Genocide Quotes

Quotes tagged as "genocide" Showing 211-240 of 512
Mosab Abu Toha
“In Gaza, some of us cannot completely die.

Every time a bomb falls, every time shrapnel hits our graves,

every time the rubble piles up on our heads,

we are awakened from our temporary death.”
Mosab Abu Toha, Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza

Philip Gourevitch
“Genocide, after all, is an exercise in community building. A vigorous totalitarian order requires that the people be invested in
the leaders' scheme, and while genocide may be the most perverse and ambitious means to this end, it is also the most comprehensive.
In 1994, Rwanda was regarded in much of the rest of the world as the exemplary instance of the chaos and anarchy associated with collapsed states. In fact, the genocide was the product of order, authoritarianism, decades of modern political theorizing and indoctrination, and one of the most meticulously administered states
in history. And strange as it may sound, the ideology- or what Rwandans call "the logic"-
-of genocide was promoted as a way
not to create suffering but to alleviate it. The specter of an absolute menace that requires absolute eradication binds leader and people
in a hermetic utopian embrace, and the individual-always an annoyance to totality -ceases to exist.”
Philip Gourevitch, We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families

Mosab Abu Toha
An apple that fell from the table on a dark evening when man-made lightning flashed through the kitchen, the streets, and the sky, rattling the cupboards and breaking the dishes.

“Am” is the linking verb that follows “I” in the present tense when I am no longer present, when I’m shattered.

A book that doesn’t mention my language or my country, and has maps of every place except for my birthplace, as if I were an illegitimate child on Mother Earth.

Borders are those invented lines drawn with ash on maps and sewn into the ground by bullets.”
Mosab Abu Toha, Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza

Cathy Burnham Martin
“The silence was doomed to be deafening, as it echoed the local hushing of a generation.”
Cathy Burnham Martin, Destiny of Dreams: Time Is Dear

A.E. Samaan
“American Progressives can not or will not make the intellectual leap that the “science” in “scientific racism” did not originate with the people they otherwise accuse of not even believing in “science” in the first place.”
A.E. Samaan

“Голод став зброєю масового знищення українців, на довгі десятиліття порушив їх природний генетичний фонд, призвів до морально-психологічних змін у суспільній свідомості. Був зруйнований традиційний український устрій життя.

Внаслідок Голодомору українське суспільство, стало і значною мірою досі залишається травмованим, постгеноцидним. Десятки мільйонів людей, які пережили Голодомор, пройшли через невимовні страждання і просто не могли відкинути цього досвіду. Їхній опір було зламано, а страх повторення Голодомору залишався на довгі десятиліття та призвів до втрати впевненості й ініціативності. На свідомому та підсвідомому рівні травма Голодомору передавалася від батьків до дітей.”
Український інститут національної пам'яті, Голодомор: Комуністичний геноцид в Україні

Aida Mandic
“Serb leaders refuse to admit that genocide
Is what happened to Bosniaks in Srebrenica Tomislav Nikolić, Dodik, Šešelj, Dačić, and Vulin are an evil crew
That call the genocide in Srebrenica untrue”
Aida Mandic, Justice For Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aida Mandic
“Serb leaders refuse to admit that genocide
Is what happened to Bosniaks in Srebrenica
Tomislav Nikolić, Dodik, Šešelj, Dačić, and Vulin are an evil crew
That call the genocide in Srebrenica untrue”
Aida Mandic, Justice For Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aida Mandic
“More than eight thousand Bosniak men and boys
Were slaughtered mercilessly by Serbs in
Who wanted Bosnia and Herzegovina’s land
Who murdered in cold blood, it was all planned

Mass graves were found on every single corner
Because torture is how Chetniks spend their time
They wanted to display their dominance over us
And commit acts against humanity, their favorite crime”
Aida Mandic, Justice For Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aida Mandic
“The United Nations lied directly to our face
They said that Srebrenica was a safe zone
But clearly they did not protect us at all
Judging by the number of bodies and bone”
Aida Mandic, Justice For Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aida Mandic
“Graffiti showed the text of a Dutchbat UN soldier
Who said that Bosnian women had no teeth
He thought they smelled like shit and had mustaches, too
It seemed that evil took over and shared its view”
Aida Mandic, Justice For Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aida Mandic
“A member of the Red Berets spoke openly
About how starving Bosniaks in Srebrenica
Was like a cat and mouse game to play
It was how nationalism continued to slay

Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Karremans and General Ratko Mladić
Were seen drinking a toast together to celebrate
All of the innocent lives that were destroyed
All of the Bosniak heads that were on a plate”
Aida Mandic, Justice For Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aida Mandic
“Mladen Grujičić became the Mayor of Srebrenica
He is an ethnic Serb that spreads vicious poison
He said that genocide never happened there
Why is there no justice for Bosniaks? This is unfair!”
Aida Mandic, Justice For Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aida Mandic
“Miloš Milovanović, a former commander of the Serbian Guard
Who represents the Serbian Democratic Party in Srebrenica
Stated that the entire Srebrenica massacre was a lie
He called it propaganda, as if Bosniak people didn’t die”
Aida Mandic, Justice For Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aida Mandic
“People were lit on fire, little girls were raped
Pregnant women had their stomachs stabbed
This is how Chetnik minds were shaped
This is how they ensured our mouths were taped”
Aida Mandic, Justice For Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aida Mandic
“Genocide and Gummy Bears have a tale to Tell
They are both Armies, each under a different Spell
One professes Love, the other Evil
Gummy kindness will outsmart the Devil”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim

Cathy Burnham Martin
“Dusk had fallen, and shadows loomed larger than life. An eerie mask of quiet enveloped the houses like some foreboding fog. Anyone hiding within nearby walls hardly dared to breathe, fearing getting dragged from their homes and added to the forced deportation march.”
Cathy Burnham Martin

Cathy Burnham Martin
“Survival became the sole focus. Their faces all reflected the same ashen daze of despair.”
Cathy Burnham Martin, Destiny of Dreams: Time Is Dear

Aida Mandic
“The Omarska geological region is rich in iron ore and has been historically lucrative for mining companies. After the Bosnian Genocide, The Mittal Steel Company bought the rights to extract iron ore from the camp site. In 2005, they announced plans to build a memorial replacing one of the camp buildings. Due to active political hostility from Serbs against building a memorial, the idea was abandoned. Bosniaks argue that the bodies of all victims should first be extracted and respectfully cremated before the memorial construction to avoid desecrating dead bodies. 20 years after the Omarska genocidal nightmare, there was no progress for building a memorial.”
Aida Mandic

Aida Mandic
“Bosniak civilians were forced to flee their homes due to the constant shelling and army attacks by May 1992. Most of the civilians were taken as prisoners or surrendered to the Serb forces. The residents were then gathered and moved to the prison camps operated by the Serb forces in the surrounding area. Within 3 weeks of the hostile takeover of the government entities, the Serb forces mounted large scale military offense and subsequently started rounding up civilians and moving them to the Omarska camp.”
Aida Mandic

Aida Mandic
“The Bosnian Serb forces operated the Omarska concentration camp to torture, murder, rape, and abuse captured Bosnian civilians, intellectuals, and politicians in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina (Prijedor municipality). The camp held over 7,000 innocent Bosnian civilians as prisoners for more than five months during 1992. Several hundred people died due to constant abuse by the Serb forces including mass executions, starvation, beatings, repeated sexual abuse, and horrifying living conditions. The camp guards frequently cut the throats of the Bosniak captives. Prisoners ate spoiled food found by scavenging for it.”
Aida Mandic

Aida Mandic
“My mother personally knew Nusreta Sivac, who was held, tortured, and raped at the camp for two months. I admire Nusreta’s extraordinary courage and fortitude in enduring the horror of genocide and speaking boldly about her experiences. She is a champion for women’s rights and a hero of the Bosnian people. She motivated and vehemently advocated for justice by persuading other Bosniak rape victims to come forward and take legal action against their perpetrators.
Thanks to Nusreta’s efforts, rape in the context of war is categorized as a war crime under international law. She was instrumental in helping convict her rapist and bringing him to justice. She was continually raped for two months in captivity. Sivac also spent years collecting evidence and testimonies from rape survivors and constructing legal cases which were presented to the ICTY. For centuries, rape was considered a byproduct of war. Are women just considered spoils of war? Her contributions are a powerful achievement because they mark the first time in history that an international court convicted war crimes solely for sexual violence. I applaud Nusreta for being a pioneer.”
Aida Mandic

Aida Mandic
“Amor Mašović, the president of the Bosnian government’s Commission for Tracing Missing Persons, confirms that there are hundreds of undiscovered mass graves. To this day, the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) is helping identify dead bodies from such mass graves, using technologies such as DNA testing. As many as 150 prisoners were killed every single night in Omarska Camp. Estimates from the United States also suggest that, at a minimum, several hundreds of civilians were murdered during the camp’s evacuation period. Actual numbers are likely to be much higher.

All the toilets in the camp were blocked. There were human feces throughout the area. The prisoners’ extremely deplorable and terrifying conditions were confirmed by a British journalist named Ed Vulliamy in a testimony. He also mentioned that the detainees consumed water from an industrially polluted river causing them severe diarrhea and intestinal diseases. There were zero criminal reports filed against the Serb perpetrators. The victims were constantly subjected to abuse resulting in serious psychological and physical deterioration.”
Aida Mandic

Aida Mandic
“During the Bosnian War in 1992, the Serb forces took over the Prijedor municipality. The Serbian Democratic Party (SDS) repeatedly broadcasted the Serb forces’ capture of Prijedor on radio as a display of significant victory. For further hostile takeover, 400 men were added to the Serb forces in Cirkin Polje (town in Prijedor) to seize Prijedor’s governing bodies such as the municipality, post office, police, bank, courts etc. By April, they successfully captured these government entities.

This forceful takeover by Serb politicians was declared to be an illegal coup d’état by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). The coup was a cold blooded, pre-planned strategic effort to capture Prijedor and convert it into a pure Serb municipality. These strategic plans were never concealed. Milomir Stakić played an important role in the strategic capture by the Serb forces.”
Aida Mandic

Aida Mandic
“Bosniak civilians were forced to flee their homes due to the constant shelling and army attacks by May 1992. Most of the civilians were taken as prisoners or surrendered to the Serb forces. The residents were then gathered and moved to the prison camps operated by the Serb forces in the surrounding area. Within 3 weeks of the hostile takeover of the government entities, the Serb forces mounted large scale military offense and subsequently started rounding up civilians and moving them to the Omarska camp.

The Bosnian Serb forces operated the Omarska concentration camp to torture, murder, rape, and abuse captured Bosnian civilians, intellectuals, and politicians in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina (Prijedor municipality). The camp held over 7,000 innocent Bosnian civilians as prisoners for more than five months during 1992. Several hundred people died due to constant abuse by the Serb forces including mass executions, starvation, beatings, repeated sexual abuse, and horrifying living conditions. The camp guards frequently cut the throats of the Bosniak captives. Prisoners ate spoiled food found by scavenging for it.”
Aida Mandic

Aida Mandic
“In one of the camp buildings, victims were squeezed together in extremely horrific conditions, with some rooms holding more than 45 people in very small closet sized rooms. They were even forced to clean the torture rooms. The prisoners’ faces were broken and mutilated from torture. Their blood stained the walls with pieces of skin and hair spread all around. The guards at the camp targeted the kidneys and hearts of the Bosniak victims when beating them to death. Prisoners were frequently beaten with spiked metal weapons and sticks, rifle butts, brass knuckles etc.

They were “packed like sardines” with unbearable heat. In addition, they also died from suffocation due to a lack of oxygen during the night. Several survivors testified that they heard constant and intense wailing from people being beaten. They were in a state of endless fear. There are documented cases of prisoners being burned alive by setting tires ablaze around them. Prisoners were made to carry the dead bodies to trucks for disposal. Mass dead bodies were also bulldozed onto trucks. Every night, gunshots could be heard until dawn during mass executions. There were mounds of corpses everywhere on the camp, and Serb forces frequently shot ammunition into the bodies to ensure death.”
Aida Mandic

Aida Mandic
“Survivors testified on several occasions that the dead bodies were shot in the head with an “extra” bullet. Many captives were forced to dig graves. This displays the extremely sadistic nature of the crimes of the Serb forces. Within the year, the majority of the Bosnian population of the Prijedor municipality was either murdered or forcefully displaced by the Serb forces, resulting in the Prijedor massacre. The camp buildings were filled over capacity with detainees. Some victims were forced to stay in the area between the two main buildings.

There were land mines set up in the vicinity of the camp. Evidence of more than 145 mass and numerous individual graves was discovered within the surrounding area. Unearthing of a mass grave close to the camp revealed 456 dead bodies. There are certainly many more dead bodies that have not yet been discovered. The number increases exponentially when accounting for the fact that 456 bodies were found in one mass grave. What about the other 144 mass graves? What about the mass graves that were never discovered?”
Aida Mandic

Aida Mandic
“Why do people apologize when they cry?
Why does the devil always get a second try?
Why do we insist
on placing stress
upon ourselves
and others?
It’s like we are
addicted to
empowering evil
Hiding the roots
of our suffering
our pain
Like a browser
that is buffering
Why do we
displays of power
but then get upset
when darkness
rules the hour?”
Aida Mandic, On The Edge of Town

“Wikipedia: Beaver Wars

The Iroquois effectively destroyed several large tribal confederacies, including the Mohicans, Huron (Wyandot), Neutral, Erie, Susquehannock (Conestoga), and northern Algonquins, with the extreme brutality and exterminatory nature of the mode of warfare practiced by the Iroquois causing some historians to label these wars as acts of genocide committed by the Iroquois Confederacy.”
Wikipedia Contributors

Stewart Stafford
“Hidden Halls by Stewart Stafford

Hail the dark prince,
An apostle of perfidy,
Great cull’s architect,
Lavish secret funding.

Wrong horse backed,
Crown shards buried,
Knights get sanctuary,
Sullied pasts shrouded.

Ultra kingdom subjects,
Bloody, unwashed hands,
Eliminating in full denial,
That the bacillus was them.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford