Flirt Quotes

Quotes tagged as "flirt" Showing 61-90 of 127
Kassandra Cross
“They say I should stay away from you,” I said. “They said you’re not good for me.”
“I’m not,” he said with a wicked smile, “But doesn’t that make it even more fun?”
Kassandra Cross, Black Magic

Marie Lu
“Behold.” Magiano spreads his arms in a gesture of pretend triumph. “Revel in its majesty.”
I wrinkle my nose. “Are you trying to impress me with a collapsed archway?”
“No faith. No faith at all.” He is back to his old self, and it sends a rare thread of joy through my heart. “Follow me,” he murmurs. Then he takes a deep breath and dives down, grabbing my hand as he descends.”
Marie Lu, The Midnight Star

“Why am I impatient I am unsure for what is patience? And why should I ultimately feel that I am lacking in it.
Is it timing? Waiting?
Someone recently referred to it as a staring contest between yourself, fate, god and chance. He also referred to it as a tease, a flirt. It's staring at her image when you want to hear her voice, feel her breath, taste her skin. Patience is the recovery from a really hot dream interrupted by the damn alarm clock. Patience is a hard cock with bound hands.”
Leonora Morrison, The Bed and the Bookcase

Maggie Stiefvater
“Hurry up, before there's no more night left.”
Maggie Stiefvater, Shiver

Pawan Mishra
“Many storytellers with possibly more potential than Shakespeare, even though I have not read much of him, could not hit much fame because they treated their stories like their wives. Rather than limiting the emotion only to flirting with their stories, they married them, thus limiting their chances of experimenting.”
Pawan Mishra, Coinman: An Untold Conspiracy

Kelley Armstrong
"I don't doubt tall, dark, and seriously cute had a vision, but I'm still going to wait for Kit's call on this one."
"Did she just call me cute?"
Corey said.
Hayley turned on Tori. "Did you just flirt with my boyfriend?"
Corey said.
"Are you coming?" I asked Corey. "Or staying to flirt back?"
"Bossy, isn't she?" Tori said.
"Yeah, I think it's hot," Corey said with a grin.”
Kelley Armstrong, The Rising

Kamand Kojouri
“Come into my world.
I will show you the phenomenon that Stendhal experienced. I will help you feel the cascading arpeggios of Wagner's overture. I will dance to Doga’s waltzes with you.
A day spent without appreciating the beauty surrounding us is a waste. Let me appreciate you”
Kamand Kojouri

Katherine McIntyre
“Go figure, that happened to be his same style of flirtation as well—annoy her half to death until, before she could stop herself, she confessed her deep darks and bonded with him to a degree she never had before.”
Katherine McIntyre, Forged Alliances

Anna Bradley
“She was determined to sever the connection between her brain and her mouth before any unpleasant truths could escape. After all, she didn’t need a brain to flirt, did she?”
Anna Bradley, A Wicked Way to Win an Earl

Naguib Mahfouz
“الدنيا من غير طلعة محياها لا تساوي ذره من رماد”
Naguib Mahfouz, السراب

Caroline   George
“You’re different, and I know that’s probably the most cliché response ever given, but it’s the truth. When I look at you, it’s as if I’m reading a novel. No matter how much time I spend studying your pages, there will always be more for me to learn, deeper layers of complexity to baffle me, and plot twists that’ll leave me speechless.”
Caroline George, The Vestige

Amit Kalantri
“For you the guy should be the one who will look like the God among the guys.”
Amit Kalantri

“I think the eyes flirt most. There are so many ways to use them.”
Anna Held

“Do you believe in love at first sight, or shall we hook up again?”
random movies
tags: flirt

“What is your name?” she said crossing her legs.
“I am Raj Singhania, owner of Singhania group of Industries and I am on my way to sign a 1000 crore deal.”
“Oh my God, Oh my God!” she said laughing and looked at Bobby from top to bottom.
“What’s with this OMG thing and girls, stop saying that. I am not going to propose you anytime soon. But it’s OK. I can understand how girls feel when they meet famous dudes like me,” Bobby said smiling.
“What kind of an idiot are you?” she said laughing.
“Indeed, a very rare one. The one that you find after searching for millions of years,” Bobby said.
“Do you always talk like this?” she said laughing.
“Only to strangers on bus or whenever I get bored,” Bobby said.
“OK, tell me your real name,” she said.
“My name is Mogaliputta Tissa and I am here to save the world.”
“Oh no not again!” she said squeezing her head with both her hands.
“I know you are dying inside to kiss me,” Bobby said flashing a smile.
“Why would I kiss you?” she said with a pretended sternness.
“Because, you are impressed with my intelligence level and the hotness quotient, I can see that in your eyes.”
“You think you are hot! Oh no! You look like that cartoon guy in 7 up commercial,” she said laughing.
“Thank you. He was the coolest guy I saw on TV,” Bobby said.
“OK fine, let’s calm down. Tell me your real name,” she said calmly.
“I don’t remember my name,” Bobby said calmly.
“What kind of idiot forgets his name?” she said staring into Bobby’s eyes.
“I am suffering from multiple personality disorder and I forgot my present personality’s name. Can you help me out?” Bobby said with an innocent look on his face.
“I will kill you with my hair clip. Leave me alone,” she said and closed her eyes.
“You look like a Pomeranian puppy,” Bobby said looking at her hair.
“Don’t talk to me,” she said.
“You look very beautiful,” Bobby said.
“Nice try but I am not going to open my eyes,” she said.
“Your ear rings are very nice. But I think that girl in the last seat has better rings,” Bobby said.
“She is not wearing any ear rings. I know because I saw her when I was getting inside. It takes just 5 seconds for a girl to know what other girls around her are wearing,” she said with her eyes still closed.
“Hey, look. They are selling porn CDs at a roadside shop,” Bobby said.
“I have loads of porn in my personal computer. I don’t need them,” she said.
“OMG, that girl looks hotter than you,” Bobby said.
“I will not open my eyes no matter what. Even if an earthquake hits the road, I will not open my eyes,” she said crossing her arms over her chest.
Bobby turned back and waved his hand to the kid who was poking his mom’s ear. The kid came running and halted at Bobby’s seat.
“This aunty wants to give you a chocolate if you tell her your name,” Bobby whispered to the kid and the kid perked up smiling.
“Hello Aunty! Wake up, my name is Bintu. Give me my chocolate, Aunty, please!” the kid said yanking at the girl’s hand.
All of a sudden, she opened her eyes and glared at the kid.
“Don’t call me aunty. What would everyone think? I am a teenage girl. Go away. I don’t have anything to give you,” she said and the kid went back to his seat.
“This is what happens when you mess with an intelligent person like me,” Bobby said laughing.
“Shut up,” she said.
“OK dude.”
“I am not a dude. Stop it.”
“OK sexy. Oops! OK Saxena,”
“I will scream.”
“OK. Where do you study?”
“Why should I tell you?”
“Are you suffering from split personality disorder like me?” Bobby said staring into her eyes.
“Shut up. Don’t talk to me,” she said with a pout.
“What the hell! I have enlightened your mind with my thoughts, told you my name and now you are acting like you don’t know me. Girls are mad.”
Babu Rajendra Prasad Sarilla

Carrie Jones
“We all line up except for this guy in a wheelchair, Devyn. He smiles at me when I line up, introduces himself. He has a movie star smile, just white teeth and charisma, big eyes, dark skin. He’d be perfect looking if he didn’t have such a large nose, but the truth is it looks good on him, natural and powerful. He winks at Issie, who blushes.
“You can do it, Is,” he says.
She rolls her eyes, twists her lip, and says, “As long as I don’t pass out.”
“If you pass out, I’ll put you in my lap and wheel you across the finish line,” he says, and it somehow isn’t sleazy because you can tell by his eyes how much he cares about Issie. I instantly like him.
She blushes worse. Her face looks like she’s already sprinted a mile.”
Carrie Jones, Need

Carrie Jones
“Nick grabs the disgusting clump of soggy napkins off the table and says, “You’ve got to do it, man. She’s totally in love with you.”
Devyn shakes his head. His eyes are hard. “I can’t.”
It takes me a second to respond. “You better not like Cassidy, Devyn, because I swear I will kill you.”
“Cassidy?” His voice is numb.
“Dude. Everyone’s talking about it,” Nick says.
“I don’t like Cassidy,” he says.
“Then stop flirting with her.” I stand up.
“Flirt?” Devyn looks at Nick, probably for help.
“Yeah. Flirt. You’re always with her. She’s giving you rides to school. You’re always talking about her and messaging her,” I protest.
“I don’t have the vaguest idea how to flirt. I’m a nerd. We have no social skills.”
I can’t believe him. “Well, you are flirting up a freaking storm, Devyn.”
“Zara, take it down a notch,” Nick says. “You sound jealous.”
“Do not tell me to take it down a notch,” I say, and we glare at each other. “You can be so patronizing sometimes.”
He looks away first.
“I’m just trying to figure Cassidy out.” Devyn wipes at his hair, ignoring us.
“Why? Why is she so fascinating? She’s always itching,” I ask. “And you have Issie. She is right here and she loves you. You know she loves you. I’m going to check on Issie,” I announce. I point at Devyn. “You better stop being an idiot and kiss her soon, or at least tell her you love her or I swear, Devyn, I will be the one who breaks your back and shoots you with an arrow next time.”
Carrie Jones, Captivate

“I'm a virgin and I'm saving myself for my future wife”
random movies
tags: flirt

Caroline   George
“I know stating my observation aloud is considered fresh, an indiscrete come-on, but frankly I think more people should hear the truth about themselves. Screw what society thinks, right?” – Jack Buchanan”
Caroline George, The Vestige

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Alicia bedachte ihn mit einem dieser Lächeln, die Türen öffneten und Vorsätze zum Schmelzen brachten.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

“Yet I can’t bring myself to derail from her nor can I reject what I feel in the most primitive parts of me: hope. Because that’s what I feel with her,
hope that the world can get better.
Hope that a normal life can
exist someday.”
Jocelyn White, The Ezekiel Experience

“Make me your wrist watch I’ll make you my eyeliner.”
Shehrin Odri
tags: flirt

Hal Duncan
“Susurrus is a different kind of flirt though, fickle as a godling of wind can only be but light and warm as one father, bold as the other. And his is a different kind of love, one that has lasted near as long as this world has now and stayed as fresh somehow, even in his flightiness. It is Susurrus makes her sigh for those days, even though he makes them all sigh.”
Hal Duncan, Susurrus on Mars

Samantha James
“She should have known! Beneath his polished exterior lurked the heart of a rogue. His slow-growing smile was utterly wicked. "I forget nothing, my dear Fionna. In fact, quite the opposite. I know precisely what I did, what we did. We kissed. No more. Indeed, I believe you should be aware I exercised a great deal of restraint, for it was but a hint of all I long for-”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady

Ehsan Sehgal
“Remove such people from your life-book, who only pass the time, and flirt with your feelings.”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: flirt

“To lovers out there…

It is important to let the people you are dating, married to or your are with that you Love them. They might know but they need to hear it now and then.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Ljupka Cvetanova
“Behind every man is a woman that can easily flirt.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Ehsan Sehgal
“Flirt is the corruption in love affairs.”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: flirt

Tapan Ghosh
“Don’t take life seriously. Flirt, so that you don’t get hurt.”
Tapan Ghosh

Yasmina Khadra
“Elle soulève son magnifique sourcil, et, du doigt, met met en garde :
- le courage de certaines bonnes intentions est qu'elles n'ont ni le courage de leurs engagements ni de suite dans leurs idées.”
Yasmina Khadra, L'attentat