Feel Good Quotes

Quotes tagged as "feel-good" Showing 91-120 of 144
“A woman who is in touch with her sensuality subliminally empowers her man to prosper, flourish and truly live a happy life. She does
not know it, but she is a huge catalyst to his fulfillment. But those who suppress their own sensuality whether consciously or unconsciously make it difficult for their men to find the motivation they need to succeed, and thus be fulfilled.”
Lebo Grand

Sanober  Khan
“May the nights always be aglow
with the bliss of the day
with unharmed hands and feet
and kissed cheeks.”
Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos

Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse
“The aim of far too many teachings these days is to make people "feel good," and even some Buddhist masters are beginning to sound like New Age apostles. Their talks are entirely devoted to validating the manifestation of ego and endorsing the "rightness" of our feelings, neither of which have anything to do with the teachings we find in the pith instructions. So, if you are only concerned about feeling good, you are far better off having a full body massage or listening to some uplifting or life-affirming music than receiving dharma teachings, which were definitely not designed to cheer you up. On the contrary, the dharma was devised specifically to expose your failings and make you feel awful.”
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, Not For Happiness: A Guide to the So-Called Preliminary Practices

“Relationships fail not because we have stopped loving but primarily because we have stopped living seductively.”
Lebo Grand

“That's what it's all about. We are here to walk each other home. Home to our true self ~ which is love. How we treat our self and how we have the opportunity to make others feel good about them selves, to see and bring the goodness out of them is what grows us to become a more beautiful person also.”
Angie karan

“If more women were willing to be goddesses, I believe more men would be obliged to be gentlemen. In fact, it would just happen naturally.”
Lebo Grand

“Almost every woman inherently wants to have the 'desirability advantage,' but few are willing to admit not to mention work on it. The following advice is strictly meant for sensual ladies: Don't be afraid to be your most gorgeous self or to look sexy. Yes, it will give you an unfair advantage, but what's really important is that it will teach you the art of living a sensual lifestyle, an art without which life (and love) would be utterly boring if not depressing.”
Lebo Grand

Jeremy Griffith
“Pseudo idealism: apparent charitable behaviour that on scrutiny is revealed as selfish, because the giver is engaging in it only so that he or she can feel good about him or herself”
Jeremy Griffith, FREEDOM: The End of the Human Condition

Lidiya K.
“Everything real is in the present moment. Only here can we find happiness and harmony, feel alive and do something that will change our future. Only here can we be with the people we love, enjoy the things we like and see beautiful places.”
Lidiya K., This Moment

Kenneth H. Blanchard
“People who produce good results feel good about themselves.”
Ken Blanchard

“The next time you feel really good, just keep feeling that way for the rest of your life.”
Donny Miller, Beautiful People with Beautiful Feelings

“To absolutely live a sensual lifestyle does not mean doing anything just to feel alive, but it's feeling so alive that you can do just about anything.”
Lebo Grand

“Every man inherently wants to idolize his woman. It irks us whenever we find you regular rather than enchanting.”
Lebo Grand

“Being a sensual woman gives you the Desirability Advantage; this simply means it essentially enhances your allure, elegance, and lusciousness.”
Lebo Grand

Ellen Read
“How beautiful the house was with
its magnolia trees lining the drive,
their branches outstretched as if they
were beckoning him inside. Rose tipped
blossoms caught the last of the sun’s
golden light, giving the flowers
an ethereal glow that shimmered
and looked magical.”
Ellen Read, Love The Gift

“I asked Troit, ‘What was it about the gang leaders that made you want to be more like them?’
Troit answered,
‘To be truthful, I used to feel good in their presence. I used to feel wanted in their presence. I used to feel appreciated in their presence. In their presence, you can sit down and talk and you can feel that they appreciate you. Troit Lynes, former death row inmate of Her Majesty Prison in The Bahamas”
Drexel Deal, The Fight of My Life is Wrapped Up in My Father

“People fear sensuality simply because they don't know its actual purpose. But, please, don't be ignorant my friend: Sensuality was NOT intended to make life sinful, but rather beautiful, rich and delicious.”
Lebo Grand

Debasish Mridha
“Be good to feel good and to attract good.”
Debasish Mridha

Eve Evangelista
“It's about time to see the downfall of the scorecards of who's right and who's wrong. At the end of the day, what's important is that you feel good.”
Eve Evangelista, Create and Move Forward in Life

“A good woman inspires a man. A brilliant woman interests him. A beautiful woman fascinates him. But a sensually empowered one gets him.”
Lebo Grand

“Many people wonder what it means or feels like to go deep. For me, DEEP means finding new adventures within your soul. It's a spiritual affair. It's about NOT being ashamed of who you are. And it feels like... well, drowning in sensory pleasure or worship.”
Lebo Grand

“I talk a lot about the value of lust in my book. No, don't freak out! The concept is simply about helping you understand the psychology of being an irresistible woman. There is more to life when we learn how to see lust as a tool of wisdom rather than as the devil's most favorite weapon to deceive and destroy the world. This is the next level of thinking. Are you ready for a paradigm shift?”
Lebo Grand

“Do not say that if he truly loves you he should always find you desirable even when he doesn't. I have told you before that love and desirability are not one and the same thing.”
Lebo Grand

“Women who hate the notion of being desirable to their men, in essence, deprive themselves of the greatest opportunity to experience the beauty and richness of the world of romance. Of course, it also depends on the caliber of the men they pick. If you choose a man who is sensually in the dark, chances are he may not bring much to the table in terms of romance.”
Lebo Grand

“When I hear and see young men like you and Troit, who have turned their lives around, it makes me feel good. We need to learn to love one another; there is just too much hate in this world. Supt. Allerdyce Strachan, the first female officer to rise to the rank of superintendent on the Royal Bahamas Police Force.”
Drexel Deal, The Fight of My Life is Wrapped Up in My Father

Monique Golda Nerman
“The problem with love is that there is so much of it to give." King Tommy”
Monique Golda Nerman, KING TOMMY

“You want a man who will desire you, perhaps even way more that he claims to love you.”
Lebo Grand

“When you make sexiness your priority you make it difficult for your man to take you for granted quiet so easily.”
Lebo Grand

“When you begin to claim someone as your man or woman, that's normally when you start to lose your ability to overwhelm them with desire.”
Lebo Grand