
Motivating Quotes

Quotes tagged as "motivating" Showing 1-30 of 106
Charlotte Eriksson
“So many people will tell you ”no”, and you need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them ”watch me”. Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong. Be unstoppable. Refuse to give up, no matter what. It’s the best skill you can ever learn.”
Charlotte Eriksson

Steve  Pemberton
“Your own setbacks aren’t what they first appear to be; rather than viewing them as failures, view them as learning opportunities that are the building blocks for future preparation.”
Steve Pemberton, The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World

“Today and onwards, I stand proud, for the bridges I've climbed, for the battles I've won, and for the examples I've set, but most importantly, for the person I have become. I like who I am now, finally, at peace with me...”
Heather James, Things a Mother Should Know

Steve  Pemberton
“A different vantage point gives us new information, and with that information we can begin to change our approach.”
Steve Pemberton, The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World

Steve  Pemberton
“When a human lighthouse sees you in the midst of your storm, it points you toward safety and protection. In doing so, it also sends you and uncompromising message of belief: Yes, the situation is difficult, but you are not alone. I’m standing right here with you, and I know the way home.”
Steve Pemberton, The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World

C. Toni Graham
“Do not get discouraged. Don’t shrug off your dreams because of the setbacks. Aspirations are not like perspiration, they will not evaporate unless you allow it.”
C. Toni Graham

Steve  Pemberton
“Having uncompromising belief also means safeguarding your own spirit, defining who and what you want in your life.”
Steve Pemberton, The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World

Steve  Pemberton
“Courage is not only about finding bravery for ourselves. It is also about helping others find theirs.”
Steve Pemberton, The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World

Steve  Pemberton
“Pivoting does not mean changing your goal but rather changing your strategy to realize that goal.”
Steve Pemberton, The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World

Steve  Pemberton
“Purposeful planning is most effective when you are actively seeking and getting feedback from those whose judgement you trust and respect.”
Steve Pemberton, The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World

Steve  Pemberton
“Each day offers you an opportunity to overcome obstacles and fears in your life. Those victories, however small they appear, are significant and don’t need to be measured against or compared with those of someone else. They stand on their own as important measures of your own personal capabilities.”
Steve Pemberton, The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World

Steve  Pemberton
“Whenever we take a stand, we invite others who are siting on the sidelines to join us.”
Steve Pemberton, The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World

David Nicholls
“The true writer, the born writer, will scribble words on scraps of litter, the back of a bus tickets, on the wall of a cell.”
David Nicholls, One Day

Steve  Pemberton
“When someone we know is afraid of judgment, we can provide a safe haven for their hopes by telling them first and foremost that we are proud of their efforts.”
Steve Pemberton, The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World

Micah Sparks
“The anticipation is an essential part of this whole trip. The excitement of going, the places we'll see, the people we'll meet, that's part of the joy of this whole thing...Never forget that anticipation is an important part of life...without excitement you have nothing, you're cheating yourself if you refuse to enjoy what's coming.”
Micah Sparks, Three Weeks with My Brother

Neil Gaiman
“The shape does not change. There was a human being who was born, lived, and then, by some means or another, died. There. you may fill in the details from your own experience. As unoriginal as any other tale, as unique as any other life. Lives are like snowflakes - forming patterns we have seen before, (...) but still unique.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods

Haruki Murakami
“Está empezando un nuevo día. Quizá sea un día como los demás, o quizá sea un día relevante que, por diferentes razones, quede grabado en la memoria. En cualquier caso, por el momento, todo el mundo tiene ante sí un hoja en blanco, sin nada escrito.”
Haruki Murakami, After Dark

MaryJanice Davidson
“Delk shifted in his chair, the arrow point never wavering. "What do you want?"

"Oh, the usual.World peace, a pair of Christian Louboton heels, a perfect wedding.”
MaryJanice Davidson, Undead and Uneasy

Lisa McMann
“Because our power is motivating, and gives momentum and ownership of changes to those who dream of failure.”
Lisa McMann

Debra Borchert
“Did you know there are three palaces at Versailles? How many does one family need when thousands have no homes? I don’t approve of what those women did, but I understand why they did it. Perhaps one day, I’ll have to do something like it—to feed my son.”
Debra Borchert, Her Own Legacy

Debra Borchert
“Bakers can’t bake bread because they can’t get flour. So why do people burn wheat fields and kill bakers when it’s their fault there’s no flour?”
Debra Borchert, Her Own Legacy

Jennifer Fraser
“The line between being demanding and being demeaning is as wide as an ocean.”
Jennifer Fraser, The Bullied Brain: Heal Your Scars and Restore Your Health

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it”

Cheyenne Sioux
“With stardust on my wings, I am pure reckoning magic.”
Cheyenne Sioux, Sincerely Yours Forever, C.s.

Maria Teresa Pratico
“Hush now my child, this is all part of the grand cycle. Death and rebirth leads to soul’s revival.”
Maria Teresa Teresa Pratico, My Soul's Dance, Accepting the Shadows while Embracing the Light: Poems about Death and Rebirth

“Become all that you can, so all that you despise, never becomes all that you live by.”
Jon Weberg

“A message, like a fortune cookie, dropped into my inbox yesterday. It said: “Everything I touch sparkles, my energy is contagious & all those connected to me – wins… I can’t say for sure if it’s true, but thank you from the bottom of my heart for such sentiments.

Darling listen – I want you to also take a moment today to reach out to someone who’s been a lucky charm in your life. Send them a carrier pigeon with a Thank-You note!

Sweetheart, your vibes, energy & touch also have incredible power. Think about the people you care about & the ones whose lives you’re woven into. Are you making them feel lucky to have you around? Are your thoughts, words & actions adding sunshine to their day or leaving them feeling like they accidentally stepped into a grumpy cloud.

Let you always strive to become the person whose presence brings joy, whose thoughts inspire, whose actions make a difference. Let you make people laugh in grocery stores, dance in small gatherings & to sing in elevators.

Let your journey be meaningful & your impact undeniable. Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal

“can you name the constellations rising in the twilight of your mind?”
Elianne El-Amyouni, Quickies

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