Forbidden Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "forbidden-love" Showing 151-180 of 266
Kailin Gow
“beauty has been known to drive men wild, like the sirens did. Man’s challenge is to steer clear from it.” - Salvadore about temptation”
Kailin Gow, The Tutor

Kailin Gow
“He was my addiction and once I got that taste of him I wouldn’t want to stop even if I was getting eaten alive with guilt for doing it. - Taylor First, The Tutor by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, The Tutor

Kailin Gow
“Don’t you want a relationship like your parents have? They look at each other with love and heart, not just as an asset.” - Salvatore from The Tutor by Kailin Gow.”
Kailin Gow, The Tutor

Katharine McGee
“He didn’t know what it was like, wanting something you could never have; how impossible it was to un-want it once you’d let the feeling in.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor

E.R. Wade
“As soon as I saw her, I knew I had to stay far away from her. Being with her makes me feel like I’ve been starving for so long. Sofia has given me a taste of something I didn’t know I wanted. Something I am now desperate for. Her.”
E.R. Wade

Candace Knoebel
“He was desire, and I was his prisoner, chained up by his kisses. Submissive to his touch.”
Candace Knoebel, The Taste of Her Words

Katharine McGee
“Her head was pressed against his chest and she could hear the erratic beat of his heart, its pulse matching her own. She felt it too—the exhilaration, and underneath it the thin electrifying undercurrent of fear, at the forbiddenness of what they were about to do.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor

Katharine McGee
“She nodded, breaking every promise to herself, loving him.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor

Candace Knoebel
“He was fast becoming the excitement of a tomorrow I never used to look forward to.”
Candace Knoebel, The Taste of Her Words

Morning takes you
again to the place
of no return...

I don’t have the time
to tell you,
how much I want
you to be here…”
Zorica Savron, Only for You

Kathey Gray
“I'm dangerous for you, Abby - Benjamin Blake”
Kathey Gray, The Blake Brothers

Ella James
“She looked at me, and she saw something no one else did. Even I don't know what." -Landon”
Ella James, Fractured Love

Katharine McGee
“That’s why I went away—to escape the way I felt about you. I kept hoping that if I just ran far enough, eventually I’d figure out a way to stop loving you.”
“I’m glad it didn’t work.”
“Of course it didn’t work.” He smiled. “There’s no way it ever could.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor

Candace Knoebel
“Like the perfect collision of oils on a canvas.
She was a walking piece of art. Words and all.”
Candace Knoebel, The Taste of Her Words

Zoe Forward
“We can’t do this on so many levels,” she whispered. But I don’t care." Vee, The Way You Bite”
Zoe Forward, The Way You Bite

E.R. Wade
“I drag my eyes away from his sexy hands and my gaze collides with his. His penetrating blue gaze holds mine. He knows. He knows what I am thinking.
He knows that I would rather have him fucking me senseless than sitting in the midst of everyone trying to make small talk, pretending that his mere presence hasn’t almost driven me to my wits’ end. Feeling overwhelmingly aroused, heat creeps up my neck and into my cheeks. My pulse is racing. My heart is pounding so hard.
Awareness crackles between us. His eyes hold mine with a frightening intensity like he can devour me with one touch.”
E.R. Wade

Ava Harrison
“And most of all...I learned that even in the darkest of nights, the stars will always shine. ~ Lynn”
Ava Harrison, Illicit

You are here again,
so realistic,
just, the golden dawn
takes you away
in the morning...

Be here now,
not there,
where there is nothing
but stars
and emptiness...
Zorica Savron, Only for You

Kathey Gray
“I'm dangerous for you, Abby.”
Kathey Gray, The Blake Brothers

Kathey Gray
“His blue eyes slice through me and make me wish I hadn't come.”
Kathey Gray, The Blake Brothers

Alice Poon
“At places where protruding rocks blocked its flow, the river hissed, eddying in ripples and foams, and then wrested its way forward with renewed rigor. For a while Bumbutai stood still, enchanted by the struggling brook, her spirits lifted and were imbued with a refreshing sense of hope. Mother Earth's healing hand could always do wonders to a world-wearied soul.”
Alice Poon, The Green Phoenix: A Novel of Empress Xiaozhuang, the Woman Who Re-Made Asia

Mallika  Nawal
“The perfect boyfriend. Evolutionary psychologists often opine that bad boys are the ultimate alpha males—powerful, potent, lethal. These predators represent the forbidden fruit! Ergo that makes them the ultimate taboo, which makes them the ultimate aphrodisiac.”
Mallika Nawal

Tessa Clare
“You once asked me if I ever counted how many people have died since I started working for the Bureau.”
My breath catches in my throat. I’ve been so cruel to him. “Roman, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“It’s okay,” he says, which makes me feel even worse. “I never counted how many people have died since I started working for the bureau. But I know how many people were on the list that I met you: ten thousand, four hundred and twenty-one.”
I inhale a breath, the number incomprehensible to me.
“I managed to save one,” he whispers. “I know that doesn’t seem like a lot; but to me, it counts for something.”
I pull him in for another kiss, light and chaste. As I pull away, I whisper, “Thank you.”
Tessa Clare, The Divinity Bureau

E.R. Wade
“There’s a reason why relationships don’t work out. It’s usually better to take a few steps back if you have any doubts before it gets complicated and you find yourself in a tangled web, not of your doing, but somehow you end up paying the price.”
E.R. Wade

“Don't bow your head!
It gets even harder...

Look at me
and say that, what was incomplete.
Think of forbidden
and dream, as I do.
Zorica Savron, Only for You

Giovanna Roma
“*Sì, Allison, lo sto pensando.*
Sto pensando al motivo per il quale non porti niente sotto, se ti stai bagnando rimuginando su di me, se quel deficiente ti ha avuta, se ti ha lasciato per lo meno il reggiseno - a giudicare dalla spalla scoperta, direi di no – se mi chiederai di fotterti anche stanotte. Le domande vorticano, confondendosi e distraendomi dalla serata.”
Giovanna Roma, Il colore del caos

Giovanna Roma
“Devia la mia mano, quando tento una carezza sulla sua guancia arrossata. «Poche regole, Allison.» Ricerco gli occhi con due dita sotto il mento. Evita di guardarmi solo per farmi ammattire, ormai lo so. «Pretendo che siano rispettate. Se scopro che spalanchi le gambe a quel figlio di papà, puoi dire addio a tutto.»”
Giovanna Roma, Il colore del caos

Giovanna Roma
“«Non è possibile.»
«Ti prego.»
La sua supplica ha un tono seducente, avvinghia a sé ogni nervo del mio corpo. Darei il locale per risentirlo mentre è in ginocchio e mi guida dentro la sua bocca.
Fisso il punto in cui i nostri corpi si toccano, prima di trascinare gli occhi nei suoi.
*Concentrati, stronzo. Ti ha posto una domanda.*”
Giovanna Roma, Il colore del caos

Emma Richler
“Rachel slips off the bed and stands before him to rearrange his collar, aware that in this small gesture there is a quality acutely other than motherly, sisterly, companionable, and that, in this moment, everything ever intended for her, for them, has begun, that the beginning is in the rearrangement of his collar and not the first kiss they share now, Zach recovering his wind as quickly as he lost it, a Great Northern Diver resurfacing. Zach clasps his hands round her ears, steps into her body and breathes the very air from her lungs. His teeth scrape against hers and he rests his open mouth against her face, gasping for air, his eyes squeezed shut as in great pain. And Rachel and Zachariah are born. Now truly they are born.

'Zachariah, Zachariah,' whispers Rachel. 'My fighting man.”
Emma Richler, Be My Wolff

Katharine McGee
“For an impossibly brief instant, Avery was in the dark while Atlas seemed illuminated from behind—light streaming around him, gilding the edges of his form, making him into something almost otherworldly. It seemed suddenly impossible that he was real, and here, and hers.
And in truth, it was impossible. Everything about their relationship kept proving impossible at every turn, yet somehow they had willed it into being.”
Katharine McGee, The Dazzling Heights