
Empowering Women Quotes

Quotes tagged as "empowering-women" Showing 1-30 of 144
Shannon L. Alder
“Dear Child,

Sometimes on your travel through hell, you meet people that think they are in heaven because of their cleverness and ability to get away with things. Travel past them because they don't understand who they have become and never will. These type of people feel justified in revenge and will never learn mercy or forgiveness because they live by comparison. They are the people that don't care about anyone, other than who is making them feel confident. They don’t understand that their deity is not rejoicing with them because of their actions, rather he is trying to free them from their insecurities, by softening their heart. They rather put out your light than find their own. They don't have the ability to see beyond the false sense of happiness they get from destroying others. You know what happiness is and it isn’t this. Don’t see their success as their deliverance. It is a mask of vindication which has no audience, other than their own kind. They have joined countless others that call themselves “survivors”. They believe that they are entitled to win because life didn’t go as planned for them. You are not like them. You were not meant to stay in hell and follow their belief system. You were bound for greatness. You were born to help them by leading. Rise up and be the light home. You were given the gift to see the truth. They will have an army of people that are like them and you are going to feel alone. However, your family in heaven stands beside you now. They are your strength and as countless as the stars. It is time to let go!


Your Guardian Angel”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“I don't understand women that call themselves a "bitch". It doesn't empower a woman. Rather, it reveals to everyone that you were deeply hurt at one time. Because of the pain your still carrying, you will continue to hurt anyone that reminds you of those moments when you let your guard down and were fooled. Sadly, it sends a clear message to the observant that you are still hurt. If only women would realize that "we all" have moments of stupidity then they would stop comparing themselves to the masses.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Unrequited love is the only emotion that allows sane people to taste the “life sentence” of someone with bipolar disorder. The longer they hang onto a lost cause the more unstable they look to everyone else. They contradict their own belief systems and statements, by circling the drain with two competing emotions—love and hate.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“You are not an option, a choice or a soft place to land after a long battle. You were meant to be the one. If you can wrap yourself around the idea that you are something incredible, then you will stop excusing behavior that rapes your very soul. You were never meant to teach someone to love you. You were meant to be loved.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“The number of chances you give someone doesn't tell the world how loving you are without telling them how desperate you are to believe they care as much as you. True love resides in the first chance, stupidity in the second, opportunists in the third and scoundrels in the fourth.”
Shannon L. Alder

Melinda French Gates
“As women gain rights, families flourish, and so do societies. That connection is built on a simple truth: Whenever you include a group that's been excluded, you benefit everyone. And when you're working globally to include women and girls, who are half of every population, you're working to benefit all members of every community. Gender equity lifts everyone. Women's rights and society's health and wealth rise together.”
Melinda Gates, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World

C. JoyBell C.
“Young girls today are very mistaken to be thinking that their sense of self-worth and their acknowledgment of their beauty depends on whether a man will give that to them or not. Such naïveté! And so what will happen when the man changes his mind about her? Tells her she's not beautiful enough? That she's not good enough? Cheats on her? Leaves her? Then what happens? She will lose all her self-worth, she will think she is not good enough, she is not beautiful enough, because all of those feelings depended on the man in the first place! And along with the loss of the man, it will all be lost as well! Mothers, teach your daughters better. It pains me to see such naive innocence right under my nose! Such naïveté does no good for any girl. It is better for a girl to be worldly-wise and have street-smarts! That's what a girl needs to have in life! Not wide-eyed delusional innocence! The sense of self-worth and acknowledgment of being beautiful must not come from a man, it must come from inside the woman herself, men will come and men will go and their coming and going must not take an effect on the woman's sense of worth and beauty.”
C. JoyBell C.

Nikki Rowe
“She was a gypsy, as soon as you unravelled the many layers to her wild spirit she was on her next quest to discover her magic. She was relentless like that, the woman didn't need no body but an open road, a pen and a couple of sunsets.”
Nikki Rowe

Shannon L. Alder
“Don’t ever feel bad that someone couldn’t give you all of their heart. Be grateful that you can take the least complicated part of their soul with you, wherever you go. This is more than some people will ever have.”
Shannon L. Alder

Stephanie Lahart
“Women Empowerment Reminder of The Day. Always respect yourself as a woman. You attract what you are, so be very mindful of how you’re representing yourself. If you want respect, you must first learn how to respect yourself, first. Attracting negative attention is never a good thing. Be a woman of substance! Be a woman that both women and men respect, admire, and look up to. Don’t disrespect yourself by lowering your standards and accepting just anything that comes your way. It’s okay to be single! If you want a relationship of substance, you can’t keep entertaining people and things that mean you no good. Think about it! It’s all up to you.”
Stephanie Lahart

Shannon L. Alder
“I will never accept life for what it is. I don't need an easy life. My road was meant to be hard because anything worth having in this world will take me to the very edge of myself. I will overcome everything I have ever gone through and will make my future the one God intended me to have. I will pick up the pieces of this pain and sculpt it into art. I am not ordinary and never was. I walk into my birthright as a queen with her head held high. I was born to do this!”
Shannon L. Alder

Stephanie Lahart
“Ladies! I encourage you NOT to be so easily flattered by what a man has. Be flattered by his strength, courage, integrity, and character as a man. Be impressed by his ability to be honest, faithful, loving, and respectful to you. Be impressed because he can communicate and openly express his feelings. Be impressed because he’s got confidence, direction, and purpose in his life. Be impressed because he’s a quality man, NOT a fine man. Real Talk!”
Stephanie Lahart

Dana Arcuri
“Similar to a butterfly, I've gone through a metamorphosis, been released from my dark cocoon, embraced my wings, and soared!”
Dana Arcuri, Reinventing You: Simple Steps to Transform Your Body, Mind, & Spirit

Stephanie Lahart
“Respect, Love, and Value yourself. Always remember to be good to yourself by taking care of yourself. Make yourself a priority and know that it’s okay. Don’t feel guilty for loving yourself, first! You’re just as important as anybody else.”
Stephanie Lahart

Nancy Omar
“All those years she lived as a caterpillar are finally paying off
She emerged like a butterfly whose wings flutter to sprinkle gold
-caterpillar -”
Nancy Omar

Scarlet Jei Saoirse
“Women have learned to love different parts of their bodies based on what men like…But I wonder which parts of a woman’s body does she like for herself?”
Scarlet Jei Saoirse, Scarlosophy: Thinking Out Loud

Kirsten  Morgan
“In My Bones"

You once called me a victim
Because I did not accept
The disrespect you gave.
That’s the day
I should have walked away
Instead of fighting for something
Not worth restoring.
If ever you believed me to be a victim,
You never knew me at all.
Overcoming is in my DNA.
Surviving is in my bones.”
Kirsten Morgan, Words Like Water

Kirsten  Morgan

Of all the people I’ve ever hurt in this world,
I’ve been most cruel to you.
I should have protected you,
Shielded you from harm,
Believed you when you hinted that something was
I should have chosen you,
But I always chose the others.
I should have built you up,
But I’ve let you break down over time.
An apology I owe,
But please know
I’m a work in progress and
I’m still learning
That self-love isn’t selfish
When in the right dosage.
I’m sorry that you suffered through my deficiency.”
Kirsten Morgan, Words Like Water

Melanie Frome
“You are mine, now and forever.” he moaned into my ear, as we took flight.
He was wrong.
I unleashed hell. All the fury and rage that had been boiling inside of me from the moment my father ordered me to marry Mr Cameron. All the frustrating of feeling helpless. The indignation, the bitterness and the resentment. All of it…I let it out.”
Melanie Frome, Lady of Fire: The Immortal Elements

“A strong woman takes responsibility for her life and choices. She may fall, but she gets back up. She knows she is meant for so much more, and she goes for it. She does not have time to play the victim because she is victorious.

She stands warrior strong. A storm is coming, and that is her! I am the storm!”
Sparkles Summers

“A strong woman takes responsibility for her life and choices. She may fall, but she gets back up. She knows she is meant for so much more, and she goes for it. She does not have time to play the victim because she is victorious.

She stands warrior strong. A storm is coming, and that is her!”
Sparkles Summers

Germany Kent
“If you cross paths with a woman that you think is a boss chick, instead of hating on her, find a way to click up so that the two of you can empower others and change the world.”
Germany Kent

Lizzy Cangro
“We can't be in a place of empowerment if we're not rooted in our physical power centre; our bodies.”
Lizzy Cangro, Reclaim the Witch: Unlock Your Power. Remember Your Magic. Love Your Body.

Rowan Reeds
“Embrace the unique strengths that ADHD brings into your life, and let them be the foundation upon which you build a balanced and fulfilling future.”
Rowan Reeds, From Scattered to Centered. A Practical Guide for Women with ADHD: Proven Strategies to Master Your Life, Relationships, and Career

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