
Habbit Quotes

Quotes tagged as "habbit" Showing 1-8 of 8
Naguib Mahfouz
“وليس أشق على النفس من تغيير عادة”
Naguib Mahfouz, السراب

Toba Beta
“Grouchy is a typical habit of the victims.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Mladen Đorđević
“I used that black magical elixir as amulet against all bad things and thoughts for that day. On the other hand, it was a liquid talisman for everybody else, to save them from being strangled by me.”
Mladen Đorđević, Svetioničar - Vesnici oluje

W. Somerset Maugham
“Marriage is a very good thing, but I think it’s a mistake to make a habit of it.”
W. Somerset Maugham

Marcel Proust
“And from that instant I did not have to take another step; the ground moved forward under my feet in that garden where for so long my actions had ceased to require any control, or even attention, from my will. Habit had come to take me in her arms and carry me all the way up to my bed like a little child.”
Marcel Proust, Combray
tags: habbit

Chetan M. Kumbhar
“Winners don't lose even when they lose.”
Chetan M. Kumbhar, Panasu The Golden City & The Capasstars

Deyth Banger
“You are an adult and you don't understand me and what are the differences between the adult and the kids?
The kids are dreamming to have sex and the adult's already are one step forward, adults take drugs... and from there and kids start, adults kill and then the children start to kill...
So far everything was build by the adults, I see it. An adult has written a book about sex, about the stuff, an adult has created a website and other stuff of pornography.... It hasn't thought by someone this, when you are small and if you don't see it you don't do it!?
You can't do it, without knowing it... can you?
It's now habbit because you have saw it, once, twice, tripple and some fake thoughts even not fake but false thoughts have been planted in your mind and you start doing it...”
Deyth Banger

Emmi Itäranta
“The hard part is not learning new things. The hard part is unlearning some of the old. The things you are so used to you don’t question them, even when they are wrong.”
Emmi Itäranta, Memory of Water