
Morons Quotes

Quotes tagged as "morons" Showing 1-14 of 14
H.L. Mencken
“It is the natural tendency of the ignorant to believe what is not true. In order to overcome that tendency it is not sufficient to exhibit the true; it is also necessary to expose and denounce the false. To admit that the false has any standing in court, that it ought to be handled gently because millions of morons cherish it and thousands of quacks make their livings propagating it—to admit this, as the more fatuous of the reconcilers of science and religion inevitably do, is to abandon a just cause to its enemies, cravenly and without excuse.”
H.L. Mencken, American Mercury

J.D. Salinger
“They were exactly the same morons that laugh like hyenas in the movies at stuff that isn't funny. I swear to God, if I were a piano player or an actor or something and all those dopes thought I was terrific, I'd hate it. I wouldn't even want them to clap for me. People always clap for the wrong things.”
J.D. Salinger

H.L. Mencken
“Class consciousness is not one of our national diseases; we suffer, indeed, from its opposite--the delusion that class barriers are not real. That delusion reveals itself in many forms, some of them as beautiful as a glass eye. One is the Liberal doctrine that a prairie demagogue promoted to the United States Senate will instantly show all the sagacity of a Metternich ... another is the doctrine that a moron
run through a university and decorated with a Ph.D. will cease thereby to be a moron ...”
H.L. Mencken

“Had I realized while on Earth," he said, "that Hell was such a delightful place, I should have put more faith in the teachings of religion. As it was, I actually doubted its existence. A foolish error, cherie. I am pleased to say that you have converted me completely."

"I, too," observed Mr. Hamilton, helping himself to wine, "was something of an unbeliever in my time, and while never quite an atheist, like my arch-enemy Jefferson, I was still inclined to look upon Satan as merely a myth. Imagine my satisfaction to find him ruling a monarchy! You know I spent the greater part of my earthly existence fighting Mr. Jefferson and his absurd democratic ideas and now look at the damn country! Run by morons!”
Frederic Arnold Kummer, Ladies in Hades: A Story of Hell's Smart Set & Gentlemen in Hades: The Story of a Damned Debutante

Carl Hiaasen
“My father's a large man, very strong, but he says fighting is for people who can't win with their brains. He also says there are times when you've got no choice but to defend yourself from common morons.”
Carl Hiaasen

L.S. Hawker
“He's a moron being an asshole. You don't shoot people for being assholes, or the human race would be extinct.”
LS Hawker, The Drowning Game

Carl William Brown
“In Italy there are about 60 million people and we know how
high is the percentage of morons on national soil. However, in
China there are about 1.4 billion people and in India almost 1.3
billion. Therefore I wonder then, if more or less all the world is
a small village, with how many morons should we have to come
to terms on the territory of this stupid planet. It's the same the
world over, or the world is the same wherever you go!”
Carl William Brown, L'Italia in breve.

Thor Benson
“The House of Representatives truly represents America, and because of that, about a third of its members are complete fucking morons.”
Thor Benson

“Democracy, let’s face it, was never more than a disguised version of moronarchy … rule by morons.”
Joe Dixon, Dumbocalypse Now: The First Dunning-Kruger President

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The most brilliant student in class is a god and the rest are morons.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions

William Goldman
“Morons. I've got morons on my team.”
William Goldman, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: Screenplay

Dmitry Dyatlov
“[in response to the idiotic Mike Brady Ted talk] OF COURSE immigrants are unemployable!!! Didn't they tell you? We win LOTTERIES! to come to this shithole.”
Dmitry Dyatlov

H.A. Wills
“I’m serious,” Donovan grunts, throwing the crumpled ball at Nolan. “Even if they succeeded, they were fucked. Two teenage rich kids running away to do what? Become farmers? They had servants that did everything for them. They wouldn’t have lasted a week.”

Kaleb sighs from the other side of Connor. “That’s not the point of the play. It’s a commentary on values and what you have to lose when you let petty things get in the way of what truly matters, your family and loved ones.”
H.A. Wills, Bound Spirit

Steven Magee
“If you are looking for a profession that is filled with morons, look no further than the police.”
Steven Magee