
Mason Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mason" Showing 1-30 of 35
Richelle Mead
“Belikov is a sick, evil man who should be thrown into a pit of rabid vipers for the great offense he commited against you this morning."
"Thank you." I said primly. Then, I considered. "Can vipers be rabid?"
"I don't see why not. Everything can be. I think. Canadian geese might be worse than vipers, though."
"Canadian geese are deadlier than vipers?"
"You ever try to feed those little bastards? They're vicious. You get thrown to vipers, you die quickly. But the geese? That'll go on for days. More suffering."
"Wow. I don't know whether I should be impressed or frightened that you've thought about all of this.”
Richelle Mead, Frostbite

Richelle Mead
“A pale, slightly luminescent form materialized in front of us. Mason. He looked the same as ever-or did he? The usual sadness was there, but I could see something else, something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. Panic? Frustration? I could have almost sworn it was fear, but honestly, what would a ghost have to be afraid of.
"What's wrong?" asked Dimitri.
"Do you see him?" I whispered.
Dimitri followed my gaze. "See who?"
Mason's troubled expression grew darker. I might not have been able to adequately identify it, but I knew it wasn't anything good. The nauseous feeling within me intensified, but somehow, I knew it had nothing to do with him.
"Rose...we should go back..." said Dimitri carefully. He still wasn't on board with me seeing ghosts.
But I didn't move. Mason's face was saying something else to me-or trying to. There was something here, something important that I needed to know. But he couldn't communicate it.
"What?" I asked. "What is it?"
A look of frustration crossed his face. He pointed off behind me, the dropped his hand.
"Tell me," I said, my frustration mirroring his. Dimitri was looking back and forth between me and Mason, though mason was probably only and empty space to him.
I was too fixated on Mason to worry what Dimitri might think. There was something here. Something big. Mason opened his mouth, wanting to speak as in previous times but still unable to get the words out. Except, this time, after several agonizing seconds, he managed it. The words were nearly inaudible.
Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

Richelle Mead
“I'm just confused. I can't read your signals. One moment you're hot, the next you're cold. You tell me you want me, you tell me you don't. If you picked one, that'd be fine, but you keep making me think one thing and then you end up going in a completely different direction. Not just now—all the time.”
Richelle Mead, Frostbite
tags: mason

Richelle Mead
“Can you ever get off for good behavior?" he joked.
I gave him what I hoped was a seductive smile as I found my seat. "Sure," I called over my shoulder. "If I was ever good.”
Richelle Mead

Richelle Mead
“Twice in one day?" I asked. "And how'd you even get up here?”
He flashed his easy smile. "Someone put a lit match in one of the bathroom's garbage cans. Damn shame. The staff's kind of busy. Come on, I'm springing you.”
I shook my head. Setting fires was apparently a new sign of affection. Christian had done it and now Mason.”
Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy
tags: mason

Richelle Mead
“Stay back,"I warned. "Stay away from him." They kept coming. "Stay back!" I yelled. They stopped. Except for one. "Rose," came a soft voice. "Drop the sword." My hands shook. I swallowed. "Get away from us." "Rose." The voice spoke again, a voice that my soul would have known anywhere. Hesitantly, I let myself finally become aware of my surroundings, let the details sink in. I let my eyes focus on the features of the man standing there. Dimitri's brown eyes, gentle and firm, looking down on me. "It's okay," he said. "Everything's going to be okay. You can let go of the sword." My hands shook even harder as I fought to hold on to the hilt. "I can't." The words hurt coming out. "I can't leave him alone. I have to protect him." " you have," said Dimitri. The sword fell out of my hands, landing with a clatter on the wooden floor. I followed, collapsing on all fours, anything to cry but unable to. Dimitri's arms wrapped around me as he helped me up. Voices swarmed around us, and one by one, I recognised people I knew and trusted.”
Richelle Mead, Frostbite

Richelle Mead
“Where are you going?" he asked.

"To break someone's heart," I replied.”
Richelle Mead, Frostbite

“I get to see her at night."
"No deal."
"That's the only deal. I sleep over."
"She's my daughter."
"She's the love of my life". My heart was pumping so damn fast I needed to see her.
David was searching my eyes.
I let him see the truth. I needed her. That was the only way.
"Fine, but only you. Logan can't start sleeping over, too."
"He'll try."
David groaned. "You two, you just storm your way in-"
"We're family to her. We took her in when you let her go. We protected her from that woman.”
Tijan, Fallen Crest Public

Lesley Livingston
“Don't ever say that, Fennrys," she said. "I don't ever want to hear you say that you don't deserve or you aren't worthy. You do. You are.”
Lesley Livingston, Starling

Flannery O'Connor
“The world was made for the dead. Think of all the dead there are...There's a million times more dead than living and the dead are dead a million times longer than the living are alive...”
Flannery O'Connor, The Violent Bear It Away

Andrea Cremer
“Nev tossed his pen down. “Fine. Here goes:
Ren and Cals lives may be torrid

for the young ones in Vail are quite horrid

Bine and Cos aren’t too frail

Dax and Fey never pale

while Ansel and Bryn might get sordid

Bryn spit Diet Coke all over the table. Mason and Ansel clapped. I was too dumbfounded to react.
This is qhat quiet Nev does in his spare time?
“‘Bine’?” Sabine frowned while Cosette mopped up the soda that flowed to their end of the table. “Since when am I ‘Bine’? And we never call Cosette ‘Cos.’”
“It’s about cadence,” Nev said. “Sorry. I said it wasn’t very good.”
“Why aren’t you and Mason in it?” Ansel asked.
“Oh, he has another one about us.” Mason wiggled his eyebrows.”
Andrea Cremer, Nightshade

“They grow them like that nowadays? Sign me up to be a cougar.”
Tijan, Fallen Crest Public

Shelly Crane
“I want to give you back your first kiss, the one that jerk stole from
you. And I want it to be something that even a coma can't make you
Shelly Crane , Wide Awake

Kathy Love
“He hesitated, looking at her. The old Ellie was gone. Replaced by a woman who was detached and cold.
He didn’t know what to say, how to reach her. There was a wall around her, and he’d laid the foundation for her to build it.”
Kathy Love, Wanting What You Get

Richelle Mead
“Something in me didnt believe that. I read it again, trying to make sense of the old-fashioned language. Mason watched me curiously, looking like he very much wanted to help.
"Maybe they were hooking up," he suggested.
I laughed. "He was a saint."
"So? Saints probably like sex too. That 'brother and sister' stuff is probably a cover." He pointed to one of the lines. "See? They were 'bound' together." He winked. "It's code.”
Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

“The bed dipped under his weight. He paused with one foot before shaking his head and mumbling, "I'm not going to be able to sleep. I'm going to be so damn scared that I'll hurt you."
It didn't matter. None of it mattered. When he shifted to his side and then reached for my hand, I closed my eyes. I could sleep now. Everything would work out. Our hands where tucked between us on the bed. I clung to his, while he seemed scared to hold mine back. That didn't matter either. I just needed to be held, a mere touch from him.”
Tijan, Fallen Crest Public

“You two are like a married couple."
Uh...I pointed to my head. "Heavy meds here. Say that again."
She rolled her eyes. "You heard me just fine. So did you," she threw to Mason.”
Tijan, Fallen Crest Public

“A streak of bare flesh darted past our door.
Mason grinned at me. "It's like we didn't even miss Fisher's party tonight."
My nurse sprinted past our door, followed by another two.”
Tijan, Fallen Crest Public

Micalea Smeltzer
“And who exactly is supposed to eat all of that?" I asked Jonathon telepathically.
"Don’t worry we’ll put on a show like we’re eating. Danny and Mason will probably eat all of it anyway." He said back.
"You’re probably right." I said laughing silently in my head remembering how they devoured the pancakes this morning and how I had no doubt they’d do the same with the cake. It would be like watching semi-evolved cavemen hunt. Minus the loincloths of course.”
Micalea Smeltzer, Forbidden

S.N. Clemens
“Different timing. Same blessing.”
S.N. Clemens, Virginia Bloom
tags: mason

“Of course Mason and Logan followed me where I went.”
Tijan, Fallen Crest Public

“Logan had been there earlier and refused to leave, but Mason made him go. He wanted alone time with me when I woke. He said he pulled Boyfriend Rank. It would've been nice to see Logan, but I understood.”
Tijan, Fallen Crest Public

“He took a deep breath. I don't know what I'm supposed to do here. I don't know if I'm supposed to distract you. If I'm supposed to make you laugh, or if I'm supposed to be reassuring you. I have no idea what to do, so all I'm doing is just being here.”
Tijan, Fallen Crest Public
tags: love, mason, sam

Micalea Smeltzer
“Boys,” said Amelia as she and Patrick stepped forward with the last gift, “Can you never give anyone anything useful?”
At the same time Danny and Mason broke out into grins and said, “But those are useful.” Amelia shook her head, her blond curls cascading beautifully around her.”
Micalea Smeltzer, Forbidden

“Fuck this," Logan bit out before he shoved past the older Strattan. He started down the hallway and I went right after him. We weren't getting answers, not the ones we wanted. We'd find her ourselves.”
Tijan, Fallen Crest Public

“The taste of blood and that annoying sting of a bitten tongue. Once man got the taste of blood there was no going back, like a serpent circling itself eating its own tail.”
Brandon Garic Notch

“Sometimes the hardest battles only exists within ourselves, our mind fighting amongst the demons of thought within our own head.”
Brandon Garic Notch

S.N. Clemens
“His will isn't always obvious, it doesn't always make sense, and it isn't always what we want. But that doesn't mean it's not good.”
S.N. Clemens, Virginia Bloom
tags: mason

“This life we lead is not just for anybody, it's for you and I to create a magnificent existence among the sheep. Together we will endure anything that crosses our path.”
Brandon Garic Notch

Helen Nielsen
“Imagination (is) to building a police case what mortar is to a bricklayer.”
Helen Nielsen

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