
Payback Quotes

Quotes tagged as "payback" Showing 1-30 of 58
Toba Beta
“In this life, when you deny someone an apology,
you will remember it at time you beg forgiveness.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Thea Harrison
“Payback was a beautiful bitch. She was also a good friend of his, and they were just getting started.”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Robert Kirkman
“Mother Fuckers. They're going to feel pretty stupid when they find out.
They're fucking with the wrong people.”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Book Six

William Shakespeare
“Come, lady, come; you have lost the heart of Signior Benedick.

Indeed, my lord, he lent it me awhile; and I gave him use for it, a double heart for his single one: marry, once before he won it of me with false dice, therefore your grace may well say I have lost it.

You have put him down, lady, you have put him down.

So I would not he should do me, my lord, lest I should prove the mother of fools.”
William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing

Ashley Poston
“She's like a Dalek with a blacklist. Absolutely relentless.”
Ashley Poston, Geekerella

Naomi Novik
“My lady, I did not think you could answer it, when I took you from your home without your leave, and set value only on your gift. But I am answered truly. You have given fair return for insult thrice over and set your worth: higher than my life and all my kingdom and all who live therein, and though you send my people to the fire, I can claim no debt to repay. It is justly done.”
Naomi Novik, Spinning Silver

Torron-Lee Dewar
“Isn't it ironic how people treat you as irrelevant until they need the power of your creativity.”
Torron-Lee Dewar

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“The taste of success is so much sweeter when the tasteless have been so bitter and nasty to you!”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

“Stealing from someone, because they stole from you.
It doesn’t make you right , but it makes you a thief.
Raping someone , because they raped someone.
It doesn’t make you right, but it makes you a rapist.
Abusing someone , because they abused someone.
It doesn’t make you right, but it makes you an abuser.
Killing someone , because they killed someone.
It doesn’t make you right, But it makes a killer or murder.
Everyone will be judged and punished according to their actions.

When you are paying revenger . You are exchanging lives with the person you avenging yourself from. You yourself become that person you hated, or you become worse. You are knighting or anointing yourself to become their successor for their evil deeds and heart. You are forming an evil bond with that person, and you will have evil behavior as something in common.
Always think before you act, If you can live with your actions.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Don’t think for a moment that the decisions that you make today are not payed forward into a future that you will live tomorrow.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Neil Peter Christy
“Everyone wants power; let them have it. Your goal is not power. Your goal is the illusion of surrendering power.”
Neil Peter Christy, Head Lion

“It'd be so easy to kill him right now.
But death won't come too soon.
I don't believe in mercy.
Three pounds of flesh will be extracted while he's awake.
He'll beg and plead.
He'll pray to pass out.
But he will feel it all.
Just like we did.”
S.T. Abby, The Risk

Holly Black
“I am surprised when he turns to me, eyes blazing. It feels as though the room is empty but for us. He lifts his glass anew, mouth curving in to a mockery of a smile. 'And to Jude, who gave me a gift tonight. One that I plan to repay in kind.'

I try not to visibly flinch as glasses lift around me.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“The taste of success is so much sweeter when the tasteless have been so nasty to you!”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Colson Whitehead
“With age came pragmatism. These days a good night's sleep was more important than appeasing one's taste for payback. The sooner he hit the hay, the more rested he'd be for tomorrow's asskicking.”
Colson Whitehead, Crook Manifesto

“When someone does you wrong and you do wrong to them as a revenge. It does not make you right, but it makes both of you wrong. Doing wrong is wrong no matter how you can justify it.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

A.D. Aliwat
“People who eventually accept something terrible done to them without seeking payback are just lazy.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Umberto Eco
“Dumas has a truly clear understanding of the human mind. What does everyone desire, and desire more fervently the more wretched and unfortunate they are? To earn money easily, to have power (the enormous pleasure in commanding and humiliating your fellow man) and to avenge every wrong suffered (everyone in life has suffered at least one wrong, however small it might be). And that is why in Monte Cristo he shows us how to amass great wealth, enough to give you superhuman power, and how to make your enemies pay back every debt. But why, everybody asks, am I not blessed by fortune (or at least not as blessed as I would like to be)? Why have I not been favored like others who are less deserving? No one believes their misfortunes are attributable to any shortcomings of their own; that is why they must find a culprit. Dumas offers, to the frustration of everyone (individuals as well as countries), the explanation for their failure. It was someone else, on Thunder Mountain, who planned your ruin.”
Umberto Eco, The Prague Cemetery

“People who think they are smart. Who play other people or who rob, fraud ,cheats, scam or swindle other people. Life rob, fraud ,cheats, scam or swindle them their success and happiness.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Life has a way of making us pay for our happiness.

[Richelle Bach]”
Richard Paul Evans, The Christmas Promise

Steven Magee
“Like financial investments, company harassment of employees generally has a long term payback as their victims organize and tell their horror stories to the world.”
Steven Magee

Neil Peter Christy
“Let me tell you, Ryan, that's a stupid idea," Nour said.
“I love stupid ideas. All great things happened because someone had a stupid idea.” Ryan smiled.”
Neil Peter Christy, Head Lion

Neil Peter Christy
“All the money in the world can’t get you what power can. Without power, all the money in the world is like being great-looking and having sex alone,” Ryan said.
“But isn’t that more fun sometimes?” Nour smiled.”
Neil Peter Christy, Head Lion

Neil Peter Christy
“All the money in the world can’t get you what power can. Without power, all the money in the world is like being great-looking and having sex alone,” Ryan said.
“But isn’t that more fun sometimes?” Nour smiled”
Neil Peter Christy, Head Lion

Neil Peter Christy
“All the money in the world can’t get you what power can. Without power, all the money in the world is like being great-looking and having sex alone,” Ryan said.
“But isn’t that more fun sometimes?” She smiled”
Neil Peter Christy, Head Lion

Cecile  Beaulieu
“Never underestimate a meek person.”
Cecile Beaulieu, Brother Broken

Sarah J. Maas
“Take your hands off him.'

She did.

'Unshackle him.'

Lucien's skin drained of colour as Ianthe obeyed me, her face queerly vacant, pliant. The blue stone shackles thumped to the mossy ground.

Lucien's shirt was askew, the top button on his pants already undone.

The roaring that filled my mind was so loud I could barely hear myself as I said, 'Pick up that rock.'

Lucien remained pressed against that tree. And he watched in silence as Ianthe stopped to pick up a grey, rough rock about the size of an apple.

'Put your right hand on that boulder.'

She obeyed, though a tremor went down her spine.

Her mind thrashed and struggled against me, like a fish snared on a line. I dug my mental talons in deeper, and some inner voice of hers began screaming.

'Smash your hand with the rock as hard as you can until I tell you to stop.'

The hand she'd put on him, on so many others.

Ianthe brought the stone up. The first impact was a muffled, wet thud.

The second was an actual crack.

The third drew blood.

Her arm rose and fell, her body shuddering with the agony.

And I said to her very clearly, 'You will never touch another person against their will. You will never convince yourself that they truly want your advances; that they're playing games. You will never know another's touch unless they initiate, unless it's desired by both sides.'

Thwack; crack; thud.

'You will not remember what happened here. You will tell the others that you fell.'

Her ring finger had shifted in the wrong direction.

'You are allowed to see a healer to set the bones. But not to erase the scarring. And every time you look at that hand, you are going to remember that touching people against their will has consequences, and if you do it again, everything you are will cease to exist. You will live with that terror every day, and never know where it originates. Only the fear of something chasing you, hunting you, waiting for you the instant you let your guard down.'

Silent tears of pain flowed down her face.

'You can stop now.'

The bloodied rock tumbled onto the grass. Her hand was little more than cracked bones wrapped in shredded skin.

'Kneel here until someone finds you.'

Ianthe fell to her knees, her ruined hand leaking blood onto her pale robes.

'I debated slitting your throat this morning,' I told her. 'I debated it all last night while you slept beside me. I've debated it every single day since I learned you sold out my sisters to Hybern.' I smiled a bit. 'But I think this is a better punishment. And I hope you live a long, long life, Ianthe, and never know a moment's peace.'

I stared down at her for a moment longer, tying off the tapestry of words and commands I'd woven into her mind, and turned to Lucien. He'd fixed his pants, his shirt.

His wide eyes slid from her to me, then to the bloodied stone.

'The word you're looking for, Lucien,' crooned a deceptively light female voice, 'is daemati.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“You tell them I killed them. In self-defence. After they hurt me so badly while you and Tamlin did nothing. Even when they torture you for the truth, you say that I fled after I killed them- to save this court from their horrors.'

Blank, vacant eyes were my only answer.


Lucien's voice was a hoarse rasp.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“The Weaver's dress rustled as she crept closer in the gloom. 'Who did you bring, little wolf? What did you bring to me?'

Ianthe and her two guards stepped over the threshold. Then another step. Past the open door. They didn't see me in the shadows behind it.

'Dinner,' I said to the Weaver, whirling around the door- to its outside face. And let go of the handle.

Just as the door slammed shut hard enough to rattle the cottage, I saw the ball of faelight that Ianthe lifted to illuminate the room.

Saw the horrible face of the Weaver, that mouth of stumped teeth opening wide with delight and unholy hunger. A death-god of old- starved for life. With a beautiful priestess before her.

I was already hurtling for the trees when the guards and Ianthe began screaming.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

“Make sure to be on good terms with me, because I always pay my debts—with compound interest.”
Sayem Sarkar

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