
Feminism Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "feminism-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 78
“Mothers are our world. Sisters are our sky. Daughters are our stars. Women are our universe.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Wiss Auguste
“She was flabbergasted by the backward thinking of humankind. The damaging double standards that fueled gender disparity infuriated her.”
Wiss Auguste, The Illusions of Hope

Simone de Beauvoir
“What is beyond doubt is that until now women's possibilities have been stifled and lost to humanity, and in her and everyone's interest it is high time she be left to take her own chances.”
Simone de Beauvoir, Extracts From: The Second Sex

Rose S. White
“others take me more seriously, because I am with such a successful person—because that means that I, too, must be successful if this successful person has me in his life. It
doesn’t matter that I have been educating myself for 15 years and that I am actually successful in my own right. I must be a bit successful to be in this position. But every
successful career woman knows that she has had to work
like a horse for her success, a lot more than men who have reached the same position. And it is very hard to accept that in our time people first and foremost rank you on the scale of success with regards to the success of your partner.”
Rose S. White, You - The World of Thoughts Matters

Simone de Beauvoir
“Moreover, humanity is something other than a species: it is an historical becoming; it is defined by the way it assumes natural facticity.”
Simone de Beauvoir, Extracts From: The Second Sex

Simone de Beauvoir
“To 'remake woman', society would have had to have already made her really man's equal.”
Simone de Beauvoir, Extracts From: The Second Sex

“Ah, patriarchy, where men are from Mars, and women are from 'don't you worry your pretty little head about it.”
Anubha Saxena

Simone de Beauvoir
“If men were content to love a peer instead of a slave — as indeed some men do who are without either arrogance or an inferiority complex — then women would be far less obsessed with their femininity; they would become more natural and simple and would easily rediscover themselves as women, which, after all, they are.”
Simone de Beauvoir, Extracts From: The Second Sex

Simone de Beauvoir
“We have seen that in spite of legends, no physiological destiny imposes eternal hostility on the Male and Female.”
Simone de Beauvoir, Extracts From: The Second Sex

“Patriarchy: Doing the same thing for centuries and expecting women to be grateful for the progress.”
Anubha Saxena

“Absolutely, women just love cleaning because it's in our 'female DNA'—right next to the 'loves pink' gene.”
Anubha Saxena

“Society believes that every man comes out of the womb with a PhD in 'Fixing Stuff 101”
Anubha Saxena

“In the world of data, women must be mythical creatures. That's the only explanation for why we're so often left out.”
Anubha Saxena

“Tell me again how I should smile more. I always forget to prioritize strangers' aesthetic needs over my own feelings.”
Anubha Saxena

“A woman’s place is in the house... and the Senate, and boardrooms, and space stations. Just a minor update.”
Anubha Saxena

Sarah Hays Coomer
“ We can turn off the twenty-four-hour coverage and take a walk and a deep breath and return home to wrap our arms around our kids, pets, lovers, or friends.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“We need to listen for distress signals from our own bodies, as well as from those around us, and have systems in place to ease the pain.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Aida Mandic
“The Dark Cloud
Is the danger women face every day and that is why many of them cried
Is the stranger you were attacked by while walking outside
Is the unfortunate stoicism of refugees who are told that what they have to offer is not smart or new
Is the power that a group can have even if they are few”
Aida Mandic, The Dark Cloud

Aida Mandic
“The Dark Cloud
Is the lack of a cultural barometer that world leaders possess
Is the obsession that people seem to have with how women dress
Is the terror that people in war zones experience because they are treated like expendable pawns in chess
Is the amount of effort, work, and chaos students have that leaves them in constant stress”
Aida Mandic, The Dark Cloud

Aida Mandic
“The Dark Cloud
Is the group of people who believe that cruelty is A-OK but it’s not cool if you’re sappy
Is the fact that some people believe women warriors don’t deserve to be happy
Is the sound of the birds that could not fly and never grew
Is the pain you experience when you know that someone doesn’t love you”
Aida Mandic, The Dark Cloud

“Tómate en serio, mujer. Recorre tus caminos interiores, tus sendas prohibidas, rasga tus vestiduras. abre tus heridas, exhibe tus miserias, ostenta tus arrugas, tus carnes flácidas, las redondeces conspicuas. Pierde todas las formas, inventa la tuya. La forma auténtica es tu libertad. Alcanza la rebelión de la feminista, como decimos las maestras del arte de envejecer: la edad no es un secreto vergonzoso. Piensa en la alternativa: la muerte”
Graciela Hierro Pérezcastro

Aida Mandic
“The Dark Cloud
Is the nightmare you get every single night because evil likes to rule
Is the horror of having to see your privileged, spoiled, and rich rapist walking in school
Is the lack of love victims get so no one hands them a tissue
Is the chocolate éclair of spine that politicians have when they are presented with an issue”
Aida Mandic, The Dark Cloud

Aida Mandic
“The Dark Cloud
Is the information that you extracted that was scary
Is the weirdo that you thought that you wanted to marry
Is the division that you have to make when you are hated
Is the pressure women and teen girls face to have sex because society believes that is how things are stated”
Aida Mandic, The Dark Cloud

“Oh sure, because my chromosomes totally dictate my ability to park a car.”
Anubha Saxena

Neda Aria
“What amazes me, after all these years of selling my body, is that it’s always a man. Always… Always a man who is appalled by us enough to cause a scene. Even the men who chose to buy us.”
Neda Aria, Slut Vomit: An Anthology of Sex Work

“Feminism? Oh, it's totally unnecessary today. Just like seat belts and life jackets.”
Anubha Saxena

“They laugh at feminism from the comfort of privilege, blind to the chains it seeks to break.”
Anubha Saxena

bell hooks
“Political solidarity between women always undermines sexism and sets the stage for the overthrow of patriarchy.”
bell hooks, Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics

“Oh, I don’t know,” Karen groaned, feeling suddenly very feisty. “I just don’t think anyone with a loose appendage swinging between their legs—which we know corresponds to a loose screw in the brain—could ever be trusted with something as delicate as the well-being of someone not similarly encumbered.”
Casey Fisher, The Subtle Cause

Ursula K. Le Guin
“We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains.

That’s what I want—to hear you erupting. You young Mount St. Helenses who don’t know the power in you—I want to hear you. I want to listen to you talking to each other and to us all: whether you’re writing an article or a poem or a letter or teaching a class or talking with friends or reading a novel or making a speech or proposing a law or giving a judgment or singing the baby to sleep or discussing the fate of nations, I want to hear you. Speak with a woman’s tongue.”
Ursula K. Le Guin, Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places

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