
Entanglement Quotes

Quotes tagged as "entanglement" Showing 1-24 of 24
Suman Pokhrel
“Let me not so much be lost in involvements
as would make me incapable of
recognizing the fragrance of the flower
beaming in my own yard.”
Suman Pokhrel

Jim Jarmusch
“When you separate an entwined particle and you move both parts away from the other, even at opposite ends of the universe, if you alter or affect one, the other will be identically altered or affected. Spooky. (Adam in Only Lovers Left Alive)”
Jim Jarmusch

Erik Pevernagie
“When our journey through life's difficulties becomes a trail of confusion and entrapment, we require intellectual and moral insight to escape the entanglements in our future. ("Imbroglio")”
Erik Pevernagie

Sharon Salzberg
“The key in letting go is practice. Each time we let go, we disentangle ourselves from our expectations and begin to experience things as they are.”
Sharon Salzberg, Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection

Gregg Andrew Hurwitz
“Guilt is an indulgence, it entangles you in the past.”
Gregg Hurwitz

Amit Ray
“Quantum Machine Learning is defined as the branch of science and technology that is concerned with the application of quantum mechanical phenomena such as superposition, entanglement and tunneling for designing software and hardware to provide machines the ability to learn insights and patterns from data and the environment, and the ability to adapt automatically to changing situations with high precision, accuracy and speed. ”
Amit Ray, Quantum Computing Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence

Eliezer Yudkowsky
“If you once tell a lie, the truth is ever after your enemy.”
Eliezer Yudkowsky, Rationality: From AI to Zombies

Amit Ray
“Life is a field of cosmic consciousness, expressing itself in million ways in space-time through quantum entanglement”
Amit Ray, Beautify your Breath - Beautify your Life

“If Enlightenment was the salad, Entanglement is the soup”
Neri Oxman

“Even if a particle could travel backward in time, information could not. Retrocausality will be replaced by something more sophisticated. There are no perfect symmetries, there is no pure randomness everything is an approximation of something else. Information may appear in a digital form but meaning never does. Spacetime is built up from approximations, not discrete ones and zeros, and the only constant may be ratios. Quantum entanglement and geometry; if we think of a particle as being at one pole of an expanding sphere that is not perfectly symmetrical, this surface would be "rippling" like the surface of the ocean (in the audio world this is called dithering), at the other pole is the entangled particle's pair and it is a property of the sphere that gives the illusion of connectivity. This is not a physical geometry, it is a computational geometry. Is spacetime a product of entanglement? Renate Loll believes that time is not perfectly symmetrical. Her computer models require causality. Possibly some form of quantum random walk in state space. If a photon is emitted by an electron inside of a clock on Earth and it travels to a clock four light years away, time stops for the clock on Earth and time jumps forward eight years for the distant clock also, the electron that will capture the photon becomes infinitely large relative to the photon but the electron that emitted it does not become infinitely small therefore, time is not perfectly symmetrical.”
Rick Delmonico

Sol Luckman
“entanglement: (n.) quantum physics term for when the sheets wrap around two bodies in space.”
Sol Luckman, The Angel's Dictionary

Eliezer Yudkowsky
“Only God can tell a truly plausible lie.”
Eliezer Yudkowsky, Rationality: From AI to Zombies

A. Trevena
“Unlike many other people, I can see the wood very clearly. It's the trees I have trouble with.”
A Trevena, Complete Worldbuilding: An Author’s Step-by-Step Guide to Building Fictional Worlds

“With entanglement each particle creates one hemisphere of a growing sphere (two dimensional sheet), if the particle has spin, the entire sphere is spinning and an interruption at one pole of the sphere instantly affects the other pole.”
Rick Delmonico, The Philosophy of Fractals

Philip Ball
“Einstein and his colleagues made the perfectly reasonable assumption of locality: that the properties of a particle are localized on that particle, and what happens here can’t affect what happens there without some way of transmitting the effects across the intervening space. It seems so self-evident that it hardly appears to be an assumption at all. But this locality is just what quantum entanglement undermines – which is why ‘spooky action at a distance’ is precisely the wrong way to look at it. We can’t regard particle A and particle B in the EPR experiment as separate entities, even though they are separated in space. As far as quantum mechanics is concerned, entanglement makes them both parts of a single object. Or to put it another way, the spin of particle A is not located solely on A in the way that the redness of a cricket ball is located on the cricket ball. In quantum mechanics, properties can be non-local. Only if we accept Einstein’s assumption of locality do we need to tell the story in terms of a measurement on particle A ‘influencing’ the spin of particle B. Quantum non-locality is the alternative to that view.”
Philip Ball, Beyond Weird

Saidiya Hartman
“One of the things I think is true, which is a way of thinking about the afterlife of slavery in regard to how we inhabit historical time, is the sense of temporal entanglement, where the past, the present and the future, are not discrete and cut off from one another, but rather that we live the simultaneity of that entanglement. This is almost common sense to Black folk. How does one narrate that?”
Saidiya Hartman

Steven Redhead
“Don’t be drawn into any web of entanglement created by others.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is Simply A Game

Dada Bhagwan
“You benefit when you do not further entangle (confuse) an already entangled person or you benefit when you remove his entanglement. But what happens when you entangle the one who is already entangled? God is sitting within him, isn’t he?”
Dada Bhagwan

“Quantum entanglement and geometry; if we think of a particle as being at one pole of an expanding sphere that is not perfectly symmetrical, this surface would would be "rippling" like the surface of the ocean (in the audio world this is called dithering), at the other pole is the entangled particle and it is a property of the sphere that gives the illusion of connectivity. This is not a physical geometry, it is a computational geometry. Is spacetime a product of entanglement?”
Rick Delmonico

“Entanglement means some aspect of our description of behavior can't be separated by space, time or dimensions.
Clocks entanglement and dimensionality in spacetime:
A clock runs at the same rate for an object falling into a black hole (but slows to zero at the event horizon for an outside observer) as it does in empty space and at the exact center of a black hole, if it is not spinning because gravity cancels itself out. Since the object's clock rate remains the same the whole time the difference is scale and dimensions. I would suspect that the scale of the other three forces is reduced proportionately. We might describe this as a fractal nesting of scale.”
R.A. Delmonico

Mitta Xinindlu
“The result of 'being together' should show through the development of the mind, spirit, emotions, body, resources or other forms of wellness. If there's no development, then it's just a waste of time.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“It is said in some of the science literature on cosmological quantum entanglement (which is fancy terminology for biology) that an observation or a measurement is the result of an observer interacting with a system that it is observing while becoming physically entangled with it. In other words. It's all about companionship really. Self-companionship to be more precise. It's simply not good for one to be alone.”
Wald Wassermann

Amit Ray
“Quantum entanglement is the fundamental property of the 114 chakras and the 72000 nadis because they can align and entagle with cosmic blockholes and other energy fields.”
Amit Ray, 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

Mitta Xinindlu
“Love is not sports, there's no need to compete.”
Mitta Xinindlu