Nazi Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nazi" Showing 31-60 of 146
A.R. Moxon
“Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed.

That word is "Nazi." Nobody cares about their motives anymore.”
A.R. Moxon

Johann Chapoutot
“What was truly specific to Nazi architecture was its crushing monumentality, which aimed to herd the people and overwhelm or stun the subjected masses, as Speer later realized. The gigantism that characterized Nazi architecture seemed to aim to crush the individual and bear down upon the people through its disproportionate size, compressing them into a compact mass so that every interstitial space that distanced or differentiated one person from another disappeared into the greater whole of an organic totalitarian entity. The political space of the democratic agon, a space "paradoxically linked to division," was destroyed. Nazi architecture created sites for the fusion of the masses and for compressing them into a single, unified subject. It was stagecraft in granite, the physical orchestration of a new type of rapport between the individual and the state in terms of the mass, whether the compact mass of stone or the more malleable mass of humanity that, gathered into columns, made the pillars and lines of this architecture even more monumental.”
Johann Chapoutot, Ο εθνικοσοσιαλισμός και η αρχαιότητα

Steven Magee
“Modern corporate controlled governments are making Adolf Hitler look like an amateur.”
Steven Magee

Anthony Doerr
“I am quite gifted at waiting,” von Rumpel says in French. “It is my one great skill. I was never much good at athletics or mathematics, but even as a boy, I possessed unnatural patience. I would wait with my mother while she got her hair styled. I would sit in the chair and wait for hours, no magazine, no toys, not even swinging my legs back and forth. All the mothers were very impressed.”
Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Steven Magee
“By 2020 I regarded the USA government as an evil Nazi dictatorship.”
Steven Magee

“The Patriot Act, signed by President George Bush, is the American version of The Enabling Act which was signed by German President, Paul von Hindenburg.”
James Thomas Kesterson Jr

John T. Flynn
“The destruction of representative government and private capitalism of the old school was complete when Hitler came to power. He had contributed mightily to the final result by his ceaseless labors to create chaos. But when he stepped into the chancellery all the ingredients of national socialist dictatorship were there ready to his hand…

The aim in which Bismarck had failed was accomplished almost at a stroke in the Weimar Constitution – the subordination of the individual states to the federal state. The old imperial state had to depend on the constituent states to provide it with a part of its funds. Now this was altered, and the central government of the republic became the great imposer and collector of taxes, paying to the states each a share. Slowly the central government absorbed the powers of the states. The problems of business groups and social groups were all brought to Berlin. The republican Reichstag, unlike its imperial predecessor, was now charged with the vast duty of managing almost every energy of the social and economic life of the republic. German states were always filled with bureaus, so that long before World War I travelers referred to the ‘bureaucratic tyrannies’ of the empire. But now the bureaus became great centralized organisms of the federal government dealing with the multitude of problems which the Reichstag as completely incapable of handling. Quickly, the actual function of governing leaked out of the parliament into the hands of the bureaucrats. The German republic became a paradise of bureaucracy on a scale which the old imperial government never knew. The state, with its powers enhanced by the acquisition of immense economic powers and those powers brought to the center of government and lodged in the executive, was slowly becoming, notwithstanding its republican appearance, a totalitarian state that was almost unlimited in its powers.”
John T. Flynn, As We Go Marching: A Biting Indictment of the Coming of Domestic Fascism in America

Steven Magee
“There are too many similarities between President Trump and Adolf Hitler for my liking.”
Steven Magee

Julie Orringer
“Varian had to remind himself that these were not merely political ciphers, nor scrawled signatures, nor ghostly photographic images; they were human beings, real men and women whose genius placed them at risk, who were in peril, in concentration camps, in hiding, or worse, living in plain view, ignorant to the threat of their own lives.”
Julie Orringer

Steven Magee
“President Trump appears to be repeating the mistakes of Adolf Hitler.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“For me, participating in the Pledge of Allegiance is akin to performing a Nazi salute, and that is why I never do it.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When it comes to the disabled, the USA is not much better than Adolf Hitlers Nazi Germany.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“For the disabled, the USA is well along the path to being a clone of Nazi Germany.”
Steven Magee

“Whereas the pagans of yore groped after mystery in all the strange beauty of the world, the pagans of the 20th century, having supplanted nature with factories, saw the glimmer of the transcendental only in themselves. Hence, their longing for mystery—union in one sacred body, absolute order, and submission to an omnipotent lord—was manifested in an obscene eidolon palpable, for instance, in the Nazi motto, 'ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer.”
Michael Shindler

“What distinguished Nazi racism was more the power to act on it than the values behind it.”
Robert H. Wiebe, Who We Are: A History of Popular Nationalism.

Carl von Ossietzky
“Anti-Semitism is akin to nationalism and its best ally. They are of a kind because a nation that, without territory or state power, has wandered through two thousand years of world history is a living refutation of the whole nationalist ideology that derives the concept of a nation exclusively from factors of power politics. Anti-Semitism has never had roots among workers. It has always been a middle-class and small-peasant affair. Today, when these classes face their greatest crisis, it has become to them a kind of religion, or at least a substitute for religion. Nationalism and anti-Semitism dominate the German domestic political picture. They are the barred organs of fascism, whose pseudo-revolutionary shrieks drown out the softer tremolo of social reaction.”
Carl von Ossietzky

Carl von Ossietzky
“Today there is a strong smell of blood in the air. Literary anti-Semitism forges the moral weapon for murder. Sturdy and honest lads will take care of the rest.”
Carl von Ossietzky

Steven Magee
“The USA took a Nazi bombing project and turned it into NASA.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I do not see much difference between the USA government in 2020 and Adolf Hitler’s evil Nazi regime.”
Steven Magee

Milton Sanford Mayer
“In 1936 or 1937 each of the Kronenberg detectives was openly assigned to a local church as observer, to report on the "loyalty" of the sermons. In addition this the detectives were not supposed to know, but they did - there was a Gestapo agent assigned to report on the fidelity of the detective's report. One day, at the height of the Church-Party struggle, Hofmeister was ordered to inform Pastor Faber, whose sermons he reported, that he must not read the pastoral letter sent out by the Protestant bishops to be read from the pulpits on the following Sunday.

To Policeman Hofmeister's horror, Pastor Faber coldly told him that the Church, not the State, would decide what was to be read from the pulpit. Hofmeister tried to "reason" (he puts it this way, fifteen years later) with the clergyman and told him that there would be a Gestapo agent present and that they would both, Faber and Hofmeister, get into trouble if the pastoral letter were read. Faber said that Hofmeister would have to look out for himself, and rose, ending the interview.

To my amazement, Hofmeister, who had by no means been an ardent Nazi, still, fifteen years later, resented the pastor's defiance of the "law," that is, of the authorities. He no more admired Faber's heroism - the letter was read from the pulpit - now than then. He himself, Hofmeister, had violated the "law," that is, what his superiors told him to do, by revealing to the pastor that there would be a Gestapo man present, and the pastor was willing to jeopardize an innocent man along with himself. "It was like a slap in the face/' said Hofmeister, and I saw that even the policeman might have a hard time of it in the police state.”
Milton Sanford Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-45

Adam Weishaupt
“We have absolutely no time for the monsters who try to defend Yahweh’s order to Abraham to kill his son, or Abraham’s agreement to do so. He was free to choose what was right or to “obey orders” like a Nazi. Like the Nazis, he was afraid (rightly) that his “God” would kill him if he refused. But the Nuremberg Trials showed contempt for the only-obeying-orders position, and we hold it in contempt too.”
Adam Weishaupt, Abraham: The World's First Psychopath

Cynthia Sally Haggard
“A sudden change took place. From lying back in her seat wreathed in her own thoughts, which often gave her an otherworldly quality, Grace actually raised her head, and looked straight at him for the first time.
--Farewell My Life: Buona Notte Vita Mia”
Cynthia Sally Haggard, Farewell My Life: Buona Notte Vita Mia

“Something you never hear neoNazi proudboy Qanons say?..."I'm a liberal.”
realAnonymous @AnonymousXgHOST Anonymous Ghost

“The effect you have on others who lie to themselves in support of their own [trump right-wing ideology] is the most valuable currency of this GOPQ epoch...”
realAnonymous @AnonymousXgHOST Anonymous Ghost

Abhijit Naskar
“You vilify Hitler yet glorify Buckingham Palace, when the atrocities of the palace far outweigh the atrocities of Hitler. If Adolf Hitler was a manifestation of the worst of human nature, so was, and still greatly is, Britain, that is, the monarchy and its loyal, spineless subjects.”
Abhijit Naskar, Heart Force One: Need No Gun to Defend Society

Abhijit Naskar
“You vilify Hitler yet glorify Buckingham Palace, when the atrocities of the palace far outweigh the atrocities of Hitler.”
Abhijit Naskar, Heart Force One: Need No Gun to Defend Society

Abhijit Naskar
“When you assume your nation needs no improvement, when you assume that your nation is at its absolute best, you are inadvertently burying your nation alive, for a nation that assumes self-proclaimed supremacy is the only inferior nation on earth.”
Abhijit Naskar, Generation Corazon: Nationalism is Terrorism

Isabel Wilkerson
“Do you as Germans feel any guilt for what the Germans did?’ he will ask them.
They will go off into groups and have heated discussions among themselves, and then come back to him with their thoughts.
‘Yes, we are Germans, and Germans perpetrated this,’ some students once told him, echoing what others have said. ‘And, though it wasn’t just Germans, it is the older Germans who were here who should feel guilt. We were not here. We ourselves did not do this. But we do feel that, as the younger generation, we should acknowledge and accept the responsibility. And for the generations that come after us, we should be the guardians of the truth.”
Isabel Wilkerson, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

Steven Magee
“It was clear in the 2020 election that half of Americans have the traits of President Trump.”
Steven Magee

“Paul Schneider realized that salvation lay not in the false choices of right or left, but in obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Franklin Sanders, Paul Schneider: The Witness of Buchenwald