
Feel Good Quotes

Quotes tagged as "feel-good" Showing 1-30 of 144
Erik Pevernagie
“Everybody wants what feels good; and if we wish a symphony of attention from a bunch of caring people and a harmony of happy sounds during our lifetime, we must not act like dark horses, saving up our emotions, but be bountiful to all significant others. ( “Axelle Red “)”
Erik Pevernagie

“If I had my life to live over, I'd dare to make more mistakes next time. I'd relax, I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I would take fewer things seriously. I would take more chances. I would climb more mountains and swim more rivers. I would eat more ice cream and less beans. I would perhaps have more actual troubles, but I'd have fewer imaginary ones.

You see, I'm one of those people who lived sensibly and sanely, hour after hour, day after day. Oh, I've had my moments, and if I had to do it over again, I'd have more of them. In fact, I'd try to have nothing else. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each day. I've been one of those persons who never goes anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat and a parachute. If I had to do it again, I would travel lighter than I have.

If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies.”
nadine stair

Lara Whatley
It's an excellent question.
But an even better one is...
Why not?”
Lara Whatley

Simon Zingerman
“Using your talent, hobby or profession in a way that makes you contribute with something good to this world is truly the way to go.”
Simon Zingerman, We All Need Heroes: Stories of the Brave and Foolish

Rachel Robins
“When you’re comfortable and content with who you are, the voices of others who try and define, control or direct you are not important.”
Rachel Robins, How To Feel Good About Yourself - Boost Your Confidence & Tackle Low Self Esteem. Packed with Self Improvement Techniques, Positive Thinking Tips & Inspirational Quotes

Sanhita Baruah
“You will never get everything in life but you will get enough.”
Sanhita Baruah

“Don't water your weeds”
Harvey Mackay

Randa Abdel-Fattah
“It's like one of those scenes from a feel-good Hollywood movie. Where everybody is happy and nobody's hair fizzes in the wind. Where it doesn't rain, your shoes stay comfortable all day, and everybody's jokes are funny.”
Randa Abdel-Fattah, Does My Head Look Big In This?

Buddhadeb Guha
“ভালোলাগা আর ভালোবাসাতো এক নয়। ভালোবাসা অত্যন্ত ব্যক্তিগত আশীর্বাদ অথবা অভিশাপ সম্পৃক্ত এক ঘটনা। একের সঙ্গে অন্যের মধ্যে যা ঘটে যায়। কিন্তু ভালোলাগা চাঁপা ফুল ফোটার শব্দহীন গন্ধের মতো অথবা বসন্তোৎবের সময়ে শালবীথিতে শালফুলের দৃশ্যমান গন্ধর মতো। সকলেরই তাতে সমান ভাগ, সমান খুশি। সে কোনো বিশেষ কারো নয়, অথচ তবু সকলেরই।”
Buddhadeb Guha, অববাহিকা

Rachel Robins
“Saying thanks to the world, and acknowledging your own accomplishments, is a great way to feel good and stay positive.”
Rachel Robins, How To Feel Good About Yourself - Boost Your Confidence & Tackle Low Self Esteem. Packed with Self Improvement Techniques, Positive Thinking Tips & Inspirational Quotes

James Stoddah
“It's always a nice day above the clouds”
James Stoddah, A Parallel Trust

Joy Cowley
“See with the eyes of love and a thing becomes beautiful. See with the eyes of hate and things are ugly.”
Joy Cowley, Starbright and the Dream Eater

Shaeri Richards
“If we are always pushing away from feelings that we condemn as wrong, painful, or ugly, we are also pushing away from the very energy that can bring us incredible joy and ecstasy.”
Shaeri Richards, Dancing with Your Dragon: The Art of Loving Your Unlovable Self

Simon Zingerman
“The more details, depth and thought you put into your ideas the more valuable they become.”
Simon Zingerman, We All Need Heroes: Stories of the Brave and Foolish

Alcurtis Turner
“Hard work makes you feel good because you have accomplished something.”
Alcurtis Turner

Dana Reinhardt
“I’m looking to make a miracle”
Dana Reinhardt

Ellen Read
“Mark ran his fingers over the bindings and
whispered words, written long ago, words that
wriggled through the aged leather, trembled
beneath his touch. What lives and loves,
hopes and dreams, deaths and despair
these volumes held.”
Ellen Read, Love The Gift

Karldon Okruta
“There is nothing that works out for the worst that won't work out for the better.”
Karldon Okruta

“Haters hold onto the lies they tell themselves just to feel good. But you keep shining because that's what you're good at and it is that matters.”

Rachel Robins
“By making yourself a life-long leaner you’ll keep discovering new and exciting things about yourself and others.”
Rachel Robins, How To Feel Good About Yourself - Boost Your Confidence & Tackle Low Self Esteem. Packed with Self Improvement Techniques, Positive Thinking Tips & Inspirational Quotes

“People say everybody has a book inside them, so why not make your life a great story?”
martha louise hunter

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“J’ai envie de chichis, oui… mais j’ai aussi envie de ça.
Ça, c’est-à-dire lui rouler un patin, un sabot, un socque, une galoche tellement puissante que, dans ma hâte de l’embrasser, je me retrouve non pas à lui donner un baiser, mais… un coup de boule.
Comme Zidane, oui.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Mes Amours éponymes 1

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“— Tu n'es pas... tu sais...
— Amoureux de toi ?”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Mes Amours éponymes 1

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“Aujourd'hui, j'ai été témoin du pire crime qu'on puisse commettre.
Corner la page d'un livre.
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Mes Amours éponymes 1

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“— Je suis navré, ajoute-t-il précipitamment. C'est tout simplement...
— Merveilleux ! complété-je en me jetant dans ses bras et en posant malencontreusement mes lèvres sur les siennes.
Malencontreusement, j'ai dit !”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Mes Amours éponymes 1

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“Mon cœur bat la chamade lorsque je lève enfin les yeux vers les siens. Faut-il préciser que je les ai gardés rivés trois secondes sur son entrejambe ?
Probablement pas.
— Max.
— Emy, s’esclaffe-t-il, l’air désabusé.
C’est chaud. Très chaud. Il ne manque plus qu’un ascenseur pour que je me croie dans un remake breton de Cinquante nuances de Grey.
Sans chambre rouge, si possible.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Mes Amours éponymes 1

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
Après trois-allers retours et au moins autant de points de côté, je suis la première à abandonner la course, à bout de souffle. Ma condition physique ne me permet pas de courir plus de cinq minutes sans m’effondrer. Encore sept secondes, et c’était le malaise assuré !”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Mes Amours éponymes 1

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