
Morgan Quotes

Quotes tagged as "morgan" Showing 1-30 of 30
Ally Carter
“I wanted to pull away, remind him that I was a big girl, a highly trained operative, a spy - that I'd been training for this mission my entire life, and I wasn't going to be left on the sidelines. But in the dim space with Zach pressed tightly against me, only one thought came to mind. I kissed him - longer and deeper than I ever had before. The school was not watching us this time. There was nothing playful in the tone. We were just two people kissing as if for the first time, as if it might be the last.

And then I broke away. "So," I asked, as if I got kissed like that all the time (which, believe me, I don't), "where is it you're taking me again?"

"The tombs.”
Ally Carter

Teresa Medeiros
“Princess,” he whispered against her ear. “My beautiful, beautiful princess. I want to spoil you. Pamper you. Indulge you.”
Teresa Medeiros, A Whisper of Roses

T.J. Klune
“Because you love me,” I said, sounding smug.
“More like you grew on me,” he said. “Like fungus.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart

T.J. Klune
“I like your shoes,” I said. Because I did. They were pink and pointed, and I wanted a pair like that so bad. My mom and dad groaned. Morgan looked at me and cocked his head.
“Thank you, little one. I made them out of the tears of a succubus and a lightning-struck tree stump I found under the Winter Moon. I like your face.”
I grinned. “Thank you, big one. My parents made it when they got married. I was a honeymoon baby, whatever that means.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart

Jeff Lindsay
“And as we should all know by now, anytime you predict failure you have an excellent chance of being right.”
Jeff Lindsay, Dexter by Design

Jim Butcher
“Empty knight, Harry! Morgan? Morgan? What's wrong with your head?" Thomas shrugged.

"I don't think he did it."

Morgan wouldn't cross the street to piss on you if you were on fire!" Thomas growled, "He's finally getting his comeuppance. Why should you lift a finger?”
Jim Butcher, Turn Coat

“—Además, si haces siempre lo que crees que la gente espera de ti, terminaras por dejar de ser tú mismo.”
Nut, Juegos de seducción 1
tags: morgan

“—¿Y cuando ese amor nunca fue correspondido? —preguntó y esta vez sus párpados se cerraron por completo.
—Seguimos adelante —susurró—. Siempre seguimos adelante.”
Nut, Confrontación
tags: morgan

T.J. Klune
“I’m about to hug the crap out of you,” I warned him. “Like, full-on feelings hug where it goes on for a bit too long and becomes slightly awkward and we both clear our throats and shuffle our feet when it’s over.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart
tags: morgan, sam

Cate Tiernan
“Don't say I never gave you anything," he said. " I gave you the stars. Good night, little sister.”
Cate Tiernan, Changeling

“Serenity barely heard the last of his words as he made his way out of the cabin. Instead, her attention was on the quick, clean strokes of Morgan’s writing. It amazed her that a pirate would be literate. Especially one sold so young to the sea.

She broke the seal.

I feel like a weed in the midst of Winter. ’Tis the sunshine of your smile that will bring back the Spring of my days. We arrive in four days. I hope you will grace me again with your presence.


She traced the flowing letters with the tip of her finger and couldn’t suppress a smile. A poetic pirate no less. Who would have thought?”
Kinley MacGregor, A Pirate of Her Own

Chloe Neill
“Morgan threw tantrums that would impress a two-year-old.”
Chloe Neill, Biting Cold

“Being depressed means you are trying to see a colorful world through gray filtered eyes”
Chris Morgan

Michael Siemsen
“She spoke throught her teeth. "Almost, dear. What were the real words you used? The bad words. It's okay to say them again, just this once."
I shrugged, "fine. I said'. . . just 'cause Daddy wants you to suck on his ding-a-ling.”
Michael Siemsen, A Warm Place to Call Home

Victoria Lynne
“He ran his knuckles over her cheek as their gazes met and held. So much. He had been given so much.
The sound of their daughters’ high-pitched laughter drew their gazes away from each other nd toward their children. The girls came running toward them, breathless and excited. Their hair was messed in tousled disarray, their gowns were smeared with dirt, their skin was flushed and rosy. They leaped onto the blanket, tumbling over each other like exuberant puppies as they wrapped their chubby arms about his neck. “Papa, Papa, we want a new game!”
Morgan thought for a moment, overcome with a profound sense of gratitude.
Of all he had been given, perhaps the most significant gift was a deep reverence for life, with all its pain and all its glory. Every loss had meaning. And every day was a new
reason for celebration.”
Victoria Lynne, With this Kiss

Morgan   Parker
“I think sometimes the stars align whether we want them to or not. And we're drawn to certain people and places for no other reason than...Destiny”
Morgan Parker, Non Friction

T.J. Klune
“You told him, huh? Through your secret wizarding network that you still haven’t told me about.”
“It’s called a letter in the mail,” he said.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart
tags: morgan, sam

T.J. Klune
“Underground cock fighting?” I was horrified. “I would never do that to roosters,” I said. He winked at me. “I wasn’t talking about roosters.”
I threw up a little in my mouth. “I just learned something new. I never want to hear the word cock come out of your mouth again.”
“Because you’d rather just have cock come in your mouth instead?”
“Wow,” I whispered reverently. “That… Morgan. That was a thing of beauty. And so disgusting, coming from you. What the hell. Thank you for subjecting me to that. And I hate you.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart
tags: morgan, sam

Morgan   Parker
“That sounds like love. Not being able to exist with the person you love. When you're spirit breaks and the physical world lacks any relevance.”
Morgan Parker, Non Friction

“Books are like friends you can never put them down no matter how much you hate it...”
tags: morgan

“Books are like candy some can be sweet some can be sour, but no you cannot eat them”
tags: morgan

Lynn Kurland
“Why did you enter Gobhann?"
"I already told you."
"I know what you told me", she said impatiently. "I want to know the real reason."
He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, then reached for her plate. He set it down on the floor with his, then pulled her close and put his mouth against her ear.
"I went inside Gobhann because I wanted you to come out of the dark. With me. Because I love you. Because you were made for more than life in that dreadful place." He sat back. "There. All the reasons."
"But the price you paid --"
"Was worth it," he finished without hesitation. "You, Morgan of Melksham, were worth that price." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Don't you think?”
Lynn Kurland

T.J. Klune
“Most people like hair,” Morgan said. “His is curly and dreamy. Now shut up.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart
tags: morgan

T.J. Klune
“That was a thing of beauty. And so disgusting, coming from you. What the hell. Thank you for subjecting me to that. And I hate you.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart

Alexia D. Miller
“My goodness. Humans are quite noisy, aren't they?" A voice called as Morgan's eyes were drawn to the large brown circles blinking back at him, floating in midair. "These two also don't seem to have a very good sense of judgement either. So quick to pick a fight rather than showing kindness. Such a shame. What wasted potential." The voice filled the air as the silhouette bobbed into view again. It slowly took on a human-like shape.”
Alexia D. Miller, Crystal Storm: Battleground

Morgan   Parker
“For you, you have a toolbox filled with words. If one doesn't work, you find another one. Or another one. Or another. You change your words like most people change mobile phones. There is no permanence, no commitment, nothing sexy about any word that you use. And that's what I am: I'm your words, Morgan.”
Morgan Parker, Non Friction

“Thomas Edison was no an inventor but a very evil wealthy man with connections to the most wealthy Americans. He killed animals in order to demonize Nikola Tesla, the greatest inventor in human history. However, you will never learn about Tesla in any school system because he never wanted to be wealthy and his inventions were for the purpose of helping mankind. When JP Morgan, one of the most evil wealthy men in America, found out that Tesla wanted to give every human in the world free electricity, he stopped paying him and destroyed his invention to supply that free electricity. This is why you'll never learn about Tesla in the public school system.”
James Thomas Kesterson Jr

Sam   Hall
“For the love of god, will you shut up?" I said, but without any real heat. For Australians, verbal abuse is our love language.”
Sam Hall, Fighting Monsters: Part One

Lioness DeWinter
“Tis nothing holy about being a bigot.”
Lioness DeWinter, Corinthians

K.M. Shea
“Oh,” Hunter said, his voice going awkward. (Ladies, the best way to get a guy off a topic is to start talking about your feelings. Remember that.) “Um, your friend is a—,” he started.”
K.M. Shea, Vampires Drink Tomato Juice