Deceit Quotes

Quotes tagged as "deceit" Showing 61-90 of 513
Sharon Salzberg
“Mindfulness helps us get better at seeing the difference between what’s happening and the stories we tell ourselves about what’s happening, stories that get in the way of direct experience. Often such stories treat a fleeting state of mind as if it were our entire and permanent self.”
Sharon Salzberg, Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation

Dejan Stojanovic
“Whatever others may say, they say it to deceive and comfort themselves, not help you.”
Dejan Stojanovic, The Sun Watches the Sun

William Shakespeare
“Come, lady, come; you have lost the heart of Signior Benedick.

Indeed, my lord, he lent it me awhile; and I gave him use for it, a double heart for his single one: marry, once before he won it of me with false dice, therefore your grace may well say I have lost it.

You have put him down, lady, you have put him down.

So I would not he should do me, my lord, lest I should prove the mother of fools.”
William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing

Criss Jami
“Psychobabble attempts to redefine the entire English language just to make a correct statement incorrect. Psychology is the study of why someone would try to do this.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Rudyard Kipling
I could not dig: I dared not rob:
Therefore I lied to please the mob.
Now all my lies are proved untrue
And I must face the men I slew.
What tale shall serve me here among
Mine angry and defrauded young?
from EPITAPHS OF THE WAR 1914-18”
Rudyard Kipling

R.A. Salvatore
“...a third [of three] had died in his bunk of natural causes--for a dagger in the heart quite naturally ends one's life.”
R.A. Salvatore

Suzanne Finnamore
“My mother is a firm believer in the long pause, useful in interrogations, proclamations of truth, and the occasional cutting dead of someone without their knowing it.”
Suzanne Finnamore, Split: A Memoir of Divorce

Michael              Parker
“I don’t think ‘fear’ is the right word for his kind,” Hoffman observed. “It’s milked out
of them before they are released on to an unsuspecting world.”
Michael Parker, The Eagle's Covenant

“One who never anticipates deceit or expects duplicity, and yet is the first to recognize such things – is that not a sage indeed?”
Confucius, The Analects

Virginia Woolf
“Buy for me from the King's own kennels, the finest elk hounds of the Royal strain, male and female. Bring them back without delay. For," he murmured, scarcely above his breath as he turned to his books, "I have done with men.”
Virginia Woolf, Orlando

Munia Khan
“It is hard to befool a fool who has already been fooled so many times”
Munia Khan

Iain Pears
“Politics bores you?" Bronsen said.

Julien smiled. "It does. Apologies, sir, and it is not that I haven't tried to be fascinated. But careful and meticulous research has suggested the hypothesis that all politicians are liars, fools, and tricksters, and I have as yet come across no evidence to the contrary. They can do great damage, and rarely any good. It is the job of the sensible man to try and protect civilization from their depradations.”
Iain Pears, The Dream of Scipio

Gentry Lee
“It's a shame that we humans are never able to pull in the same direction . . . [n]ot even when confronted by infinity.”
Gentry Lee, Rama II

Criss Jami
“We first become salesmen as children in the confession booths of our parents.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Criss Jami
“Sometimes you feel as though you've slandered yourself, but the joke's on them.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Mao Zedong
“Keep the enemy in the dark about where and when our forces will attack.”
Mao Tse-tung

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The greatest fool is not the person who has been fooled by the lies of others, despite how crafty and ingenious those lies might have been. Rather, it is the fool who has lied with such amazing dexterity and subtle finesse that he himself has come to believe his own lies. And this is the most forlorn and yet the most dangerous person that I can imagine.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Anna Godbersen
“Teddy risked a look backward and nodded as he handed Henry his hat. The two men shook hands and then walked past each other Teddy moving in the direction of Henry's room and Henry the hat pulled down over his face toward the Cutting carriage that was waiting by the curb.”
Anna Godbersen, Rumors

Christine de Pizan
“I find it most offensive that the character of Reason, whom [Jean den Meun (author of the Romance of the Rose)] himself calls the daughter of God, should put forth such a statement as ... where she says by way of a proverb that "in the war of Love it is better to deceive than be deceived." And indeed I dare say that in making that statement Jean den Meun's Reason denied her Father, for the doctrine He gave was altogether different.”
Christine de Pizan, Le Débat Sur Le Roman De La Rose

“Brigan, could you attempt, at least, to make yourself presentable? I know this is a war, but the rest of us are trying to pretend it’s a party.”
Kristin Cashore, Fire

“When you struggle with fear and trust issues, be aware that you may not trust yourself. You are the first person you must learn to trust.”
Tracy Malone

V.S. Carnes
“…deceitful!” she decided with a little bounce of fury that briefly ballooned the silk of her trousers. “There! You deceitful …”
“…misleading, dishonest, insincere…”
“Those are all the same words, Gill—”
“Ooh! Liar!”
She’d managed to get her hands on a small pillow. He ducked just as it whizzed past him. In justice, however, it did strike the mosaic vase behind him on an engraved mahogany pedestal, and it tipped and spun on its base before landing in a shattered heap on the bare floor.
“Now, look what you’ve done!” she accused tearfully and bolted from the room.”
V.S. Carnes

Max Lucado
“Wilderness begins with disconnections. It continues with deceit”
Max Lucado, Facing Your Giants: God Still Does the Impossible

Abhijit Naskar
“Honesty is liberating,
Deceit is tedious.
Integrity is invigorating,
Cowardice is hideous.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Honesty is liberating, deceit is tedious.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Michael Deeze
“You can count on that one.” She looked down into her glass. “If Harry Beech tells you that he knows the devil himself,” she looked up, met my gaze and finished in a serious voice, “then you should believe him.”
Michael Deeze, The Deathbed Confessions