
Harrietta S Happenstance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "harrietta-s-happenstance" Showing 1-20 of 20
Jeanne McElvaney
“You can recognize survivors of abuse by their courage. When silence is so very inviting, they step forward and share their truth so others know they aren't alone.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Healing Insights: Effects of Abuse for Adults Abused as Children

Jeanne McElvaney
“There is a moment in our healing journey when our denial crumbles; we realize our experience and it's continued effects on us won't "just go away". That's our breakthrough moment. It's the sun coming out to warm the seeds of hope so they can grow our personal garden of empowerment.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Healing Insights: Effects of Abuse for Adults Abused as Children

Jeanne McElvaney
“You can recognize survivors by their creativity. In soulful, insightful, gentle, and nurturing creations, they often express the inner beauty they brought out of childhood storms.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Childhood Abuse: Tips to Change Child Abuse Effects

Jeanne McElvaney
“Dissociated trauma memories don't reveal themselves like ordinary memories. Like pieces of a puzzle, they escape the primitive part of our brain where the trauma has been stored without words.

These starkly vivid and detailed images are defined by our five senses and emotions, but there is no 'story'. So we are left trying to comprehend the incomprehensible while trying to describe what doesn't make sense.

Healing is about collecting as many pieces as possible. It's finding words for what we are seeing and feeling - even when it sounds crazy. It's daring to speak our truth until it makes sense.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Spirit Unbroken: Abby's Story

Jeanne McElvaney
“We aren't the weeds in the crack of life. We're the strong,amazing flowers that found a way to grow in the most challenging conditions ~”
Jeanne McElvaney, Spirit Unbroken: Abby's Story

Jeanne McElvaney
“Survivors are often incredibly aware and perceptive. What was born of necessity becomes a response that is gentle and understanding.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Spirit Unbroken: Abby's Story

Jeanne McElvaney
“It takes Wonder Woman courage and Superman strength to heal the wounds of our abuse... because it brings change... and we are inclined to hold on to the stability we created in the chaos of our past experiences.

So imagine more. Take small steps. Be guided by your personal truth and not the impressions left by the bad guys in your childhood story.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Healing Insights: Effects of Abuse for Adults Abused as Children

“Our abusive parent didn't give us the gentle, encouraging nurturing we needed. But healing invites us to give our inner child the kind of loving empowerment that will help us reach our potential and celebrate our spirit. Move past what you wished you could have experienced and embrace the uncommon, sweet possibilities of being your own best parent.”
Jeanne McEvlaney

Jeanne McElvaney
“When you feel caught in the web of childhood abuse, find words to describe it. Write them. Say them. Express them. In safe places, with safe people.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Childhood Abuse: Tips to Change Child Abuse Effects

Jeanne McElvaney
“Stuffing our memories might become familiar over the years, but it requires a mental vigilance that separates us from our inner world. It's building our lives making sure we never step on any path that might lead us to the tender and scary places we carry within us. We don't dare explore the unknown. We can't allow new possibilities. And yet, those are the very paths connected to the core of who we are beyond our abuse.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Childhood Abuse: Tips to Change Child Abuse Effects

Jeanne McElvaney
“There are many heartfelt reasons for pushing our childhood sexual abuse to the edge of our lives and one amazing reason to embrace a healing journey;
it reunites us with our
joyful spirit.”
Jeanne McElvaney

Jeanne McElvaney
“As we grow older, the riveting, dis-empowering feelings that grabbed us during moments of our abuse do not change with knowledge, awareness, or new experiences. They are locked inside until we return to release them.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Spirit Unbroken: Abby's Story

Jeanne McElvaney
“Logic becomes a loud voice when the wall of our past abuse begin to crack with awareness. But that's our adult speaking. The child within, who had the experience, talks to us through flashes of insights.
Trust your perceptions. They are a powerful guide in healing.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Childhood Abuse: Tips to Change Child Abuse Effects

Jeanne McElvaney
“Sometimes, during our healing journeys, those closest to us can’t help even though we all wish it could be that way. Allow those moments to guide you to different, empowering choices.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Childhood Abuse: Tips to Change Child Abuse Effects

Jeanne McElvaney
“When we learn to recognize the unique quality of Memory-Dreams, we are empowered. The abused child within us is using them to talk to us, giving us clues for our healing.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Childhood Abuse: Tips to Change Child Abuse Effects

Jeanne McElvaney
“In the weeds of childhood sexual abuse, we are the sturdy flowers that kept reaching for a slip of sunshine and a trickle of water so we could grow into wildly beautiful, singular people. Together, we are creating a colorful bouquet that is changing the world.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Childhood Abuse: Tips to Change Child Abuse Effects

Jeanne McElvaney
“So many moments of potential holiday joy got buried in the pain of our abuse. Now these days offer us a chance to give our inner child the gift of caring. Sometimes it's as simple as asking, "What do you want?" Most often the answer is a small thing.

Be a Santa to your wounded child and feel the healing passed forward to you.”
Jeanne McElvaney, Healing Insights: Effects of Abuse for Adults Abused as Children