
Mindset Change Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mindset-change" Showing 1-21 of 21
Germany Kent
“It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”
Germany Kent
tags: abundant-thinking, acceptance-of-oneself, acceptance-quotes, accepting-yourself, affirmation, affirmation-and-attitude, attitude-of-gratitude, award-winning-authors, be-grateful-for-being-alive, be-grateful-for-what-you-have, be-grateful-for-your-blessings, be-grateful-for-your-life, be-grateful-in-life, be-grateful-with-your-life, be-thankful, be-thankful-for-each-day, be-thankful-for-what-you-have, be-thankful-to-be-alive, be-you, be-yourself, be-yourself-inspirational, be-yourself-original, be-yourself-quotes, begin-to-take-note, best-selling-authors, body-mind-spirit, content, contentment, contentment-and-attitude, contentment-quotes, correct-path, correct-your-errors, correct-your-mistakes, enough, enough-said, fact, facts-of-life, facts-wisdom, find-yourself, finding-oneself, finding-your-way, finding-yourself, food-for-thought, fulfillment, funny-thing-about-life, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, grateful-attitude, grateful-heart, grateful-outlook, grateful-person, grateful-quotes, grateful-soul, grateful-thinking, gratefulness, gratefulness-quotes, gratitude, gratitude-happiness-inner-peace, gratitude-is-a-choice, gratitude-life-happiness-success, gratitude-mind, gratitude-quotes, gratitude-works, gratitudes, happiness, having-enough, heal, healing-the-past, healthy-habits, healthy-lifestyle, healthy-living, hope-guru, inner-peace, keys-to-success, knowing-oneself, knowledge-wisdom, life, life-and-living, life-and-living-insight, life-and-living-life-philosophy, life-changing, life-choices, life-lessons, life-lessons-quotes, life-philosophy, life-quotes, life-quotes-and-sayings, love-your-life, love-yourself, love-yourself-deeply, love-yourself-first, love-yourself-quote, love-yourself-quotes, love-yourself-unconditionally, mentality, mind-body-soul, mind-body-spirit, mind-body-spirit-authors, mindfulness, mindset, mindset-change, mindset-positive, motivate, motivational-guru, motivational-inspirational, motivational-speaker, motivational-speakers, not-enough, personal-development, personal-growth, perspective, point-taken, positive-attitude, positive-attitude-quotes, positive-energy, positive-living, positive-thinking, positivity, power-of-positive-thinking, power-of-positivity, powerful, real-talk, reality, reality-of-life, reality-of-things, reality-quotes, resilience, respect, respect-quotes, respect-yourself, respecting-yourself, self-help-authors, success, success-self-improvement, success-tips, successful-people, take-note, thankful, thankful-attitude, the-hope-guru, thinking, thinking-for-change, thinking-process, thinking-quotes, transformation, transformation-quotes, transformational, transformational-authors, transformational-speakers, trust-yourself, truth, truth-of-life, truth-quotes-honesty-quotes, truths, wise-sayings-inspiration, wise-words, wise-words-inner-strength, word-to-the-wise

“Life has a tendency to provide a person with what they need in order to grow. Our beliefs, what we value in life, provide the roadmap for the type of life that we experience. A period of personal unhappiness reveals that our values are misplaced and we are on the wrong path. Unless a person changes their values and ideas, they will continue to experience discontentment.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“The ego might resist change until a person’s level of discomfort becomes unbearable. A person can employ logic to overcome the ego’s defense mechanism and intentionally integrate needed revisions in a person’s obsolete or ineffective beliefs and behavior patterns. The subtle sense that something is amiss in a person’s life can lead to a gradual or quick alteration in a person’s conscious thoughts and outlook on life. Resisting change can prolong unhappiness whereas implementing change can establish internal harmony and instate joy in a person’s life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Germany Kent
“Your words control your life, your progress, your results, even your mental and physical health. You cannot talk like a failure and expect to be successful.”
Germany Kent

“Critics are important. They give us the reasons, knowingly or unknowingly, not to fall, slumber or deviate from our true purpose . If only you would see, understand and appreciate the real lessons your critics teach you with a calm heart, you would know and understand that your critics are nothing but great facilitators to help you get to your vision and true purpose diligently and distinctively.”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“so far as you continue to entertain what makes you unhappy, you shall always dance to the tune of what will make you unhappy. A mindset change can cause a great change.”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Federico  Navarrete
“The only person who can transform your life is the one you see every day in the mirror. Be you the one who shapes your own destiny.”
Federico Navarrete, Timeless Stories of El Salvador: The Beginning

“Conscious discipline creates control and clarity to act intentionally.”
Tony Dovale

Stephanie Lahart
“Your attitude can either be your best friend who has your best interest at heart or your worst enemy who wants to see you fail, destroy your life, and be miserably unhappy. It’s imperative that you check your attitude. Make sure that your attitude is working for you, not against you. There’s limitless value in having a positive, empowered, and optimistic attitude! Choose wisely which attitude you give life to.”
Stephanie Lahart

“If your mindset is defeated, the results will be the same no matter how often you put up a physical fight”
Mac Duke The Strategist

Mary Vraa
“Our habit to accumulate and to cling to clutter is often representative of practices we've adopted to protect or sooth ourselves.”
Mary Vraa, PopUpPurge(TM) Release Midlife Clutter & Reclaim Inner Clarity

“Most people believe losing everything is the end...I say it is a new beginning.”
Brent Cassity

“When some tech or design issues comes up, it annoys me but I recognize that tech and design are part of being a professional writer, so I embrace the suck for the greater good.”
Mike Cernovich, Gorilla Mindset

Brandon Turner
“Financial responsibility is a mindset before it is an action. Therefore, if you can change a mindset, the actions follow almost naturally.”
Brandon Turner, How to Invest in Real Estate: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Getting Started

Frank  Sonnenberg
“If you look for problems hard enough, you’re bound to find one.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

“Will you do whatever is necessary to remain attentive to creating a different money mindset, or will you be content to let time get away from you, along with your dreams of financial independence?”
Elle Sommer, Reboot Your Money Mindset: Surprising Strategies For Mastering Wealth

Germany Kent
“To rise out of poverty you must change your way of thinking. You can’t live in abundance with impoverished thoughts.”
Germany Kent

“Your Brain Gains Satiety From What You Feed It Daily, And It Multiplies It More.
So Feed It Right!”
Mike Ssendikwanawa

“People can steal your skills and your knowledge, but they won't be able to steal your mindset and character. The investment in a growth mindset and good character is the foundation of true wealth.”
Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo

“All trials and tests we go through in life, do one or two things; either to make us bitter soul or better Individual. The determination that helps one be better, is making the right choices, and willingness to change.
The choice to stay a victim or become a victor, totally lies in your hands.
ACT LIKE YOU ALREADY WON-The Mindset of Successful People. (When Relationships Turn Sour-Turn Lemons Into Lemonade 17/pg185)”
MILLICENT OLAGHERE, ACT LIKE YOU ALREADY WON: The Mindset of Successful People; Diminish Your Fears Now.