
Deceptive Quotes

Quotes tagged as "deceptive" Showing 1-30 of 36

A few decades ago, a woman tried to sue a butter company that had printed the word 'LITE' on its product's packaging. She claimed to have gained so much weight from eating the butter, even though it was labeled as being 'LITE'. In court, the lawyer representing the butter company simply held up the container of butter and said to the judge, "My client did not lie. The container is indeed 'light in weight'. The woman lost the case.

In a marketing class in college, we were assigned this case study to show us that 'puffery' is legal. This means that you can deceptively use words with double meanings to sell a product, even though they could mislead customers into thinking your words mean something different. I am using this example to touch upon the myth of organic foods. If I was a lawyer representing a company that had labeled its oranges as being organic, and a man was suing my client because he found out that the oranges were being sprayed with toxins, my defense opening statement would be very simple: "If it's not plastic or metallic, it's organic."

Most products labeled as being organic are not really organic. This is the truth. You pay premium prices for products you think are grown without chemicals, but most products are. If an apple is labeled as being organic, it could mean two things. Either the apple tree itself is free from chemicals, or just the soil. One or the other, but rarely both. The truth is, the word 'organic' can mean many things, and taking a farmer to court would be difficult if you found out his fruits were indeed sprayed with pesticides. After all, all organisms on earth are scientifically labeled as being organic, unless they are made of plastic or metal. The word 'organic' comes from the word 'organism', meaning something that is, or once was, living and breathing air, water and sunlight.

So, the next time you stroll through your local supermarket and see brown pears that are labeled as being organic, know that they could have been third-rate fare sourced from the last day of a weekend market, and have been re-labeled to be sold to a gullible crowd for a premium price. I have a friend who thinks that organic foods have to look beat up and deformed because the use of chemicals is what makes them look perfect and flawless. This is not true. Chemical-free foods can look perfect if grown in your backyard. If you go to jungles or forests untouched by man, you will see fruit and vegetables that look like they sprouted from trees from Heaven. So be cautious the next time you buy anything labeled as 'organic'. Unless you personally know the farmer or the company selling the products, don't trust what you read. You, me, and everything on land and sea are organic.

Suzy Kassem,
Truth Is Crying”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Images are deceiving. Salt and sugar look exactly the same but taste very different.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Topsy Gift
“Time is deceptive, it gives you an impression that its with you but passes away without your knowledge”
Topsy Gift

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Intelligence without wisdom is nothing more than stupidity that looks smart.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If you can get others to believe that your random guesses are actual answers, they’ll never guess that you never understood the question in the first place.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“God’s eyes readily see beyond our actions, for our actions are simply fear and selfishness pretending to be us.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Maybe consequences are dear friends in stealthy disguise.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“By covetousness, people will exploit you with deceptive words”
Sunday Adelaja

“Appearances can be deceptive.........and so can be Disappearances too.......”
Ankala Subbarao

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The biggest lie ever told by a man to his woman is that his child with another woman is not his. The biggest lie ever told by a woman to her man is that her child with another man is his.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Holly Black
“Lulled by his conversation, I let myself believe I had fooled him at the very moment he was fooling me.

He was as deceptive as the rest of his family. More, maybe.

He never let down his guard with me, not once.

Too late, I understand what's terrifying about his charm. He seems entirely open when he is unknowable. Every smile is painted on, a mask.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Fear is a lethal killer of dreams, the greatest cancer that has beset passion, and a ruthless thief of lives stolen and buried in the decay of lives squandered. Yet the greatest tragedy of all is that the fear that destroys us is rarely the monster it pretends to be, nor does it possess anything close to the power that we grant it. Therefore, it is only a killer, a cancer and a thief because we empower it to be so.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Carlos Wallace
“I discipline my mind to see past distractions, to scrutinize deceptive tendencies and to pay careful attention to details whether I am conversing with others or I’m just a passive observer.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The most deceptive thing about revenge is in thinking that we’re not hurt by it, when in fact we’re the one’s most hurt by it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Deceiving yourself is a gateway to harming your future self.”
Angel Moreira

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“To figure out clever ways to lie is to believe that we’ve skillfully skirted the edge of a really big cliff. What we don’t realize is that we walked off the edge of that cliff the moment that we decided to lie. Therefore, there is no edge to skirt. Rather, there’s only an impact to prepare for.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Giannis Delimitsos
“Consciousness is like the trailer of a movie; short, fragmentary, confused and deceptive.
And the title of the movie? “The Subconscious and the wider world beyond”.”
Giannis Delimitsos

Holly Black
“The drag of magic reminds me of the undertow on a beach: a strip of calm, dark water that seems innocuous but, once it has you, pulls you far from land.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The problem with the truth is that it will demand everything of us, but in the end it will give everything to us. If we make it ‘relative’ it will demand nothing of us, but in the end it will take everything from us.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“If you don't live right with God by WALKING IN THE LIGHT, a deceptive will ever so slowly creep in to your life. This slow, seemingly insignificant drift will cause you to end up with 'the spirit of religion', whilst all along thinking you are right with God.”
Mike Gorrie, . . . And Five Were Foolish

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Too often passion is actually flight in disguise and therefore nothing of passion at all.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough, The Eighth Page: A Christmas Journey

Vincent H. O'Neil
“If you find yourself in a discussion with someone who’s trying to deceive you, isn't allowing you to speak, or is obviously taking you through a preplanned argument, don’t play their game.”
Vincent H. O'Neil, The Unused Path: Skills for living an authentic life

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Although it would convince us to believe otherwise, greed will always view us as an acceptable causality of whatever it is that greed desires.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A pantry neatly stocked to capacity with a colorful array of empty containers might have the appearance of being full, but appearances won’t feed anyone.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“You’ve probably mistaken me for someone I’m not because I’ve been acting like someone I’m not.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The real hero is the one who stands against the fabricated hero.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Mediocrity often touts itself as both courageous and visionary so that it might escape the shame of being neither.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The need to sort out the truth evidences the existence of someone who would prefer that you didn’t.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Niedria D. Kenny
“Nothing worse than an AME Zion preacher who use the Sunday morning pulpit only as a platform to defend themselves in all their wrongdoing as they continue to be devilish, attacking people for calling them out; instead, of preaching the gospel and teaching people how to live a godly life and being an example as well.”
Niedria D. Kenny

Niedria D. Kenny
“What if the nose really did get longer with each lie told? I wonder if people would stop telling lies or if they would lie about why their nose is 12' long.”
Niedria D. Kenny

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