
Lyrical Prose Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lyrical-prose" Showing 1-10 of 10
Aura Biru
“To the rhythm of my deep delight, my fingers tickled across the fabric of the sheets and of reality in bursts of euphoria, making them rustle softly yet firmly, just like sun-crisped leaves on concrete in a breeze—prime ASMR.”
Aura Biru, We Are Everyone

Aura Biru
“A faint cry; I can't figure out if it's mine or if it's echoing the other half of my broken heart—the one beating in his chest.”
Aura Biru, We Are Everyone

Aura Biru
“Did his behaviour indicate a red flag?
Did I notice it?
Did I deliberately choose to ignore it because he was just.so.different?
Did I feel ashamed for not knowing better, despite knowing better?
Aura Biru, We Are Everyone

Aura Biru
“Then again, in the early morning hours, when the world outside whispers of slumber, my fingers still trace the outline of a memory. He rests there, in that blind spot between the everyday, when his presence feels most palpable, engraved on the half of the bed that remains unforgivingly empty. What a paradox of loss, this heightened sense of him in the heart of his absence.”
Aura Biru, We Are Everyone

Tracy Chevalier
“Because thee remains there, it is easier for me to go, for thee can be the shore I look back on, the star that remains fixed."
from "The Last Runaway”
Tracy Chevalier (Author)

“The Auction sells things you won’t find anywhere else, the things that exist only as one piece in the world. And soon, they’ll sell it. The Codex Gigas: a three-feet-tall ancient book some believe the devil himself wrote. Yes, the real devil. Others think the book contains all the secrets of mesmerism. Not that she needs to mesmerize anyone in particular. She only needs to stop stuttering while her new family stares at her.”
Misba, The High Auction

Selina Siak Chin Yoke
“Her ancestors would fight for her spirit, but so too would the white devils who had come to rule. They had taken first our land and then our souls.”
Selina Siak Chin Yoke, The Woman Who Breathed Two Worlds

“I could be that tenebrous enigma that floods out your words with sighs and frustration.”
Moonshine Noire

William H. Gass
“Furber had come in the late fall following that enormous summer, now famous, in which the temperature had hung in the high nineties along the river for weeks, parching the fields, drying and destroying; weeks which had, unmindful of the calendar, fallen undiminished into October so that the leaves shriveled before they fell and fell while green, the river level fell, exposing flat stretches of mud and bottom weed, the Siren Rocks were seen for the first time in twenty years, quite round and disappointingly small, and an unmoving cover of dust lay thickly everywhere, on fields, trees, buildings, on the river itself which crawled beneath it blindly like a mole. -- William H. Gass, Omensetter's Luck, p. 97, Penguin Twentieth Century Classics, 1997 (first published by The New American Library 1966).”
William H. Gass, Omensetter's Luck