
Event Horizon Quotes

Quotes tagged as "event-horizon" Showing 1-30 of 132
Ashim Shanker
“I feel as though dispossessed from the semblances of some crystalline reality to which I’d grown accustomed, and to some degree, had engaged in as a participant, but to which I had, nevertheless, grown inexplicably irrelevant. But the elements of this phenomenon are now quickly dissolving from memory and being replaced by reverse-engineered Random Access actualizations of junk code/DNA consciousness, the retro-coded catalysts of rogue cellular activity. The steel meshing titters musically and in its song, I hear a forgotten tale of the Interstitial gaps that form pinpoint vortexes at which fibers (quanta, as it were) of Reason come to a standstill, like light on the edge of a Singularity. The gaps, along their ridges, seasonally infected by the incidental wildfires in the collective unconscious substrata.

Heat flanks passageways down the Interstices. Wildfires cluster—spread down the base trunk Axon in a definitive roar: hitting branches, flaring out to Dendrites to give rise to this release of the very chemical seeds through which sentience is begotten.

Float about the ether, gliding a gentle current, before skimming down, to a skip over the surface of a sea of deep black with glimmering waves. And then, come to a stop, still inanimate and naked before any trespass into the Field, with all its layers that serve to veil. Plunge downward into the trenches. Swim backwards, upstream, and down through these spiraling jets of bubbles. Plummet past the threshold to trace the living history of shadows back to their source virus. And acquire this sense that the viruses as a sample, all of the outlying populations withstanding: they have their own sense of self-importance, too. Their own religion. And they mine their hosts barren with the utilitarian wherewithal that can only be expected of beings with self-preservationist motives.”
Ashim Shanker, Sinew of the Social Species

“coffee, sunsets, flowers, and kisses
the simple joys are the sweetest”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“The only valuable acknowledgement is the acknowledgement you grant yourself.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“we are the transformed
we are the awoken
we lay your visions of a concrete world
in ashes
we build a new, a living world
away from death and decay”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Sometimes the path that leads to finding your very own self leads across the heart of another person. And when the time has come, you have to let him go, because some people are your preterite.

Don't indulge yourself in reminiscences of the past. There's always a reason why things happen the way they do. And if something old is dying, something new will be born.

The present is the only thing that matters. It's the only thing that really exists.
The past shouldn't be a part of it. It belongs to us, as all the things that we have experienced, suffered, learned, but it should never affect our present.

The only thing we can form is what is present. And this present is the most valuable property we own.
And we must make use of this present. We must cherish it.

And I fill my present with dreams of fairytale castles and walks in the sun that is getting warmer on every new day.
I fill it with dreams of glances onto the lavish splendour of rose-coloured spring and summer blossoms, of new poetry and new songs, of melodies in my heart and kindred souls, of new colours on my skin and flights through strange yet familiar worlds and the ever anew and ever perpetuating abundance and magic of life.

Because the tragedy in life is never tragic as a whole. It grants us the chance to be more than what we have been before.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“a stubborn heart will always find a way
to pick up all the stars from all the skies
it's dreaming of”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“All the people we have ever loved remain. They are our ghosts. They make us who we are now.
Everyone stays. And that's alright.
If you have found the right thing, the old ghost will let you go – it will not haunt you.
This is the miracle: that everything is possible – despite everything.
I have loved so many different people. Maybe that's why I feel so all over the place.
▪️It doesn't pass – it will never pass.
It has been real; it will always stay real.
But that doesn't mean that it has to haunt you.
You might believe that the old ghost had been the big picture, but he might solely have been the preparation for the bigger picture.
Everything is possible because the universe is as vast and infinite as the human heart.

Let the world in. Fate wishes us well.
Who knows which worlds will reveal themselves to us.
Believe in wonders, and they will come to pass.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“dancing makes your soul grow
its own pair of wings”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“In can feel God in everything, but especially in nature.
But man needed to have a place to see the Lord, and thus the churches were built. It started with Solomon's temple so that the ark of the covenant had a place of quiet and rest, as well as the Israelites.

I love churches – those places of encounter, exchange, community, and kindred spirits. But nonetheless, God shines the brightest in nature, and it's manifold beauty.
He is everywhere.

God is love. And if you feel love for another person, the revelation of God is revealed in its most beautiful way – it resembles the beauty of a flower or the swelling and swaying of a willow tree.

Christian faith is gentle and kind.
It is full of hope and love and tolerance for all the people wandering this earth.
That's what I believe in, and that's what I have experienced.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Clouds add character to the heavens.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“The only person you have to answer to about your doing and your becoming is your own self.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“I wouldn't want to be
what I don't say aloud
no stories that speak me
in a me, that doesn't exist”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“at times I do not think
yet I can think
yet I can be a thought
at times I am not present
yet I don't lose my presence

without a soul, I'm still a body
without a body still a soul

never altogether gone
forevermore the only one
who lasts in every day”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“nothing is impossible
except for the things we do not do”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“my darling girl –

if only you knew
which wondrous turns
life has in store for you”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“The virtuoso isn't always the one who has his métier down to a fine art but the one who lives for it.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“in music, I have always been
different from my inner being –
feeling free and living aloud
it had been my hidden truth”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Music is a feeling I cannot put down in words.
I see music.
I feel it in every fibre of my body and every part of my soul.
A harmony that touches my soul can release torrents within me and shake me to the very foundations, make me remember the good and the bad, hope, and despair.
Makes me dark and makes me light.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Music – I know my dreams within you.
I see you within me.
Music – I behold you.
I see you dancing with all the colours I carry within me.
When melodies make their way through the air
I feel you in all of my fibres and pores.
Music – only you infuse the deepest depths of my soul.
Make me move on to pastures new
and new shapes of my soul –
you make me safe and sound.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“music was my first love
but it won't be my last”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Dancing is my passion. Dancing means dreaming with your feet. The poetry of your body. What I cannot express with words I express with my body. I move to the music, let it flow through my limbs. Form the notes within me. Make them visible. Become one with the music. I become an instrument. I become music. I am music. I am entirely in the moment. I live and breathe and swirl in a circle, flow in gentle movements with the harmonies, fly through the skies. I am all mine, all my own. I am free.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Life is the never-ending story of searching for beauty.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“It's good to have dreams because they remind us of all the things possible.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“We can think of the “event horizon” as simply the barrier between dimensionless and dimensional existence. When we go to sleep and start dreaming, we find ourselves on the other side – the soul side – of the event horizon. Waking puts us on the body side of the event horizon. An out-of-body experience is when our body goes to sleep, but our mind remains on the body side of the event horizon. Sleepwalking happens when our mind goes to the soul side of the event horizon but our body remains active on the body side of the event horizon.”
Mike Hockney, Ontological Mathematics: How to Create the Universe

Jean Baudrillard
“We must retain for the event its radical definition and its impact in the imagination. It is characterized entirely, in a paradoxical way, by its uncanniness, its troubling strangeness - it is the irruption of something improbable and impossible - and by its troubling familiarity: from the outset it seems totally self-explanatory, as though predestined; as though it could not but take place.
There is something here that seems to come from elsewhere, something fateful that nothing can prevent. It is for this reason, both complex and contradictory, that it mobilizes the imagination with such force. It breaks the continuity of things and, at the same time, makes its entry into the real with stupefying ease.”
Jean Baudrillard, The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact

“That’s when my eyes, like objects crossing over the event horizon of a black hole, were drawn inextricably to a dark and destructive place.”
Sean Norris, Heaven and Hurricanes

Shahid Hussain Raja
“Physicists say there is an Event Horizon beyond which there is no escaping falling into a Blackhole. Little did I know that there is no Event Horizon in love which is itself a Blackhole. The moment you fall in love, it pulls you in and there is no chance of pulling yourself back”
Shahid Hussain Raja

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