
Chronicles Quotes

Quotes tagged as "chronicles" Showing 1-30 of 30
Rick Riordan
“Come on," I said. "I've got some questions for Thoth. And then I'm going to punch him in the beak.”
Rick Riordan, The Red Pyramid

Susan Bischoff
“How could I explain why I'd acted that way? How could I explain how scary it was, to find out that I needed her so much? Was I supposed to tell her how she'd changed everything? Like how U hadn't even realized how bad I felt until she'd made it better, just by looking at me. Like how I thought she was awesome, bad-ass ninja, and what I hated was the fact that I knew I couldn't protect her, when that's all I wanted to do. How could I explain, without sounding like a complete asshole, that I was so afraid of losing her I pushed her away?

I couldn't.”
Susan Bischoff, Heroes 'Til Curfew

Heather Brewer
“People says it gets easier. People are stupid."

Heather Brewer, Ninth Grade Slays

Susan Bischoff
“ "Crazy," he muttered softly, "how much I need you."
Crazy, how something like that can feel like a kick in the chest, can hurt that much, can suck all the air right out of your body for a moment. And at the same time, settle over you, around you, so soft and warm and sweet, that you think nothing can ever be as good as this one moment.
That I can love you.
This much.
Susan Bischoff, Heroes 'Til Curfew

“In another life, I could have been you," she'd say.
"Yeah, but then I wouldn't have been the same person in that life."
"Yeah, that's right. Let's work on it.”
Bob Dylan

Susan Bischoff
“Tim and Raine are coming in."
"Are they insane?"
Susan Bischoff, Heroes 'Til Curfew

Susan Bischoff
"What?" Dylan asked back.
"You just said my name."
"No I didn't"
"Sorry that was me."
I sat up, banging my head on the roof. "Who is that?"
"Hey, stay down here where the air is good, okay?" Dylan pulled me gently back down. "Hows your head?"
"Not good, I think."
"Um, okay, so you here me. Heather's right, you do think loud. I mean, I've never heard you before, but my Talent seems to be a lot more selective than her's. But now that she's got me turned in to you-"
"Who are you?"
"It's still me, Marshall. It's Dylan. I'm right here."
"My name's Joel."
"Joss, what are you talking about?" He took my face in his hands. "Who's Joel?"
"The voice in my head, I guess."
Susan Bischoff, Heroes 'Til Curfew

Susan Bischoff
“Bleeding from the ear. Oh Jesus, God. That was on the list for not applying pressure. But what did that mean? I couldn't remember. Couldn't think.
"Is he okay?"
"You dropped a two-hundred pound log on his head!" I screamed at Nathan. The air shuddered around us; the building itself seeming to tremble.
"I didn't mean-"
"Shut up, man," Marco said, swatting at Nathan's arm. "Joss, you need to calm the fuck down."
"Calm down? Calm down?!" Energy pulsed around us, hot, thick, pricking at my eyes. Above, lights flickered, dimmed. A bulb shattered somewhere, and glass came tinkling down.”
Susan Bischoff, Heroes 'Til Curfew

Susan Bischoff
“You know, you guys have been dancing around each other for so long you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. It's a wonder you didn't rip each other's clothes off the minute you got over yourselves and got together."
"For crissakes, Heather.”
Susan Bischoff, Heroes 'Til Curfew

Jesikah Sundin
“As the leaves randomly fell, she contemplated how they sacrificially gave up their essence to sustain new life. Or was it the tree’s sacrifice? Each leaf was a part of Gaia’s play. Their final act: to decompose so a new level of soil could be made, an earthen writing tablet for the next layer of history to be recorded. One generation became the groundwork for the next. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Nothing was exempt, not even the leaves.”
Jesikah Sundin, Legacy

Susan Bischoff
“Just think of a safe location."
"Are there tennis balls in the soup?"
"Come on, be serious."
"A pear camping highway fire mask," he said, more intensely.
My heart rate, which had finally started slowing, sped up again.”
Susan Bischoff, Heroes 'Til Curfew

Jesikah Sundin
“Their leafy whispers delighted her, and she promised her confidentiality by gently touching the trunks of both trees. They had held her secrets close to their hearts, she could do no less.”
Jesikah Sundin, Legacy

J.D. Stroube
“I took my menial life for granted until it became clear, why my early years resulted in a lack of adoption.- J.D. Stroube (Rival: Prelude to the Mirage Chronicles.)”
J.D. Stroube

Jesikah Sundin
“Secrets upon secrets were weaving into a strange and mysterious fabric that would ultimately clothe his future.”
Jesikah Sundin, Legacy

“The greatest battles come from within”
Michael K. Bialys

Jaime Buckley
“Some people don’t care about the truth—they only care about being right.

Even when the evidence is irrefutable, these same mud-butts will fight tooth and nail to defend their position.

They will claw, accuse, condemn, ignore and outright lie…so long as they do not have to admit, accept or apologize.

All I can say is, I’m sorry. Those people do exist.”
Jaime Buckley, The Truth About Lies

Jesikah Sundin
“Multi-colored lights flashed and glared on the wet road and cast eerie reflections, reminiscent of artistic surrealism. Fillion imagined that his distress and anger swirled and moved with the refracted lights, creating an urban masterpiece of demented fury.”
Jesikah Sundin, Legacy

“A great writer writes himself into history.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Ed Dunlop
“At that moment, the images in the giant sphere seemed to freeze in place as all motion suddenly ceased. The charging dragon stood transfixed with a plume of flame suspended in front of his nostrils. The knight hung motionless in mid-stride, both feet off the ground, sword raised but unmoving. Time stood still. The crowd waited in breathless anticipation.”
Ed Dunlop, The Crown of Kuros

Jesikah Sundin
“The scenic route was a paved graveyard of dreams, but Fillion hoped his would rise from the ashes, marking the moment when he would finally own his life.”
Jesikah Sundin, Legacy

Jesikah Sundin
“Leaf felt buried beneath the remains of their prior life, the ashes coating every part of who he thought he was in this community.”
Jesikah Sundin, Legacy

Ana Claudia Antunes
“There are always messages, even enigmas to be searched, mysteries to be solved in all of my books. I like to puzzle readers, but I do not make so to the point of being so complex that they will lose interest in the plot. And that for me is the essence of every great literature around the world, and that’s been so for ages.
(....)Some were inpired by real life characters, some other books I wrote are hybrid fiction/non-fiction, so I pretty much get inspired by people who have lived, and even who are still breathing among us… so don’t get discouraged if I didn’t mention your personality traits yet. I might even have your name over my books, I must some day…”
Ana Claudia Antunes, One Hundred One World Accounts in One Hundred One Word Count

Nicole D'Settēmi
“Stockholm Syndrome. […] It was a sort of desperate blind love. And loyalty. Loyalty and love geared towards the abuser. It’s a response to fear, an admission within of defeat, I’d read. But I thought it to be more than that. It was the thrill of having something to submit to, become utterly powerless to. A sinister sort of seduction. You knew in your heart it would end badly, yet you just couldn’t stop yourself from giving [B.K1] in to that primal urge, the way prey finally accepts its fate, take me, it says, as the [B.K2] predator sinks its teeth in.”
Nicole D'Settēmi, Addictarium

“KNOW, oh prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars—Nemedia, Ophir, Brythunia, Hyperborea, Zamora with its dark-haired women and towers of spider-haunted mystery, Zingara with its chivalry, Koth that bordered on the pastoral lands of Shem, Stygia with its shadow-guarded tombs, Hyrkania whose riders wore steel and silk and gold. But the proudest kingdom of the world was Aquilonia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west. Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen- eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."—The Nemedian Chronicles”
Robert E Howard's

“Walls are more than stone and mortar. They are silent sentinels, their eyes following every movement, their mouths sealed yet harboring countless reminiscences.

They're silent storytellers. They witness hushed secrets and grand pronouncements, absorbing the laughter and tears that reverberate within their confines.

Their textures saying under its breath, of the lives lived within. The worn wallpaper narrating chronicles. The chipped paint flecks capture fleeting moments, and the floor creak with impressions unseen.

The silence of walls holds the weight of history.
A chronicle of lives lived within their embrace.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

“Everyone around me has a legendary life, so why is my life like this?”
Xu Lei

“At this time, my heart was filled with despair.

A very good friend of yours was determined to die. You looked at him, but couldn’t stop him. There was a layer between you and him that couldn’t be penetrated by any tool. You could touch this thing in any way, but you couldn’t find a gap to break through it.”
Xu Lei

Ray Bradbury
“Who does what for why and where?”
Ray Bradbury, The Martian Chronicles