
Gender Based Violence Gbv Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gender-based-violence-gbv" Showing 1-30 of 52
“Choose to live, by Choosing to leave.

If it disturbs your peace. It is not working out. If it ruins your happiness, character, behavior, reputation and drains your energy. If it gives your pain, wounds, sorrow, heartbreak, headache, stress, grief, sleepless night and discomfort.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Entertaining wrong crowd or being in the presents of people who don't want you or like you. Brings lot of trouble and problems. Everything you do will be offensive, insensitive, bad, wrong, inappropriate and questionable to them.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“People choose to solve the person, not to solve the problem, caused by the person. That is why cancel culture, doesn’t cancel wrong things ,but it cancels people. It is because themselves are doing the same things, for they see nothing wrong, but the person who did them ,being wrong.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“People throwing tantrums and fake outrage. Knowing very well that their judgment is not based on whether what was done, being right or wrong, but it depends on who did it to make it right or wrong.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Most people choose to be hurt and killed by something they have power to avoid, because of their ego, arrogance and wanting to prove a point. They choose to put themselves in harms way. Always choose safety, when it comes to your life. Be wise and choose to avoid arguments, fights, conflicts, people, places , situations or doing things that can get you killed or hurt.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“There is a thin line. Between fighting for equal rights and fighting to be treated special and lot of people confuses the two.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The hardest thing of being a man for me is not knowing you have done or said something wrong, but everyday being persecuted for it . A man can never defend himself for any wrong doing, because even the guilty ones claim they are innocent. Yet true innocent ones, always get wrongfully convicted. While guilty ones walk free.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“If you are going to fight Gender Based Violence. Fighting it . It doesn't start when you see two opposite gender fighting , but it start with you. On how do you speak to other people. What do you say to other people and how do you behave or act around other people. How do you address other people and how do you respond to other people.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“...from all accounts, the war within the war is a war on women's bodies.”
Karyn L. Freedman, One Hour in Paris: A True Story of Rape and Recovery

“The danger of supporting or standing behind a person who is wrong. They will take your support as a confirmation that they are right and whatever they are doing is right. They won't stop doing the bad things they do and they will think that nothing is wrong on what they are doing or saying. Until one day whatever they are doing . They will do it to you or to someone you know.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Everyone should look in the mirror, before pointing a finger. Maybe you are the person everyone is complaining about, but you don't see it. Women know the wrong things they do, and man also know the wrong things they do. Even if everyone denies it and trying to be innocent in public. We point fingers at others and hoping that they don’t find out , about our bad traits, character and behavior. Hoping we are not exposed one day on the wrong things we are hiding. Everyone needs to work on themselves and fix the wrongs they do. That is how we will fix the country.”
De philosospher DJ Kyos

“Choose to live, by Choosing to leave.

If it disturbs your peace. It is not working out. If it ruins your happiness, character, behavior, reputation and drains your energy. If it gives you pain, wounds, sorrow, heartbreak, headache, stress, grief, sleepless night and discomfort.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“People on Social Media don't sympathize, but they capitalize. They only support you when it benefits them. Their support has nothing to do , on how you're feeling and what you are going through. Their support is about what they are getting in supporting you. Most people are selfish.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“As a man, you can help women, but don't help yourself from the women you help. Never take advantage of people who need your help.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“You are preaching black conscious now ?
Where was your black conscious, when you raped and murdered another black person.
Where was your black conscious, when you abused and assaulted another black person.
Where was your black conscious, when you lied and accused another black person.
Where was your black conscious when you shamelessly stole and looted money from black people .
Where was your black conscious, when you deceived and manipulated black people.
When your actions are being questioned. You say they are targeting you,
meanwhile you are the one who is targeting black people. To break , extort and to enslave them.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Fighting people who wronged you . Doesn't make you an activist, But fighting for what is right does.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“They don't see themselves as victims, because of what has happen to them, but they see themselves as victims , because what has happen to them is now exposed . It might give them exposure, destroy someone or some might even cash in. It is sad that people don't care about the wrong and bad things that happened to them. They care what those things might get them and how others view them.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Generalization hides the problem and the perpetrators . It becomes difficult to find solution, because everyone denies the allegations, meanwhile the number of victims increases. It pushes those who want to help away and those who are guilty not to see their fault.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“If you are using herbs, juju, witchcraft, love spell or potion on your partner. Know that you are committing Gender Base Violence ( GBV )”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The only time . I will be proud to be a man. Is when every women is safe and comfortable around me.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Κωνσταντίνος Τζούμας
“Οι γυναικοκτονίες στην Ελλάδα οφείλονται στη φλυαρία των γυναικών. (07/01/2022)”
Κωνσταντίνος Τζούμας

“Regarding discrimination against women, it can be said that gender equality campaigns will prove effective if it is launched in rural and remote pockets of countries that are surveyed as exhibiting such discrimination. There is scarcely such discrimination today among the educated lot. However, it may be agreed that when it comes to reposing confidence in the skills of women, there may be some hesitation posed. Moreover, women have always been at par with men when it comes to their abilities; it is just that both men and women are gifted differently. Women are more intelligent, while men exhibit traits of being intellectuals. Hypothetically if there is a weighing scale to weigh the abilities of what men can achieve and what women can achieve, I am confident that the scale will be balanced. I think creating such awareness will do much good rather than reclaiming something which naturally exists.”
Henrietta Newton Martin-Legal Professional & Author

“Thus, unless we actively seek out this information, it can remain below our radar. Or perhaps we conceal the truth because we want to protect our children from the harsh realities of gender-based violence. One could argue that protecting children in this way as a means of instilling in them a robust sense of security is an important aspect of early childhood development. But at some point, sticking to this story becomes counterproductive, for as long as we are taught that the world is a benign place for women, when harm comes to us the most reasonable conclusion to draw is that it is our fault.”
Karyn L. Freedman, One Hour in Paris: A True Story of Rape and Recovery

“.... according to the myth that virgin blood is a panacea for disease and illness, infant rape and baby rape were being used as a cure for AIDS in South Africa and elsewhere. In was or peace, it seemed, women and children were at high risk.”
Karyn L. Freedman, One Hour in Paris: A True Story of Rape and Recovery

“The problem with statistics is that they are easy to ignore. There is anonymity in number, which can make it hard to hold on to the facts - the people - behind them. Statistics are by definition impersonal. In order to make the problem of violence against women palpable we need to know the stories behind the numbers,..”
Karyn L. Freedman, One Hour in Paris: A True Story of Rape and Recovery

“You don’t have to lie to tell the truth. One lie of what is happening or what happened makes the whole thing unbelievable and questionable. Most cases are thrown out in court not because the incident didn’t happen, but it is because someone lied when testifying because they wanted so much conviction and to make the other person pay.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“When you speak out only when it is convenient for you. When you have something to gain and when others have something to lose. You are not a hero or a victim but a hypocrite. When you were silent, how many people have became victims. How many people have suffered that you would have saved by speaking up .”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Most of the time. When they decide to speak up or cry out loud. It is not about them seeking justice, but it is about the money. It is about them getting what they think they are owed. Them getting what they want and their way. It is not about the truth, right or wrong. Because of that they make it hard for real victims to be assisted and get help and justice.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Some people when they are busy enjoying the money. They don't care how the money is got or who gives them the money. They don't see anything wrong and are happily willing to do anything to get that money. Once the money is finished or are now denied to have it. They are only left with their actions. They play a victim card, because they are no longer benefiting.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Some people put themselves in harms way because they think what they can benefit from it. It is greater than the poverty, pain, abuse, assault, rape, humiliation, suffering and is greater than having a boring life or working hard .”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

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