
Dragos Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dragos" Showing 1-20 of 20
Thea Harrison
“I am cursed with a terminal case of curiosity," he said. "I am jealous, selfish, acquisitive, territorial and possessive. I have a terrible temper, and I know I can be a cruel son of a bitch." He cocked his head. "I used to eat people, you know.”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“He stared at her neck. Realization pulsed. He was looking at the bite he had given her. A hard length was growing against her hip. “So, is that your long, scaly, reptilian tail, or are you just happy to see me?” No, she did not just say that. Did she?”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“All I took was a freaking penny. Besides, I already gave you another one.”


“You took a 1962 penny,” Dragos said. His teeth were gritted. “You left a 1975 penny. It’s no replacement.”

She stared at him. “Oh my God, it’s scary you noticed that.”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“I am not a piece of property, damn it!"
"But you are in my possession."
She enunciated, "I think you are a lunatic."
"Since you are too, that works well enough." His mouth curled into a smile.”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“Oh my God, not only is he older than the Grand Canyon, but he’s like the pope and the Fae King and the president of the United States all rolled up into one. To some ancient cultures he had been a god.

He was going to hurt her so bad before he killed her so dead, and all she could think of was how hot his kiss had been in the dream and how delicate the touch of his finger was as it traced down her body.”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“Payback was a beautiful bitch. She was also a good friend of his, and they were just getting started.”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“She called me ‘my lady,’ ” she told him in a plaintive voice. “I don’t know who that is. I’m no lady.” The last of his fury faded away to be replaced with a quick gleam. He peered under the sheet. “I can attest to that.”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“I’ve got to give myself one thing. Mom never did tell me not to steal from a dragon. No doubt she thought it was too flaming obvious to mention.”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“Behold the Power of the peanut. His body mass may be small, but his influence is mighty. The last holdout in the Tower has officially fallen to him.
(Said by Pia about the effect her son 'peanut' had on the Sentinel Aryal)”
Thea Harrison, Kinked

Thea Harrison
“She was his beacon to what others called decency, not because she told him how to act but because she made him want to try.”
Thea Harrison, Lord's Fall

Thea Harrison
“She leaned forward and staggered, as she confided in a whisper, “You’re the sexiest guy I’ve ever seen too. You know, your long, scaly, reptilian tail really is bigger than anybody else’s. Not that I’ve been with very many guys. Or was comparison shopping or anything.” She hiccupped and watched him worriedly as he guffawed. “Have I just gone over a conversational cliff?”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“And why couldn’t someone just FedEx him Urien’s head?”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“Dragos angled his head and watched her leave. He still didn't like that image of her walking away. Someday you will trust me. Then you will tell me what more there was to the dream and why you were so shaken. You will not be afraid of me and you will tell me all your secrets. And then you will be mine.”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“We’re still not going to talk about it, but just think for a minute, will you? Dragon?” She curled her hands into claws. “Rowr? Me leaving town?”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison
“We'll talk about it later. I can only give in so much, you know."
"I know," she said soothingly. "It's so hard being you."

Thea Harrison, Lord's Fall

Thea Harrison
“Pia counted through the burp. “… two ten thousand, three ten thousand, four – oop, you win.” She stared at the little faerie in awe. “Where did you put all that air?”
Thea Harrison, Dragon Bound

E.V. Drake
“You are no longer required. This woman has someone worthier who will respect her and tear your spine out through your anus should you attempt to contact her again.”
E.V. Drake, Elves of Fate: Denial

Thea Harrison
“None of us could have predicted this," Death said. "That the dragon, who was terminally possessive and loved the material treasures of the world beyond all else, would come to yearn eternally for what he could never truly hold onto: the soul of another. All things die, brother. Sooner or later, they all die.”
Thea Harrison, The Adversary

Thea Harrison
“A werewolf, a Vampyre, and a gryphon walk into a bar, and what do they get? They get anything they want.”
Thea Harrison, The Adversary

Thea Harrison
“I'm going to have to find a way to kill them. All of them. I just have to figure out how to see them first.”
Thea Harrison, The Adversary