
Grain Of Sand Quotes

Quotes tagged as "grain-of-sand" Showing 1-11 of 11
Munia Khan
“You don’t need to be the tide to rise and fall,
you don’t have to be a wave to touch the shore;
just be a little sand-grain and feel them all”
Munia Khan

“I knew I was a grain of sand in the vast desert that never ended and he was a sparkling star in the sky. I was a fish who couldn’t breathe in air and had to stay in dark waters forever while he was a majestic bird who soared so high that he barely touched the ground. I did not deserve him. I could only watch him from down here and wish, wish that he could come here someday. That he could know that I existed. But for that, he had to fall. He had to drop to the ground but I could not let that happen. And then I thought, birds are meant to fly and stars are meant to shine and if someone takes it away from them, they can't be the same anymore. So, I just prayed that his wings never fail him, that the star never explodes. And I was at peace.”
Aleena Yasin

Chrissy Anderson
“If you think about it, finding true love is a lot like finding a particular grain of sand on the beach.”
Chrissy Anderson, The Hope List

Anthony Liccione
“All the beaches of the world, could never amount to, nor implore the one grain of sand that I stand on, which is your love.”
Anthony Liccione

Brian D'Ambrosio
“The heart is only grain and goats
and the price of health
it cleans it rifles
smokes its herbs
breaks out a beer bottle or two
its precious radios
strapped up for protection
with ragged black tape”
Brian D'Ambrosio, Halcyon Days and Stormy Months: 21 Poems

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Never let society to turn you into a grain of sand on the beach! Be different, be individual! Refuse to look alike with others! Leave your herd, only then you will have a real name and till then your name will remain as a grain of sand!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Never let society to turn you into a grain of sand on the beach! Be different, be individual! Refuse to look alike with others! Leave your herd, only then you will have a real name and till then your name will remain as the grain of sand!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Johnny Rich
“I don’t see big subjects as separate from little ones. Yes, you could trudge through life with great human tragedies played out before your eyes without ever taking notice. Or you could see a universe in the smallest thing. The way a person takes their coffee, for example, might say something profound and important about that person, about all humanity, about existence itself.”
Johnny Rich

Criss Jami
“God will bore through mountains of intellect for a grain of faith - for it is not the intellectual who finds Him, but He who finds the intellectual.”
Criss Jami

“I tried to force myself to enjoy every detail, every second of time. When I looked out at the beach, I imagined each grain of sand like a measure of time that I’d been allotted. I could either let them run through my hands or I could stop and pay attention.”
C J Cooke

Jack Freestone
“Writers begin with a grain of sand and then create a beach.”
Jack Freestone