
Fantasy Series Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fantasy-series" Showing 1-30 of 339
Christelle Dabos
“I've been reading all sorts of objects for years, and yet I feel as if I know nothing. An Earth shattered to pieces. Deliberately forgetful family spirits. Indecipherable Books. You.”
Christelle Dabos, Les Disparus du Clairdelune

J.R.R. Tolkien
“If you're going to have a complicated story, you must work to a map; otherwise you can never make a map of it afterwards.”
J. R. R. Tolkein

“I could leave it no longer. No-one had taken steps to ensure that he would reach Herron. I had to do it myself. I felt cold at the idea that I had almost decided that it was pointless seeking truths in Rael’s past. I had almost not been here and then he would never have lived in Herron. My life had almost not happened – everyone who had ever lived in Herron had almost not lived - more lost possibilities in the endless possibilities floating in the universe. It was terrifying to me, although I suspected the universe was resigned.”
Aaron D. Key, Damon Ich

Melissa McPhail
“Fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches, your Grace. That’s my motto.”
Melissa McPhail, Cephrael's Hand

Adele  Rose
“Hecate smelt the odour of death as clearly as she might smell the wonderful, scented fragrance of blooming flowers in springtime or the delicious smell of dinner wafting down the hallway.”
Adele Rose, Possession

Briar Boleyn
“... her eyes closed in deep contemplation as if she were listening to the winds of fate themselves.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

J.R.R. Tolkien
“But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund’s daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

Briar Boleyn
“I felt a rush of fiery rage and a longing I had never felt before. I felt the fury of a small child who sees the injustice of the world and wants to reach out and stop it any way they can.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Briar Boleyn
“My future had been set for me before I was old enough to question it.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Briar Boleyn
“I spotted dark kohl around her eyes and there was a splash of red on her wide mouth. She looked rakish, glamorous, and completely and utterly dashing.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Briar Boleyn
“I knew I was walking into danger. Not the sort that carried a crossbow or a sword. No, this was another kind entirely. One which might set me aflame rather than the other way around.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Briar Boleyn
“I'm sorry, did I distract you that time? Was it my hair? Or my rare female strength? I suppose both can be disarming when you’re not used to them.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Sylvia Mercedes
“You know, I've never been a fancier of human women. But I'll admit, that particular specimen is striking. I notice you wasted no time in scooping her up for a little ride. How did she feel in the saddle, eh?”
Sylvia Mercedes, Bride of the Shadow King

Sylvia Mercedes
“No one doubts your honourable nature, most noble of kings and best of brothers.”
Sylvia Mercedes, Bride of the Shadow King

Ellen ES Ceely
“I can't promise we'll win." Hadithi said again, reaching out for my hand, palm upturned. "I can't promise you'll succeed, or you won't experience horrible things. But I can promise we'll be with you until the very end.”
Ellen ES Ceely, Child of Shadows

Nadine Abrahams
“Life pushes us unwillingly from our mothers’ wombs. We come, struggling, screaming and gasping for breath into a world corroded from centuries of stagnant emotion. There are fleeting moments of joy, youth all gone in a heartbeat as if death is constantly waiting, watching. Then as unwillingly as we came, we are taken, ripped from life as we were once ripped from our mother’s womb.

Trebrelan Lord Of Caelestis The Primal Heartbeat.

© 2004”
Nadine Abrahams, The Primal Heartbeat

Nicole Platania
“There was something to be said for standing up when, internally you were shattered. When your flesh was a case for broken bones and your heart beat tainted blood, but you slipped a mask over your features and became what was expected of you. Only the strongest survived the wounds dug into their souls.”
Nicole Platania, The Shards of Ophelia

K.V. Wilson
“When next we meet, all of your bonds shall be severed. By the light that guides me, I shall see it done.”
K.V. Wilson, Guardian

Susana Sousa
“- A ligação funciona como um íman, os deuses ligam duas almas e o Destino encarrega-se de colocar essas duas almas no mesmo caminho.”
Susana Sousa, O Renascer

Susana Sousa
“Enquanto saboreava cada bocado, os meus ouvidos captavam a melodia dos pássaros, que transformavam o ar numa doce serenata.”
Susana Sousa, O Renascer

Shana Targosz
“You followed death into the Underworld. but death is also following you.”
Shana Targosz, River of Spirits

“We gave them everything,” the now drunken man spoke in a splendid stupor, his left foot wobbled below him, and his right foot had acted like an anchor, drilling through the floor.”
Cedric Ennis, The Secret Academy and the Warden's Wrath

Abigail Kay Harris
“The impact of her tender and battered hand against his rough and wind-worn face was annoyingly painful.”
Abigail Kay Harris, A Noble Thief (The Archives of Correx, #1): A Goldilocks Retelling

Claudia Merrill
“She remembered the long nights alone, and the long days that followed. A new life awaited her, yet she stayed frozen where she was.”
Claudia Merrill, The Last Oracle

Claudia Merrill
“There was no way of seeing forward, and no way back, only a trail ahead. Worn by the ancestors and those that came before. With tentative feet she would have to walk it, whether she liked it or not.”
Claudia Merrill, The Last Oracle

Marilyn Velez
“The taste of victory enticed me, and the fact that they were led by a squinted-eye lord with a stentorian voice moved me...
Tundra The Darkest Hour”
Marilyn Velez

Marilyn Velez
“The taste of victory enticed me, and the fact that they were led by a squinted-eye lord with a stentorian voice moved me...”
Marilyn Velez, Tundra: The Darkest Hour

Marilyn Velez
“If moving on a fast foot, one would hardly notice, but for the limpers like myself, one noticed many things. And on that eve, I noticed a myriad of things that on a regular day, my eyes would not see. Souls of men whose faces all never meet another patch of light, touch grass, or raise a ripe melon to their face, isolated from the rest of the world. That’s when I knew our time was fleeting.”
Marilyn Velez, Tundra: The Darkest Hour

S.J. Reid
“I'll stand with you, shoulder to shoulder, in the dark. No matter what you do or how far into the shadows you go.”
S.J. Reid, City of Dust and Blood

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