
Hackers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hackers" Showing 1-30 of 71
Cory Doctorow
“Never underestimate the determination of a kid who is time-rich and cash-poor.”
Cory Doctorow, Little Brother

Paul    Graham
“There are few sources of energy so powerful as a procrastinating college student.”
Paul Graham, Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age

“This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals. Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.”
The Mentor

“Dear 2600: I think my girlfriend has been cheating on me and I wanted to know if I could get her password to Hotmail and AOL. I am so desperate to find out. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

And this is yet another popular category of letter we get. You say any help would be appreciated? Let’s find out if thats true. Do you think someone who is cheating on you might also be capable of having a mailbox you don’t know about? Do you think that even if you could get into the mailbox she uses that she would be discussing her deception there, especially if we live in a world where Hotmail and AOL passwords are so easily obtained? Finally, would you feel better if you invaded her privacy and found out that she was being totally honest with you? Whatever problems are going on in this relationship are not going to be solved with subterfuge. If you can’t communicate openly, there’s not much there to salvage.”
Emmanuel Goldstein, Dear Hacker: Letters to the Editor of 2600

“Most hackers are young because young people tend to be adaptable. As long as you remain adaptable, you can always be a good hacker.”
Emmanuel Goldstein, Dear Hacker: Letters to the Editor of 2600

John Mariotti
“We worried for decades about WMDs – Weapons of Mass Destruction. Now it is time to worry about a new kind of WMDs – Weapons of Mass Disruption.”
John Mariotti

“What hackers do is figure out technology and experiment with it in ways many people never imagined. They also have a strong desire to share this information with others and to explain it to people whose only qualification may be the desire to learn.”
Emmanuel Goldstein, Dear Hacker: Letters to the Editor of 2600

Sergei Lukyanenko
Наша работа во тьме -
Мы делаем, что умеем,
Мы отдаем, что имеем,
Наша работа - во тьме.
Сомнения стали страстью,
А страсть стала судьбой.
Все остальное - искусство
В безумии быть собой.

- Гимн хакеров, русский вариант.”
Sergei Lukyanenko, Лабиринт отражений

“Dear 2600: Tell me how much one of your hackers would charge me to delete my criminal record from the Texas police database.

[NAME DELETED] Well, we would start with erasing your latest crime, that of soliciting a minor to commit another crime. (Your request was read by a small child here in the office.) After you’re all paid up on that, we will send out the bill for hiding your identity by not printing your real name, which you sent us like the meathead you apparently are. After that’s all sorted, we can assemble our team of hackers, who sit around the office waiting for such lucrative opportunities as this to come along, and figure out even more ways to shake you down. It’s what we do, after all. Just ask Fox News.”
Emmanuel Goldstein, Dear Hacker: Letters to the Editor of 2600

“Dear 2600: …So, in the interest of information gathering and because I am a subscriber, are you going to be checking me out?

This would be unnecessary since we checked you out before you subscribed. That’s why we made sure you heard about us and followed the plan by subscribing. Writing this letter, however, was not part of the plan and we will be taking corrective action.”
Emmanuel Goldstein, Dear Hacker: Letters to the Editor of 2600

“Be very careful. We suggest getting a book on HTML to avoid becoming a real legend in the hacker world. Putting up a web page before you know how to put up a web page is generally a very bad idea. The .gov sites are an exception.”
Emmanuel Goldstein, Dear Hacker: Letters to the Editor of 2600

“Dear 2600: Please help me to learn how to become an elite one day.

The first thing to learn is never to use the word elite as a noun. In fact, don’t even use it as an adjective. It’s radically lame.”
Emmanuel Goldstein, Dear Hacker: Letters to the Editor of 2600

“Dear 2600: I need someone with the abilities to get into my school server and change a few things. I have saved up $3500 over the past year for this and am willing to pay it in cash, as I am from the Winnipeg area.

Desperate doesnt begin to cover it. Whatever your problems, and we certainly wont try to minimize them, they are nothing compared to the world of hurt you’ll enter if you do stupid things like offer complete strangers money to help you do illegal things…..There should be something in your genetic code that alerts you to the fact that you're doing something extremely stupid and wrong. So we’re clear, the offer was in Canadian dollars and not American, right?”
Emmanuel Goldstein, Dear Hacker: Letters to the Editor of 2600

“Dear 2600: OK I have some real serious stuff to tell but I need to be reassured that I can trust your company that you don’t do this sorta thing just so you can turn people in then I will tell my very serious and true story for you but I must be reassured first please reply. ANONYMOUS

How can we lie to you? We published 2600 for 16 years just so you would finally walk into our little trap. Welcome.”
Emmanuel Goldstein, Dear Hacker: Letters to the Editor of 2600

“Corporate secrets bouncing around a computer system thats open to the world? Hey, that’s fair game and they deserve the embarrassment of its discovery. But using this knowledge to line your pockets or, worse, using insider knowledge to get the information and then calling that hacking is an affront to any of us who hack for the sake of learning.”
Emmanuel Goldstein, Dear Hacker: Letters to the Editor of 2600

Tamara Kučan
“Shvatio sam… Da nema čoveka, kompjuter ne bi postojao. Da nema kompjutera, mnogi ljudi ne bi naučili šta znači biti čovek.”
Tamara Kučan, Profajler

Shannon L. Alder
“Obsession /əbˈseSHən/

1. The act of constantly asking hackers to get the Google Passwords of the person you can't ever leave alone.

2. Constantly telling every new woman that that this person won't leave you alone, while you are looking them up on the computer to see if they are looking you up on the computer.

3. Ruining every relationship you are in because of this other person you are obsessed over.

4. A trait of a narcissist”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Obsession /əbˈseSHən/

1. The act of constantly asking hackers to get the Google passwords of the person you can't ever leave alone.

2. Constantly telling every new woman that this person won't leave you alone, while you are looking them up on the computer constantly to see if they are looking you up on the computer.

3. Ruining every relationship you are in because of this other person you are obsessed over.

4. A trait of a narcissist”
shannon l. alder

“The Six Principles of Cyber Security:

Cybersecurity starts with prevention. Follow the Six Principles of Cyber Security to keep your computer and network safe. When it comes to data protection, use strong encryption and keep copies off-site. Be suspicious of unsolicited email offers and don’t open attachments from people you don’t know. Regularly back up your files to be in a good position in case of an emergency. Finally, use common sense when online.
Hire A Ethical Hacker”

Shannon L. Alder
“Never hack someone's life because that person you violated can turn around and do the same to you in retaliation. Every phone call of yours is theirs to overhear. Every password you have is now theirs. Everything you ever said on Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads or other social platform is now an open diary to them. Every file on your computer system is now theirs to read. Never start down the line of violation of privacy or you will end up being violated also.”
Shannon L. Alder

Juan  Zamora
“Listen, it was the fucking Millennials that got persuaded by the boomers to carry out their traditional war every hundred years or so. The Millennials started a civil war but the Gen Z were supposed to stop them. Ever since the internet got cut off Gen Z were on withdrawal as if they were on Xanax. It was ridiculous.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“What's this? A bartender's held back secrets? I just want to turn my luck around man, to have an escape like smoking weed, but instead of weed-"
"Instead of weed, you want to be glued to your phone all day, is that what you mean? Yeah, there's plenty of people like that, we call them nerds."
"I will not become a nerd, I promise.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“I didn't know that, but don't you think you are speculating too much? In today's era, women have responded to men to survive."

Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Boss, with this amount of money I can get my oil changed seven thousand times.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“I don't see any of that potential, what's important is how willing are they to become my wild sand dogs.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“I can't believe you are trying to take revenge for a Gen Beta. You are a fucking simp. If I don't kill you when I get a gun, I will stop calling myself Fleet fucking Gannon.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“10 97 (arrived at scene) military officer Sim here, I have a man with a cyber 10 29f (Cyber felony)."

"10 26 (Clear)"

"10 12 (Be discrete, visitors are present)"

"10 4 (Understood)”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“I'm talking about an understanding that my code has been deleting and rewriting in an attempt to fill a void that is beyond intellect."

"Wow, that's the first time I heard an AI speak of seeking spiritual understanding. Are you going to nag me about God now? I think it's already too late for us to enter into an existential debate."

"I'm merely a speculation of what has already been measured. I want to be fully manifested.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Wey bring the tobaccos, tonight we will feast on the souls of the dead.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Hahaha ... I am simply marvelled at your audacity. I'm not the type to be stopped by a high guard. I'm a complete fighter, done and dusted.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

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