“It is not because of government that most people clean their apartments rather than try to set them on fire on a regular basis.”
Todd Seavey, Libertarianism For Beginners

“In reality, libertarians argue, government interferes with trade—resulting in a reduction in overall happiness—virtually every time it acts (with the possible exception of its purely defensive, rights-protecting functions). In essence, government, despite its appearance of having thousands of functions, really does only two things: forbid people from making the trades they want, and force them to make trades they don't want.”
Todd Seavey, Libertarianism For Beginners

“The idea that government “helps” us somehow is, in strict libertarian terms, a mere superstition.”
Todd Seavey, Libertarianism For Beginners

“Just as libertarians reject the Marxist notion that every exchange has an “exploiting” and an “exploited” participant in favor of the idea of mutually beneficial exchange, so libertarians reject the idea that profit is a bad thing. On the contrary, if the human race benefits from transferring resources from lower-valued to higher-valued uses, profits are a vital signaling device that someone is producing things that people want, that somewhere things are being done a better way.”
Todd Seavey, Libertarianism For Beginners

“From this point of view, government is the constant, all-pervading, systematic violator of property rights and the “misallocator” of resources. It takes resources away from the highest-valued uses to which free individuals otherwise would put them and steers them toward lower-valued uses. Government constantly destroys happiness.”
Todd Seavey, Libertarianism For Beginners

Max Weber
“But the person who can do this must be a leader; not only that, he must, in a very simple sense of the word, be a hero.”
Max Weber, Political Writings

Omar Digna
“The route of raising awareness and educating the public is tedious and unpredictable, and someone can always take the shorter route of appealing to instincts and leave the enlightened in the dust.”
Omar Digna, Governance & Human Nature: The Crippling Incompatibility Hidden In Plain Sight

“Elections aren't a matter of who wins. They are about who best represent our values. Voting is not only about exercising our democratic right and expressing the will of the people but also a way of demanding for the services that we deserve from those that we can trust.”
Njau Kihia