
Generative Ai Quotes

Quotes tagged as "generative-ai" Showing 1-30 of 38
I. Almeida
“The lack of transparency regarding training data sources and the methods used can be problematic. For example, algorithmic filtering of training data can skew representations in subtle ways. Attempts to remove overt toxicity by keyword filtering can disproportionately exclude positive portrayals of marginalized groups. Responsible data curation requires first acknowledging and then addressing these complex tradeoffs through input from impacted communities.”
I. Almeida, Introduction to Large Language Models for Business Leaders: Responsible AI Strategy Beyond Fear and Hype

I. Almeida
“It is critical to recognize the limitations of LLMs from a consumer perspective. LLMs only possess statistical knowledge about word patterns, not true comprehension of ideas, facts, or emotions. Their fluency can create an illusion of human-like understanding, but rigorous testing reveals brittleness. Just because a LLM can generate coherent text about medicine or law doesn’t mean it grasps those professional domains. It does not. Responsible evaluation is essential to avoid overestimating capabilities.”
I. Almeida, Introduction to Large Language Models for Business Leaders: Responsible AI Strategy Beyond Fear and Hype

I. Almeida
“Every piece of data ingested by a model plays a role in determining its behavior. The fairness, transparency, and representativeness of the data reflect directly in the LLMs' outputs. Ignoring ethical considerations in data sourcing can inadvertently perpetuate harmful stereotypes, misinformation, or gaps in knowledge. It can also infringe on the rights of data creators.”
I. Almeida, Introduction to Large Language Models for Business Leaders: Responsible AI Strategy Beyond Fear and Hype

Mohith Agadi
“Generative AI has unlocked exciting possibilities in the realms of images and videos. Its manipulation and transformative capabilities offer new avenues for artistic expression, content creation, and immersive storytelling. As this technology continues to evolve, it is essential to leverage its power responsibly and ensure its positive impact on society.”
Mohith Agadi

I. Almeida
“Open source philosophies once promised to democratize access to cutting-edge technologies radically. Yet for AI, the eventual outcome of the high-stakes battle between open and closed systems remains highly uncertain.
Powerful incentives pull major corporate powers to co-opt open source efforts for greater profit and control, however subtly such dynamics might unfold. Yet independent open communities intrinsically chafe against restrictions and centralized control over capacity to innovate. Both sides are digging in for a long fight.”
I. Almeida, Introduction to Large Language Models for Business Leaders: Responsible AI Strategy Beyond Fear and Hype

Tom Golway
“Unleashing Reliable Insights from Generative AI by Disentangling Language Fluency and Knowledge Acquisition

Generative AI carries immense potential but also comes with significant risks. One of these risks of Generative AI lies in its limited ability to identify misinformation and inaccuracies within the contextual framework.

This deficiency can lead to mistakenly associating correlation with causation, reliance on incomplete or inaccurate data, and a lack of awareness regarding sensitive dependencies between information sets.

With society’s increasing fascination with and dependence on Generative AI, there is a concern that the unintended consequence that it will have an unhealthy influence on shaping societal views on politics, culture, and science.

Humans acquire language and communication skills from a diverse range of sources, including raw, unfiltered, and unstructured content. However, when it comes to knowledge acquisition, humans typically rely on transparent, trusted, and structured sources.

In contrast, large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT draw from an array of opaque, unattested sources of raw, unfiltered, and unstructured content for language and communication training. LLMs treat this information as the absolute source of truth used in their responses.

While this approach has demonstrated effectiveness in generating natural language, it also introduces inconsistencies and deficiencies in response integrity.

While Generative AI can provide information it does not inherently yield knowledge.

To unlock the true value of generative AI, it is crucial to disaggregate the process of language fluency training from the acquisition of knowledge used in responses. This disaggregation enables LLMs to not only generate coherent and fluent language but also deliver accurate and reliable information.

However, in a culture that obsesses over information from self-proclaimed influencers and prioritizes virality over transparency and accuracy, distinguishing reliable information from misinformation and knowledge from ignorance has become increasingly challenging. This presents a significant obstacle for AI algorithms striving to provide accurate and trustworthy responses.

Generative AI shows great promise, but addressing the issue of ensuring information integrity is crucial for ensuring accurate and reliable responses. By disaggregating language fluency training from knowledge acquisition, large language models can offer valuable insights.

However, overcoming the prevailing challenges of identifying reliable information and distinguishing knowledge from ignorance remains a critical endeavour for advancing AI algorithms. It is essential to acknowledge that resolving this is an immediate challenge that needs open dialogue that includes a broad set of disciplines, not just technologists

Technology alone cannot provide a complete solution.”
Tom Golway

Abhijit Naskar
“Architecture is a reflection of the human spirit, poetry is a reflection of the human spirit, painting is a reflection of the human spirit. And difficult though it is to admit, modern generative AI can now do all of that on its own. So the question is, do you want to live in a world where when you look around, the human spirit is nowhere to be found - not in poetry, not in paintings, not in buildings, nowhere! If not, then never trade in your originality for some two-bit convenience of AI.”
Abhijit Naskar, Vande Vasudhaivam: 100 Sonnets for Our Planetary Pueblo

Abhijit Naskar
“AI Deception (The Sonnet)

Anybody can be a singer using Autotune,
Using ChatGPT anybody can be a writer.
But I'm yet to find an AI that can compose,
Love thy neighbor, or love has no gender.

Yet the problem is, neither human
nor AI can detect AI generation.
The world is already being flooded
with soulless, deceitful creation.

In the midst of such grave misgivings,
Honor alone can bring illumination.
Before you place anyone on pedestal,
Observe character beyond the creation.

Even I use photoshop, to enhance my covers,
But the words beneath are unvarnished Naskar.
AI can be a great help if you know how to
use it honorably, so originality is empowered.”
Abhijit Naskar, Insan Himalayanoğlu: It's Time to Defect

I. Almeida
“As generative AI becomes a core component of products, processes, and services, use case development shifts from a tactical step to a strategic capability. Organizations must invest in framing use cases rooted in customer needs, ethical principles and pragmatic execution. Only then can generative AI be leveraged for sustainable shared value.”
I. Almeida, Introduction to Large Language Models for Business Leaders: Responsible AI Strategy Beyond Fear and Hype

I. Almeida
“As AI continues its rapid evolution, the path forward seems increasingly to lie in hybrid systems. These innovations—RAG, PAL, and ReAct—are emblematic of this trend, melding traditional neural network strengths with other methods to push AI's capabilities further. For business leaders, an understanding of these advancements isn't just beneficial; it's essential for staying ahead in the AI-driven future.”
I. Almeida, Introduction to Large Language Models for Business Leaders: Responsible AI Strategy Beyond Fear and Hype

I. Almeida
“Benchmarks should aid rather than substitute multifaceted, human-centric assessment focused on benefiting diverse populations. We must see behind the leaderboard, upholding wisdom over metrics. Tools like model cards and datasheets support responsible benchmark practices. But comprehensive governance requires collaboration at all levels of society.”
I. Almeida, Introduction to Large Language Models for Business Leaders: Responsible AI Strategy Beyond Fear and Hype

Tom Golway
“Real #AI isn't about giving the right answers to our questions, its about answering the questions we don't know to ask.”
Tom Golway

Abhijit Naskar
“Statement on Generative AI

Just like Artificial Intelligence as a whole, on the matter of Generative AI, the world is divided into two camps - one side is the ardent advocate, the other is the outspoken opposition. As for me, I am neither.

I don't have a problem with AI generated content, I have a problem when it's rooted in fraud and deception. In fact, AI generated content could open up new horizons of human creativity - but only if practiced with conscience. For example, we could set up a whole new genre of AI generated material in every field of human endeavor. We could have AI generated movies, alongside human movies - we could have AI generated music, alongside human music - we could have AI generated poetry and literature, alongside human poetry and literature - and so on. The possibilities are endless - and all above board. This way we make AI a positive part of human existence, rather than facilitating the obliteration of everything human about human life.

This of course brings up a rather existential question - how do we distinguish between AI generated content and human created material? Well, you can't - any more than you can tell the photoshop alterations on billboard models or good CGI effects in sci-fi movies. Therefore, that responsibility must be carried by experts, just like medical problems are handled by healthcare practitioners. Here I have two particular expertise in mind - one precautionary, the other counteractive.

Let's talk about the counteractive measure first - this duty falls upon the shoulders of journalists. Every viral content must be source-checked by responsible journalists, and declared publicly as fake, i.e. AI generated, unless recognized otherwise. Littlest of fake content can do great damage to society - therefore - journalists, stand guard!

Now comes the precautionary part. Precaution against AI generated content must be borne by the makers of AI, i.e. the developers. No AI model must produce any material without some form of digital signature embedded in them, that effectively makes the distinction between AI generated content and human material mainstream. If developers fail to stand accountable out of their own free will, they must be held accountable legally.

On this point, to the nations of the world I say, you can't expect backward governments like our United States to take the first step - where guns get priority over children - therefore, my brave and civilized nations of the world - you gotta set the precedent on holding tech giants accountable - without depending on morally bankrupt democratic imperialists. And remember, the idea is not to ban innovation, but to adapt it with human welfare.

All said and done, the final responsibility falls upon just one person, and one person alone - the everyday ordinary consumer. Your mind has no reason to not believe the things you find on the internet, unless you make it a habit to actively question everything - or at least, not accept anything at face value. Remember this. Just because it's viral, doesn't make it true. Just because it's popular, doesn't make it right.”
Abhijit Naskar, Iman Insaniyat, Mazhab Muhabbat: Pani, Agua, Water, It's All One

Abhijit Naskar
“I don't have a problem with AI generated content, I have a problem when it's rooted in fraud and deception. In fact, AI generated content could open up new horizons of human creativity - but only if practiced with conscience. For example, we could set up a whole new genre of AI generated material in every field of human endeavor. We could have AI generated movies, alongside human movies - we could have AI generated music, alongside human music - we could have AI generated poetry and literature, alongside human poetry and literature - and so on. The possibilities are endless - and all above board. This way we make AI a positive part of human existence, rather than facilitating the obliteration of everything human about human life.”
Abhijit Naskar, Iman Insaniyat, Mazhab Muhabbat: Pani, Agua, Water, It's All One

Abhijit Naskar
“No AI model must produce any material without some form of digital signature embedded in them, that effectively makes the distinction between AI generated content and human material mainstream. If developers fail to stand accountable out of their own free will, they must be held accountable legally.”
Abhijit Naskar, Iman Insaniyat, Mazhab Muhabbat: Pani, Agua, Water, It's All One

Aymen El Amri
“Once upon a time, knowledge was king. The person who could provide the answers, solve the most problems and remember the most facts was considered the smartest in the room. Being intellectually sharp was synonymous with possessing vast stores of information and the ability to recall it at a moment's notice. However, with the rise and widespread use of tools like ChatGPT and other Generative AI technologies, this paradigm has shifted.”
Aymen El Amri, Generative AI For The Rest Of US: Your Future, Decoded

Aymen El Amri
“Embrace Generative AI or expect to say ‘huh?’ a lot”
Aymen El Amri, Generative AI For The Rest Of US: Your Future, Decoded

Abhijit Naskar
“Monkeys burn millions selling you the future, while back on earth humans struggle to make ends meet on 1/4 to 7 dollar hourly wage.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonnet 1492

If you cared more about
making people smile
than bringing machines to life,
we'd be at a much better place.

With all the tech we have today,
we could equalize the world tomorrow.
But no, cyborgs gotta develop more,
they feel impotent unless their tentacles grow.

That's why, neither genocide nor invasion
must obstruct the growth of apely machines.
It's okay if children die of malnourishment,
funding mustn't cease for glorious tech fiends.

Terrestrial terrains to celestial shores,
humanity is the only species to die of smart-ness.
If we cared more about people than devices,
truly and honestly, we'd be at a much better place.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“With all the tech we have today,
we could equalize the world tomorrow.
But no, cyborgs gotta develop more,
they feel impotent unless their tentacles grow.

That's why, neither genocide nor invasion
must obstruct the growth of apely machines.
It's okay if children die of malnourishment,
funding mustn't cease for glorious tech fiends.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“If you cared more about making people smile than bringing machines to life, we'd be at a much better place.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“I have an uncompromising principle against the use of AI in literature.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Chatgpt is Cheatgpt
(The Sonnet)

Download autotune and
everybody is a singer,
download midjourney and
everybody is a painter,

download chatgpt and
everybody is a writer.
This is not innovation, it is fraud,
and those who practice it, are
the lowest form of animals on earth.

Either do something original,
or expand on another's originality,
with honor and integrity, but never
confuse plagiarism with creativity.

Chatgpt is cheatgpt,
Better do manual labor than lie.
Even onlyfans is more honorable
than content made by Generative AI.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Download autotune and everybody is a singer, download midjourney and everybody is a painter, download chatgpt and everybody is a writer. This is not innovation, it is fraud, and those who practice it, are the lowest form of animals on earth.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Even onlyfans is more honorable than content made by Generative AI.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Either do something original,
or expand on another's originality,
with honor and integrity, but never
confuse plagiarism with creativity.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Labor of AI (The Sonnet)

Asking AI to help you
write, is not writing.
Asking AI to tune your
voice, is not singing.

Asking AI to help you
paint, is not painting.
Asking AI to help you
code, is not coding.

Asking AI to help you
create, is not creativity.
Asking AI to build your
dream, is not dreaming.

Asking AI to narrate
books, is not storytelling.
AI oughta do manual labor,
so humans can do the creating.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

Abhijit Naskar
“Asking AI to help you create, is not creativity.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

Abhijit Naskar
“AI oughta do manual labor, so humans can do the creating.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

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