
Chosen People Quotes

Quotes tagged as "chosen-people" Showing 1-10 of 10
Karl Wiggins
“What about those of us who just don’t fit in, who feel as if we were born on the Wrong Planet, or in the wrong time period? Where did we come from? Is this a whole counter-culture that’s new to the planet, moving us forward? Have we finally reached the Age of Aquarius? Is it now! Is the moon in the seventh house? Has Jupiter finally aligned with Mars? And are we right now getting ready to see mystic crystal revelation where love will steer the stars?

Afraid not. There have always been people who see the world differently from everyone else. And there always will be. If you’re one of the ‘chosen ones’ then you come from a long line of Gypsies, tramps and thieves, of rebels and revolutionaries, of pagans, infidels and sceptics. This is your heritage, and you have much to be proud of”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Elmar Hussein
“There are two kinds of history: one for the chosen people, who really know what happened, another for the masses, who can only imagine what might have happened.”
Elmar Hussein

“The divine thoughts comes from God, we are only vessel for its transmission.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

K.J. Parker
“He's perfect, so He must be like us and not a bit like them across the border. He thinks like us, obviously; He likes what we like and hates what we hate, and here's Scripture (recorded, translated, and edited by us) to prove it. The possibility that He might not see things the way we do never enters into our heads, because we're His people and the sheep of His pasture, made by Him according to His specifications, so clearly the way we are is the way He thinks the ideal human being ought to be, so what we intuitively believe must automatically be right. Simple logic.”
K.J. Parker, Pulling the Wings Off Angels

Abhijit Naskar
“Catholics say, anglicans ain't real christians.
Jews say, christians ain't the chosen people.
Hindus say, even a muslim's shadow ruins faith.
Muslims say, every non-muslim is an infidel.

Everybody thinks they're the chosen ones,
and everybody else is living in sin.
Only the brand of the bottle changes,
not the prejudice and bigotry within.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

Abhijit Naskar
“Everybody thinks they're the chosen ones,
and everybody else is living in sin.
Only the brand of the bottle changes,
not the prejudice and bigotry within.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

Abhijit Naskar
“None of us are the chosen people,
We are all just people - period.
We choose what we become or not,
We are the weavers of our world.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

“If your God entitles you to a specific land and justifies your existence as "the chosen people", then you are no further than the devil himself.”
Dark Night Beacon