
Paranormal Urban Fantasy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "paranormal-urban-fantasy" Showing 1-30 of 88
Lisa Kessler
“We’re werewolves, and we’re always going to have someone after us.”
Lisa Kessler, Sedona Seduction

Ian Cadena
“Life's a witch and then you fly.”
Ian Cadena, Samhain

Juliette Cross
“We may be rivals, Lavinia. But it doesn't make me want to fuck your brains out any less.”
Juliette Cross, Always Practice Safe Hex

Suzanne  Johnson
“I thought you hated wizards,” I said.
“I do.”
He kissed me again”
Suzanne Johnson, Frenchman Street

Suzanne  Johnson
“Once you’ve been on this earth a bit longer, you’ll accept that you can’t save everyone.”
Suzanne Johnson, Frenchman Street

Tabi Slick
“What if she was the answer I’d been needing this whole time? She’d already said that we’d talk when I figured out what I wanted. I knew that now. I wanted out.”
Tabi Slick, Tompkin's School: For The Resurrected

T.J. Deschamps
“No one expects to run into a hellhound on their pre-dawn run in the Seattle suburbs, not even me, and I’ve had a long history with the stinky mutts and their master.”
T.J. Deschamps, Eastside Hedge Witch

T.J. Green
“I sometimes feel the weight of previous lives, especially when I’m reading the tarot. It’s as if other eyes are seeing through mine, and passing their knowledge on to me.”
TJ Green

Suzanne  Johnson
“I’d been born on Mardi Gras; I hoped I didn’t die on it as well.”
Suzanne Johnson, Frenchman Street

Suzanne  Johnson
“We should easily be home by eleven. Unless, of course, we were dead.”
Suzanne Johnson, Frenchman Street

Suzanne  Johnson
“How come I’m always shopping for chicks and babies?”
Suzanne Johnson, Frenchman Street

A.E. Lowan
“No, I’m going to see this man for myself. Make sure he’s acceptable.”
What was Etienne’s idea of acceptable?
Etienne reached the heavily carved front door before Cian and before Winter was even halfway down the right side of the sweeping staircase. He pulled the door open and there stood Alerich—low, black boots; tight, black jeans; a midnight-blue silk shirt that brought out his gorgeous eyes; and his tailored, black leather jacket. Behind him in the circle drive was a red sports car of the sort to give young men palpitations. He gave Etienne a pleasant smile. Etienne frowned. Hard. “Oh, hell no.” And with that, he slammed the door shut.”
A.E. Lowan, Ties of Blood and Bone: The Second Book of Binding

Tabi Slick
“A war is coming and when it does, I will not stand by and watch history repeat itself.”
Tabi Slick, Tompkin's School: For The Resurrected

Tabi Slick
“I squashed the little voice of doubt telling me I shouldn’t go back to the library. I couldn’t let my fear stop me from finding a way to save everyone I loved.”
Tabi Slick, Tompkin's School: For The Resurrected

Tabi Slick
“Just what I needed. Another problem to fix. As if Izzy not understanding that resurrecting Credan was the worst idea ever wasn’t bad enough? How could she not realize this?”
Tabi Slick, Tompkin's School: For The Resurrected

Tabi Slick
“My throat tightened as I choked back a sob. I didn’t want to let this part of me in. The part of me that realized I was a monster and that maybe I was too far gone to be saved.”
Tabi Slick, Tompkin's School: For The Resurrected

Evelyn Klebert
“Yes, unfortunately in our modern culture we’ve neglected our spiritual health. When our spirit, with its stores of energy,
becomes ill, so to speak, from the way we live, the choices we make; When we actually damage our spirit, it bleeds and is vulnerable to these creatures feeding on it.”
“How horrible.”
“Yes, and once they find a weakness, they seldom leave until it’s repaired.”
Evelyn Klebert, The House at Pritchard Place

Lali A.  Love
“Only fear clung to them like a darkened hearth shadow. Or like a damp smell on their skin that they couldn't get rid of, no matter how much they scrubbed and cleaned themselves.”
Lali A. Love, The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance

Lali A.  Love
“However, the darkness wasn’t completely gone; it kept whispering in her ear at night in a sinister and debilitating way. Until Jo could figure out what was transpiring in her subconscious mind, she could not confide in anyone. How would she be able to articulate the unexplained? Was she doomed to the genetic disposition of her bloodline curse?”
Lali A. Love, The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance

Lali A.  Love
“The Victorian grey and black stone building had been filled with a combination of exquisite stonework and gumdrop. This exterior finish had an ominous feel to it, with its construction dating back to the early 1900s.”
Lali A. Love, The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance

Lali A.  Love
“It took her all her energy to sit up on her bed and take a couple of bong hits before deciding which mask to wear for the outside world.”
Lali A. Love, The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance

“I was floating, lost between the worlds. The familiar pull of dread took hold of me once again. Looming archetypal shadows lingered on the edge of my mind, crushing me beneath the sorrow.”
Lali A. Love, Blade of Truth

Thea Harrison
“A werewolf, a Vampyre, and a gryphon walk into a bar, and what do they get? They get anything they want.”
Thea Harrison, The Adversary

Inka York
“For the love of God, Violet,” Eden whispers. “Will you stop baiting the hag?”
Inka York, From Tangled Roots Come Twisted Wings

Melodie Ramone
“Brimfield stood before him with all its majesty, welcoming him into the drafty recesses of its embrace. Sometimes home seemed too large, like it was a place where someone could scream and never be heard.”
Melodie Ramone, Falls the Breath

Melodie Ramone
“The library was glowing with lamplight, wintergreen and red mingling with the stormy darkness cast through the curtain wall. From down here, the clouds whirled higher above him, white and grey under a canopy of black. Tornado weather, he thought, and the wind howled rhythmically inside the empty fireplace.”
Melodie Ramone, Falls the Breath

Melodie Ramone
“The greatest journeys didn’t arrive on smooth breezes. They swept in on gales that brought crashing thunder and torrents of barbwire rain.”
Melodie Ramone, Falls the Breath

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