
Passive Aggression Quotes

Quotes tagged as "passive-aggression" Showing 1-14 of 14
Leo Tolstoy
“Levin had long before made the observation that when one is uncomfortable with people from their being excessively amenable and meek, one is apt very soon after to find things intolerable from their touchiness and irritability.”
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

T. Coraghessan Boyle
“It was then that my gaze happened to fall on the bookcase, on the gap there, where the old paperback of "Nine Stories" had fallen flat. "Where's the thing?" I said.
"What thing?"
"The mesh. My mesh."
She shrugged. "I tossed it."
"Tossed it? Where? What do you mean?"
In the next moment I was in the kitchen, flipping open the lid of the trash can, only to find it empty. "You mean outside?" I shouted. "In the dumpster?"
When I came thundering back into the room, she still hadn't moved. "Jesus, what were you thinking? That was mine. I wanted that. I wanted to keep it."
Her lips barely moved. "It was dirty.”
T.C. Boyle, Stories II: The Collected Stories of T. Coraghessan Boyle, Volume II

Nitin Namdeo
“Passive-aggressive behavior is the perverse art of letting someone know you’re not happy without actually telling them.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“There’s a fine line between being impish and being a passive-aggressive jerk.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“Don’t let the passive-aggressive person in your life ruin your day. They just want to be found out.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“Passive-aggressive behavior is the art of saying one thing, meaning another.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“The passive-aggressive person does not say what he thinks. He says what he thinks you want to hear.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“One of the most annoying things in the world is passive-aggressive behavior. If you hate someone, tell them to their face.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“The only way to make a passive-aggressive person smile is to tell them what they want to hear.”
Nitin Namdeo

Soraya Chemaly
“Being indirectly aggressive is one way that many women navigate strong negative emotions and competition in the face of social prohibitions of displaying them more openly.”
Soraya Chemaly, Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger

Nitin Namdeo
“There’s nothing passive about being passive-aggressive.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“Being passive-aggressive is like a broken record. It just plays itself all day long.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“Sometimes you just have to be the bigger person and let someone know that they are being jerks.”
Nitin Namdeo