
Pan Africanism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pan-africanism" Showing 1-29 of 29
“History is not everything, but it is a starting point. History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day. It is a compass they use to find themselves on the map of human geography. It tells them where they are, but more importantly, what they must be.”
John Henrik Clarke

“I still worry about Africa, we are slaves to western and Eastern Brands and we do not cherish and love our own. We are not even in charge of our economies because we depend heavily on what happens in the East or West, Worse-off we still judge each other based on skin color because those from Northern Africa and even some in East Africa believe that they are not Africans and they do not integrate with the darker Africans. For centuries we are still being victimized by other races from other continents, because they despise our dark skin and think that we are lesser than them..
Xenophobia still lingers and some have the cold heart to kill their black African brothers and sisters and yet the people who owe them reparation and economic freedom are originally from the western countries. We still are held captive by our governments , who abuse our resources only to feed their pockets at the expense our crumbling nations. Why should we continue to suffer when we can apply Pan Africanism and Rise above the Western and Eastern Countries, but sadly we do not because we are not united.. Africa must unite to solve its problems,
Happy Africa Day”
Tare Munzara

Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
“Embrace the human race”
Thabiso Monkoe, The Azanian

Walter Rodney
“There were a few farsighted Europeans who all along saw that the colonial educational system would serve them if and when political independence was regained in Africa.

For instance, Pierre Foncin, a founder of the Alliance Francaise, stated at the beginning of this century that "it is necessary to attach the colonies to the metropolis by a very solid psychological bond, against the day when their progressive emancipation ends in a federation as is probable that they be and they remain French in language, thought and spirit.”
Walter Rodney, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
“If you live in a country ruled by criminals, you'll find it difficult to live in peace and find justice”
Thabiso Monkoe, The Azanian

Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
“When someone deprives you of your history deprives you of your future”
Thabiso Monkoe, The Azanian

Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
“The Apartheid system has systematically infiltrated the struggle and eliminating our heroes, and chose their own preferred candidates to lead us”
Thabiso Monkoe, The Azanian

“I've been looking for Africa allover the world, but forgot to look within me.”
Thabiso Monkoe

Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
“The reason why lions hunt successfully as a pride, is reason enough for Africans to unite.”
Thabiso Daniel Monkoe, The Azanian

“I wish to make it clear again that we are anti-nobody. We are pro-Africa. We breathe, we dream, we live Africa because Africa and humanity are inseparable.”
Robert Sobukwe

Julius Nyerere
“And just as, in the First Scramble for Africa, one tribe was divided against another tribe to make the division of Africa easier, in the Second Scramble for Africa one nation is going to be divided against another nation to make it easier to control Africa by making her weak and divided against herself”
Julius Nyerere

Kwame Nkrumah
“The traditional face of Africa includes an attitude towards man which can only be described, in its social manifestation, as being socialist. This arises from the fact that man is regarded in Africa as primarily a spiritual being, a being endowed originally with a certain inward dignity, integrity, and value. It stands refreshingly opposed to the Christian idea of the original sin and degradation of man.”
Kwame Nkrumah, Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for De-Colonization and Development with Particular Reference to the African Development

Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
“At the end of every race you'll find the human race”
Thabiso Monkoe, The Azanian

Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
“The highest form of consciousness is self-consciousness”
Thabiso Monkoe, The Azanian

Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
“Once upon a time..They came from Europe, yielding swords, they robbed, raped, conquered Africa , and gave us The Ten Commandments.”
Thabiso Monkoe, The Azanian

Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
“Being landless means being subjected to endless poverty.”
Thabiso Daniel Monkoe, The Azanian

Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
“I've been searching for Africa allover the world, but forgot to look within me .”
Thabiso Daniel Monkoe, The Azanian

Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
“I once dreamt of Africa.”
Thabiso Daniel Monkoe, The Azanian

Kwame Nkrumah
“Socialism in Africa today tends to lose its objective content in favor of a distracting terminology and in favor of a general confusion. Discussion centers more on the various conceivable types of socialism than upon the need for socialist development.”
Kwame Nkrumah, Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for De-Colonization and Development with Particular Reference to the African Development

“South Sudan Here Is The Plan! One Tribe, One Clan! One Mission, Cannot Be Done By One Man! It Takes A Collective Vision! Spread Love! Stay Driven! Support One Another, Take Care Of Each Other Look Out For Your Father, Mother, Sister, And, Brother That’s The Game!

We All Watch The Throne, No Tribes We Are All The Same! We Are All Kings! We Are All Queens! South Sudanese What’s Fame? So Much Chaos Together Will Fix The System One Day!

The Youth By Now You All Should Say You Had It With This Nonsense! You Are The Politicians, When It Comes To Speaking Out On Behave Of Our Truth We Have No Comments! When Comes To Ideas We Are The Keys To Heaven We Are The Promise!

Let’s Be Honest We Are The Ballers, We Are The Lawyers , We Are The Doctors! We Are The Artist! We Are The Scholars! Even Though We Are Blessed! Life Tested Us! Our Ancestors Warned Us The Book Of Exodus They Left Us A Message The Truth Is With The Youth!”
Mandela Lugor

“The Enemies Of Africa Are Africans, But The Worst Enemies Of Africa Are The Financiers Of African Enemies.”
Ndagire K Fredrick

“The Only Achievement I Achieved Before I Was Born Was To Be Born Black.”
Ndagire K Fredrick

“Africa Is Not Only My Homeland, But My Heaven As Well”
Ndagire K Fredrick

“Patriotism Is Not Taught To Learn But A Feeling One Owns Naturally.”
Ndagire K Fredrick

“If You Can't Inform Her, Inform Him. But In The End All Africans Must Be Informed About Our Struggle.”
Ndagire K Fredrick

“A Corrupt Man Understands In Privacy But A Genius Man Understands In Public.”
Ndagire K Fredrick

“Life Is Nothing But A Clock That Counts Forward Every Second.”
Ndagire K Fredrick

“There's No Bad Idea, There's No Good Idea, It's Always Thinking That Makes An Idea Good Or Bad.”
Ndagire K Fredrick

“Africa Must Transform From The Era Of "Yes To Everything" To An Era Of "Why To Everything" Why To Religion? Education? Democracy? WHY....?”
Ndagire K Fredrick