Mafia Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mafia-romance" Showing 211-221 of 221
A. Zavarelli
“Nobody has ever looked at me the way he’s looking at me at this moment. Like I’m his possession. Like if anyone else were to touch me, he’d break both their legs and an arm for good measure.”
A. Zavarelli, Crow

Renee Rose
“No panties for you. And no touching. I need to hear a yes, sir.”
Renee Rose, The Don's Daughter

Michelle Horst
“He saved me in so many ways. I didn't see it at first. He saved me from certain death. He's the scariest person I've ever met, but for some reason I felt safe with him. Now I'm just a fading star amongst all the bright ones...All I want is love and all I get is people trying to kill me and take away what peace I manage to find in between.”
Michelle Horst, Predator

Renee Rose
“You never meant me to be the guy you’d settle down with. Not the safe guy you’d love, but the dangerous one who makes your pulse race.”
Renee Rose, The Bossman

D.D. Prince
“He's beautiful outside; he just needs love to help create some beauty inside where he feels ugly.
-The Dominator, DD Prince”
D.D. Prince, The Dominator

“I’d give my right nut to see you wearing that,” Garrett whispered in her ear.
Melina laughed. “Your right nut is exactly what it would cost you, too.”
“Just one nut? I think a lady like you is definitely worth two,” a new voice said near her.”

“And you do look beautiful, Lily. Beautiful things should be admired. Let me admire in peace.”
Bethany-Kris, Deathless & Divided

“Please don't cry.”
Bethany-Kris, Deathless & Divided

“Если кому-то еще не расхотелось узнать, что такое любовь, то я сейчас скажу. Любовь — это мафиозный сговор: двое против всех. Такая маленькая сдвоенная крепость, кровосмесительный заговор двух тел и душ против остального мира. Почти все другие варианты любовных отношений — только попытки имитации, суррогатные альянсы, в которые вступают, чтобы спастись от одиночества, утолить похоть, корысть или какую-нибудь практическую нужду. Ну, или потому, что “так принято” среди людей.”
Игорь Сахновский, Острое чувство субботы. Восемь историй от первого лица

Renee Rose
“He knew from being capo you never miss giving a consequence when it is expected.”
Renee Rose, The Bossman

Kristen Luciani
“I want to run, to flee, to wake from this never-ending nightmare. But my body is frozen, my heart numb. Jagged pieces of the puzzle scatter across the corners of my mind, and fitting them together is futile. Threads of truth are still missing, exposing the gaps between what’s real and what’s fabricated.”
Kristen Luciani

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