
Pineapple Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pineapple" Showing 1-19 of 19
Susanna Clarke
“Some time later there was a knock at his door. He was surprised to find it was now evening and the room was quite dark. The knock sounded again. The landlord was at the door. The landlord began to talk, but Strange could not understand him. This was because the man had a pineapple in his mouth. How he had managed to cram the whole thing in there, Strange could not imagine. Green, spiky leaves emerged slowly out of his mouth and then were sucked back in again as he spoke. Strange wondered if perhaps he ought to go and fetch a knife or a hook and try and fish the pineapple out, in case the landlord should choke. But at the same time he did not care much about it. 'After all,' he thought with some irritation, 'it is his own fault. He put it there.”
Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“A pineapple is a compilation of berries that grow and fuse together. When joined, they create a single fruit. And within each eyelet, contains a location where a flower may grow. I see the Creator of all existence as the crown on a pineapple, and all religions of the world as the spiky eyelets, where each eyelet symbolizes a different religion or race under the same crown. Each garden of faith may have different perspectives of God, yet every garden belongs to the same God.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Piet Hein
“What Love Is Like

Love is like
a pineapple,
sweet and
Piet Hein

Intisar Khanani
“Absolutely. Justice served with a side of pineapple. That's what I'm here for.”
Intisar Khanani, Sunbolt

Tao Lin
“i recommend the phrase 'pineapple ass”
Tao Lin

Jenny Wingfield
“For Swan's birthday, Calla made pineapple upside-down cake, which is not the kind of cad you put candles on. So there was nothing to blow and make wishes on. Nobody missed the candles, because when you're eating pineapple upside-down cake, there is nothing much left to wish for”
Jenny Wingfield, The Homecoming of Samuel Lake

Beth Harbison
“Here's the only thing I know for sure: Chopped pineapple is incredible on hot dogs. Honest to God, I love pineapple on everything- I would probably even eat it off a cadaver's hand- but toss it with a little chopped red onion and put it on a hot dog, and it's bliss. There's not a lot you can count on in this world, but pineapple? It's solid.”
Beth Harbison, When in Doubt, Add Butter

Jael McHenry
“While I'm waiting, I reach into the cupboard for dried pineapple. I added them to the grocery order because I find them reassuring, but they have to be the right kind. Ma started buying the fancy natural low-sulfur version from Trader Joe's in the past few years. Those are fibrous and taste good for you. These are the ones from my childhood, which just taste good. They are as yellow as lemons, crusted all around with sugar. The inside is as thick and wet as a gumdrop.”
Jael McHenry, The Kitchen Daughter

Neil Gaiman
“Dinner that night was pizza, homemade by her father. It had slices of green pepper on it and, of all things, pineapple chunks. Coraline ate the entire slice she was given. Well ... she ate everything except for the pineapple chunks.”
Neil Gaiman, Coraline

John Scalzi
“I want you to know there was some discussion about whether to make the pizza."
"Because it's a Hawaiian pizza?"
"Yeah. We have a new employee who makes the pizzas. He considers pineapple on a pizza against the laws of God and Nature." She held out the pizza.”
John Scalzi, The Dispatcher

Roisin Meaney
“She told them about the mini-cupcakes she'd been asked to provide for a christening. "I'm going to introduce them into the shop, maybe three days a week, see how they sell. They're fiddly, but there's a better markup on them."
She described a new variety she was trying out in the regular size. "Pineapple-mango. I'm calling it Tropical Delight.”
Roisin Meaney, Semi-Sweet

Jennie Shortridge
“Right now I should be making fish ten different ways or experimenting with rutabagas and turnips, but they'll just have to wait. I've melted butter- real honest-to-God butter- in the skillet, stirred in brown sugar to caramelize. Fresh, juicy pineapple rings- not from a can- encircle not maraschino cherries but lovely candied cherries from Nob Hill Grocers. When the fruit has browned slightly, I pour the sweet, dense batter over it, slide the pan into the oven, set the timer, and peel, dice, and brine the potatoes for tonight. I've glazed the precooked ham so it can just heat in Benny's oven.”
Jennie Shortridge, Eating Heaven

Lisa Kleypas
“The dessert plates were arranged with delicate biscuits and pineapple cream served in cunning little glazed pots.
Sir Ross introduced a new topic of conversation concerning some recently proposed amendments to the Poor Law, which both he and Gentry supported. Surprisingly, Sophia offered her own opinions on the subject, and the men listened attentively. Lottie tried to conceal her astonishment, for she had been taught for years that a proper woman should never express her opinions in mixed company. Certainly she should say nothing about politics, an inflammatory subject that only men were qualified to debate. And yet here was a man as distinguished as Sir Ross seeming to find nothing wrong in his wife's speaking her mind. Nor did Gentry seem displeased by his sister's outspokenness.
Perhaps Gentry would allow her the same freedom. With that pleasant thought in her mind, Lottie consumed her pineapple cream, a rich, silky custard with a tangy flavor. Upon reaching the bottom of the pot, she thought longingly of how nice it would be to have another. However, good manners and the fear of appearing gluttonous made it unthinkable to request seconds.
Noticing the wistful glance Lottie gave her empty dish, Gentry laughed softly and slid his own untouched dessert to her plate. "You have even more of a taste for sweets than little Amelia," he murmured in her ear. His warm breath caused the hair on the back of her neck to rise.
"We didn't have desserts at school," she said with a sheepish smile.
He took his napkin and dabbed gently at the corner of her mouth. "I can see that I'll have a devil of a time trying to compensate for all the things you were deprived of. I suppose you'll want sweets with every meal now."
Pausing in the act of lifting her spoon, Lottie stared into the warm blue eyes so close to hers, and suddenly she felt wreathed in heat. Ridiculous, that all he had to do was speak with that caressing note in his voice, and she could be so thoroughly undone.”
Lisa Kleypas, Worth Any Price

John Scalzi
“John Scalzi
“I want you to know there was some discussion about whether to make the pizza."
"Because it's a Hawaiian pizza?"
"Yeah. We have a new employee who makes the pizzas. He considers pineapple on a pizza against the laws of God and Nature." She held out the pizza.”
John Scalzi, Murder by Other Means

Michael Bassey Johnson
“It is against the law of Pineapples for humans to drink water after eating them.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Patrick R.F. Blakley
“Lying on the ground, the instrument looks like a Venn diagram for toppings that belong on a pizza versus pineapple, two big separate circles. He lifts the whole thing up, minding the ceiling, sticks his head through the pineapple portion, and straightens the pizza portion to be a little flatter to the front.”
Patrick R.F. Blakley, Drummond: Learning to find himself in the music

Anthony T. Hincks
“Oranges will never make a pineapple Sunday.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“The aroma of spices and pineapple melded into a beautifully colorful fragrance in her pineapple-curry fried rice!"
The sweet tart of the pineapple and the saltiness of the fried rice spread through the mouth in a wave! It's a similar idea to sweet-and-sour pork, another Chinese dish that uses pineapples.
"As a finishing touch, she hollowed out a whole pineapple, poured the fried rice inside its shell and then baked it in the oven. The inside edge of the pineapple shell was even rubbed with salt to prevent too much sweetness from leeching into the rice."
"Doing that meant only the fragrance of the dish increased without changing the taste or drying out the rice.
Traditional Chinese cooking has taken yet another small step forward with this dish.”
Yūto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 7 [Shokugeki no Souma 7]

Caroline Peckham
“There's fucking pineapple on that," he growled. "Who the hell thinks cooking fruit is a good-”
Caroline Peckham, Kings of Lockdown