
Lgbt Authors Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lgbt-authors" Showing 1-30 of 55
Naoise Dolan
“I wanted people to know we were together, but only the ones who wouldn't hurt us for it.”
Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times

Andrea Lawlor
“It was June, and like everyone else Paul made himself extremely busy going to queer art openings and queer punk shows and queer spoken word showcases and queer evenings of performance art. He was exhausted and broke from being so queer...”
Andrea Lawlor, Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl

S.E. Harmon
“One day, progress being what it was, I hoped no one would have to have a big gay coming-out or a bisexual coming-out. It would just be what it was, and that would be that. But we weren't quite there yet.”
S.E. Harmon

Lev A.C. Rosen
“It's not about making myself less amazing so I blend in - it's about making sure everyone around me in their own shade of glitter.”
Lev A.C. Rosen, Jack of Hearts

Andrea Gibson
“My "yes" never fit into the "no" of this world.”
Andrea Gibson, Lord of the Butterflies

Laura Jane Grace
“Deep deep down inside of me I know I am not a mistake. I do not feel sick. I do not feel like a pervert. I am not gay. I am not a fag. I am not a drag queen. I am not a transexual. I am not transgender. I am just her, a daughter, a sister, someone's girlfriend, just like all the other pretty girls on campus.”
Laura Jane Grace, Tranny: Confessions of Punk Rock's Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout

“Older age can be challenging for LGBTQ people when living an independent life becomes more difficult. Having lived in a same-sex relationship for many years there are limited choices about living in a retirement home where some people may feel that they have to supress their sexuality in order to appease others. I hear less these days about this aspect of LGBT life, being forced back into the closet in order to live in close proximity to others, that can cause depression particularly where there may be no close relatives or friends having lived a long life”
Franko Figueiredo-Stow, Out On An Island

“The fact is, however, that in those early days we were not as emancipated as I would like to remember. There was discrimination although at the time few of us were aware of it. I had to unlearn what men in our society are brainwashed throughout our lives to believe, the myth that men are stud football players who bring in the money and women are supposed to stay home and wash dishes! There is sexism among gay males and lesbians just as there is sexism in the non-gay population - because we are all conceived and nurtured by a heterosexual society whose prejudices are reflected in us. We are the children.”
Troy D. Perry, Don't Be Afraid Anymore: The Story of Reverend Troy D. Perry and the Metropolitan Community Churches

Andrew J. Peters
“It all started when Dam went missing.”
Andrew J. Peters, The Seventh Pleiade

Andrew J. Peters
“Find the Seventh Sister,
And the girl shall be,
Your spiritual guardian,
For eternity.”
Andrew J. Peters, The Seventh Pleiade

Andrew J. Peters
“Thereafter, they met up at off times, after practices or on the terrace of the pavilion when nightly feasts were breaking up, in what Aerander gradually recognized as a romance, though he wondered at times if it was possible for him to have such luck or, rather, if he was misinterpreting things; it was so hard to tell with boys. He accepted Calyiches' ring in a soft and private moment, nuzzling behind a garden trellis; it came as naturally as laying his head on Calyiches' shoulder. They were bonded. Two boys in love.”
Andrew J. Peters, The Seventh Pleiade

Andrew J. Peters
“The memories were strange clingy things like burrs knotted in his hair. He could choose to let them be, he only felt them when he pulled them, and he could pretend they weren't there like positioning his head on a pillow so as not to notice the lumps against his scalp. But amidst the commotion of the parade—a strange cocoon—he recalled things sharply. He had a part in Dam leaving the palace, and ever since that point, his best friend was headed down a dangerous path.”
Andrew J. Peters, The Seventh Pleiade

Antonio  Heras
Hemos decidido crear un comando revolucionario, aunque todavía no sabemos para qué. Estamos Paco, Manolo, Esteban y yo. Yo soy Antonio. Por ahora somos solo cuatro, pero esperamos llegar a más de cien maricas para final de año.
(del relato 'Arriquitaun')”
Antonio Heras, La devoción inflamada

Joel Annesley
“Coming out of the closet was one of the most liberating things I’ve done in my life. All the worry, concern, anxiety, all that mental chatter was gone. I didn’t have to carry a secret on my shoulder anymore. Fear, doubt, shame, and worry was suddenly replaced with love and pride.”
Joel Annesley, Quiet Confidence: Breaking Up With Shyness

Aditya Tiwari
“she is a biological woman - closest to god because she is where life comes from. but i create my own life. i am no less than anything or anyone. because what i want to be is what i create of me. i have found the essence of being a woman within myself - empowered many like me and the generations after me. femininity is my most sensual weapon.
i am someone who has found and created the woman in me. i am more woman than any other woman. so the next time you call me “chakka” on the streets my soul will ache because i have changed my life from being who i used to be to who i am now which is not an easy path. my womb will hurt because of all the echoes of my unborn children. and my ovaries would bleed because i will never have periods like a normal woman.
i am no less than any other woman. when the red-hot- fierce lipstick hits my lips
i could set
a whole city on fire.
- memoir of a transgender”
Aditya Tiwari, April is Lush

Alexander Chee
“It isn't just that you fall in love with someone—you each allow yourself new identities with each other, new skins, almost like a cocoon to who you'll be next.”
Alexander Chee, How to Write an Autobiographical Novel

Christa Winsloe
“Frau Lennartz gab Fritz eine Handvoll Scheine, und Fritz wandte sich zum Gehen. Seine Mutter strich ihm die Haare aus der Stirn, ehe sie ihn entließ. Lela gab sich alle Mühe, dass auch ihre Haare so ins Gesicht hingen, und wartete, ob dann Frau Inge, wie sie sie hatte nennen hören, auch ihr die Haare aus der Stirn streichen würde.”
Christa Winsloe, The Child Manuela

A.M.  Molloy
“Sometimes people fall in love with people, not genders.”
A.M. Molloy, South

David Adjmi
“My loyalty tendered imagina- tive lapses in perception. I’d ally with Howie however he needed, even if I never quite knew what was real or what was in his mind. It didn’t matter to me what was real, because my loneliness was alleviated. We lived in a bubble where true and false increasingly dropped their distinctions. It was the space of fantasy, and that space felt holy to me, just like the clothes at Charivari felt holy—clothes that were made for some fantasy body, a kind of personhood yet to be invented. The clothes opened the space for this person to spring into existence, just as Howie’s stories opened the space for us to become characters in them. The stories bonded us together—for if you shared the same fictions you shared the same reality.”
David Adjmi, Lot Six

David Adjmi
“It didn't matter that the nastiness of my actions was at war with my own feelings. People would fill in the motives with a story that suited their imaginings. My inner life was not relevant. All that was important was what was visible. And all that was visible to the adults conducting this human autopsy were my actions. I was buried inside these surface behaviors—crushed, as if by avalanche.”
David Adjmi, Lot Six

David Adjmi
“With my new hat, I spoke and moved differently, I became a different person—the way models in magazines apparently became different people with different essences when they changed outfits. Maybe fashion didn’t just change how you were seen, maybe it could actually change who you were. The self was an endless burden, like a giant piece of luggage you were forced to haul around. But what if there was a way to remove the burden? What if you could just erase the self you had, as though it were a drawing in pencil, and start over?”
David Adjmi, Lot Six

Laura Jane Grace
“On New Years Eve, I went on one last gender bender before sobering up the next morning as I promised myself.”
Laura Jane Grace, Tranny: Confessions of Punk Rock's Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout

Inka York
“For the love of God, Violet,” Eden whispers. “Will you stop baiting the hag?”
Inka York, From Tangled Roots Come Twisted Wings

“On my thirtieth birthday, Asami gave me the Sailor Moon toy I had secretly wanted as a child. It was the same one she herself had played with as a little girl, and though it's missing its battery cover, I'm sure I would have lost that little piece sooner or later anyway. At last, Santa's Christmas present has made it to me- through a messenger, and twenty-four years late. I keep it in the display case at my house as proof that sometimes wishes come true if you choose to believe.”
Ryousuke Nanasaki, Until I Meet My Husband

“The new moon of a lockdown,
Broken, pigeons fly,
Am I the one shy guy?”
Asim Mudgal, Not So “GAY” Anymore: Final Semester

“It was my conclusion that any people who were oppressed, particularly gay people like myself, could not depend upon others to be our heroes. We could not quit struggling for survival because one man with charisma and foresight had been murdered. There had to be enough of us to carry our own banners, even though the majority of us were still unseen. If we wanted conditions to be different, it was up to us to accomplish the change. And if some of us fell in battle, there would be a surplus of gay people to continue the fight - forever!”
Troy D. Perry, Don't Be Afraid Anymore: The Story of Reverend Troy D. Perry and the Metropolitan Community Churches

“Unlike some moderate churchpeople, the gays in Central Park were not constrained by a philosophy of nonviolence.”
Troy D. Perry, Don't Be Afraid Anymore: The Story of Reverend Troy D. Perry and the Metropolitan Community Churches

“We need to know that our government, the government of our birth in most cases, cares about us! I remember how difficult growing up as a gay youth was, and I don't want young men and young women who follow me to have to put up with the anxiety and misery that millions of us have already endured. There has been enough suffering! Those of us here are proud to represent the gay community because we know that we are whole persons, know we're not sinners, know we're not perverted, know we're not monsters, know we're not mentally ill! You may continue to believe what you want. Maybe I can't change that. But to be given our fair and Constitutional rights - that's what we are asking for.”
Troy D. Perry, Don't Be Afraid Anymore: The Story of Reverend Troy D. Perry and the Metropolitan Community Churches

“To this day, I still do not believe, not for one minute, in the type of god who passes out diseases. What an awful, erratic god it would be! Nowhere in Scripture did Jesus once say, "If you don't straighten up and fly right, God's going to give you a disease." Read the Bible for yourself! Disease is exactly and only that - disease.”
Troy D. Perry, Don't Be Afraid Anymore: The Story of Reverend Troy D. Perry and the Metropolitan Community Churches

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