
Fornication Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fornication" Showing 1-28 of 28
Habeeb Akande
“Fish in another man's pond and you will catch crabs.”
Habeeb Akande

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The boring thing with 'No sex before marriage' is that kids will never get to attend their parents’ wedding.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana, The Confessions of a Misfit

Randy Alcorn
“It's always easier to avoid temptation than to resist it.”
Randy Alcorn, The Purity Principle: God's Safeguards for Life's Dangerous Trails

Patricia Highsmith
“I tell him his business, all business, is legalized throat-cutting, like marriage is legalized fornication.”
Patricia Highsmith, Strangers on a Train

“Fornication and adultery unleash destructive consequences into a person's life:
• Poverty;
• Lack of perception;
• Loss of respect and mutual acceptance;
• Children with shattered futures;
• Dullness of the senses and of the intellect;
• Deterioration of health.”
Sunday Adelaja

Ron Brackin
“In his natural perversion, a man wants to lie with a hooker, wed a virgin, and keep both.”
Ron Brackin

Anthony Liccione
“Sex swims in marriage, while sex sinks in sin of being single.”
Anthony Liccione

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Unlike wealth, fame makes it easier for some men and more difficult for some to sleep around.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Michael Bassey Johnson
“I have come to realize that my stupid gestures excites women alot, and if I'm really stupid, i will dare to take them to bed and excite them even more.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

“The fatherhood crisis is a generator of an incredible dimension of fornication and adultery.”
Sunday Adelaja

“The spirit of fornication and adultery robs a man of his authority in the spiritual realm.”
Sunday Adelaja

“Fornication is the murderer of champions and of people who have success, power, wisdom and anointing.”
Sunday Adelaja

Billy Graham
“In all of these centuries there has not been the slightest shadow of change in the nature of God or in His attitude toward sin.
The Bible teaches from the beginning to the end that adultery and fornication are sin, and the attitude of churchmen does not alter its character.”
Billy Graham, Billy graham in quotes

Randy Alcorn
“We are [God's] by creation, and again by redemption. He has every right to tell me what to do with my mind and body. I have. I right to do whatever I want with my body.”
Randy Alcorn, The Purity Principle: God's Safeguards for Life's Dangerous Trails

William Shakespeare
“Alas, alas.
Why, all the souls that were, were forfeit once,
And He that might the vantage best have took
Found out the remedy. How would you be
If He, which is the top of judgment, should
But judge you as you are? Oh, think on that,
And mercy then will breathe within your lips
Like man new mad.”
William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

“The end result of adultery and fornication is spiritual and even physical death.”
Sunday Adelaja

“Fornication and adultery are a plague of the last days.”
Sunday Adelaja

“The sin of fornication hinders a person from enjoying God's blessings”
Sunday Adelaja

“Fornication is a snare that a person sets for himself.”
Sunday Adelaja

“Fornication deprives a person of his spiritual covering.”
Sunday Adelaja

“Anointing doesn't guarantee protection from fornication, adultery or lust”
Sunday Adelaja

“Wisdom makes it even more likely that you will be exposed to the danger of fornication.”
Sunday Adelaja

“Your riches cannot save you from fornication.”
Sunday Adelaja

Taylor Rhodes
“highway wildflowers swaying like the ocean. queen anne’s lace like doilies for a tea party never attended. this is a conversation between two parts of yourself. the fever will break soon, but until then i’ll be untangling you from the knots in my windblown hair. i smell like a wet forest, like long grass covered in sequins. i called your name but was drowned out by the thunder. i remember you murmuring, “please,” while you took my shirt off. i remember you and the airy “please” when you pulled me toward you by my legs. i remember “pleeease” while i learned how to let go. i remember your divine “please.” chanting it as if it’d draw a demon out of hiding. “please, please, please.” and i screamed, “yes.”
Taylor Rhodes, calloused: a field journal

Russell M. Nelson
“Sadly, you will meet people whose desperate search for something that seems to them like happiness takes them down the slippery slopes of sin. Beware of that slimy slide! Any pleasure in sin is only fleeting, and its haunting memories are smeared by gnawing and grinding guilt. The sinful warping of the embrace divinely designed to unite husband and wife is but a hollow counterfeit. Each unlawful experience is stripped of deep meaning and sweet memory.”
Russell M. Nelson, Accomplishing the Impossible: What God Does, What We Can Do

Julie M. Fenster
“For the members of the Lewis and Clark expedition, the suspension of their own mores when they came in contact with the Indian nations was quite the opposite of battle, bringing not horrors, but the guiltless pleasure of a liaison unlike any in the United States- unlike any, because it didn't have to be arranged, induced, concealed, limited, remunerated, or sanctified.”
Julie M. Fenster, Jefferson's America: The President, the Purchase, and the Explorers Who Transformed a Nation

Werner Herzog
“Kinski always says it's full of erotic elements. I don't see it so much erotic. I see it more full of obscenity. It's just - Nature here is vile and base. I wouldn't see anything erotical here. I would see fornication and asphyxiation and choking and fighting for survival and... growing and... just rotting away. Of course, there's a lot of misery. But it is the same misery that is all around us. The trees here are in misery, and the birds are in misery. I don't think they - they sing. They just screech in pain. It's an unfinished country. It's still prehistorical. The only thing that is lacking is - is the dinosaurs here. It's like a curse weighing on an entire landscape. And whoever... goes too deep into this has his share of this curse. So we are cursed with what we are doing here. It's a land that God, if he exists has - has created in anger. It's the only land where - where creation is unfinished yet. Taking a close look at - at what's around us there - there is some sort of a harmony. It is the harmony of... overwhelming and collective murder. And we in comparison to the articulate vileness and baseness and obscenity of all this jungle - Uh, we in comparison to that enormous articulation - we only sound and look like badly pronounced and half-finished sentences out of a stupid suburban... novel... a cheap novel. We have to become humble in front of this overwhelming misery and overwhelming fornication... overwhelming growth and overwhelming lack of order. Even the - the stars up here in the - in the sky look like a mess. There is no harmony in the universe. We have to get acquainted to this idea that there is no real harmony as we have conceived it. But when I say this, I say this all full of admiration for the jungle. It is not that I hate it, I love it. I love it very much. But I love it against my better judgment.”
Werner Herzog