
Child Of God Quotes

Quotes tagged as "child-of-god" Showing 1-30 of 35
Henri J.M. Nouwen
“Although claiming my true identity as a child of God, I still live as though the God to whom I am returning demands an explanation. I still think about his love as conditional and about home as a place I am not yet fully sure of. While walking home, I keep entertaining doubts about whether I will be truly welcome when I get there. As I look at my spiritual journey, my long and fatiguing trip home, I see how full it is of guilt about the past and worries about the future. I realize my failures and know that I have lost the dignity of my sonship, but I am not yet able to fully believe that where my failings are great, 'grace is always greater.' Still clinging to my sense of worthlessness, I project for myself a place far below that which belongs to the son, (p. 52).”
Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming

Emmanuella Raphaelle
“I am to be loved, honored and respected solely because I exist. I am to be cherished, spoiled, celebrated because I Am! I was made to be admired.
I am a beloved child of God after all.”
Emmanuella Raphaelle, After the Affair: Re-Membering

Cormac McCarthy
“All the trouble I ever was in, said Ballard, was caused by whiskey or women or both.”
Cormac McCarthy, Child of God

“I know my rightful place as a child of God;
I am blessed and highly favoured.
I am protected and delivered from every evil.
I am redeem and set free from all bondages in Jesus Name.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

“No amount of black girl magic, no repeated proclamations of our worth can fully treat the wound – although acknowledging its persistence is a beginning. The ultimate remedy, as I see it is supernatural. I look daily toward heaven for restoration, for spiritual healing. My true identity isn’t rooted in our history, grievous and glorious as it is. It is grounded in my designation as a Child of God, the Daughter of the Great Physician. In His care I find my cure.

My hope for you is the same one I carry for myself. I pray that amid the heartache of our ancestry you can grant yourself the grace so seldom extended to us. I pray that you can pass that compassion on to your children and to their children so that it slathers comfort on our sore spots. I pray that, as a people, we can give ourselves a soft place to land. I pray even as we rightly express our fury as being regarded as sub-human, that we don’t dwell in that space. That we don’t allow anger to poison our spirits. That we embrace love as our One True Antidote. I hope, too, that you recognize your specialness, the distinctiveness the Creator has imbued us with. I see you as clearly as history has, and in unison with it, I nod. I know that swivel in your hips, that fervor in your testimony, that ebullience in your stride, that flair in your song. The fact that others are constantly trying to diminish you, ever attempting to dismiss your talents even as they mimic you, is proof of your uniqueness! No one bothers to undermine you unless they recognize your brilliance.

More than anything, I pray that you can carve out a purpose for yourself, a calling beyond your own survival, a sweet offering to the world. You gain a life by giving yours away. Not everyone is meant to raise a picket sign, and yet each of us can choose a path of impact. Rearing your children with affection and warmth is a form of activism. Honoring your word impeccably is a way to raise your voice. Performing your job with excellence, with your chin high and your standards higher is as powerful as any protest march. Sowing into the lives of young people is a worthy crusade. That is what it means to leave this world of ours more lit up than we found it. It’s also what it means to lead a magnificent life, even if an unlikely one.”
Cicely Tyson, Just as I Am

“Cradle of Solitude

For we know not why our tribulations
are given as such
our fragile forms
created from the dust...”
Muse, Enigmatic Evolution

Cormac McCarthy
“He sounded like a man with a mouthful of marbles, articulating his goatbone underjaw laboriously, the original one having been shot away.”
cormac mccarthy

“Pour Into My Spirit

...spread your arms around me
console me and keep me close -
wield your mighty sword
to vanquish all my foes...”
Muse, Enigmatic Evolution

Euginia Herlihy
“I'll rather be a peace maker than be a pot stirrer, especially if I call myself a child of God.”
Euginia Herlihy

Bryan Chapell
“I do not stop being a child of God because I am a problem child.”
Bryan Chapell, Unlimited Grace: The Heart Chemistry That Frees from Sin and Fuels the Christian Life

Jaachynma N.E. Agu
“I am The Woman That Some Love, Some Admire, Some Envy, Some Hate....But None Ignores, I Have So much Influence!”
Jaachynma N.E. Agu, Woman: You've Got ALL IT TAKES!

Sarah Christmyer
“Queen or no queen, I have a royal destiny. […] no matter what I look like, where I live, or how much I have now, I am a princess. I am a daughter of the King of Kings!
That’s true of every one of us who belong to God. We are daughters of the King, born ‘for such a time as this.’ From where we sit, ‘this’ might look like a palace or the inside of a harem or a drab place of exile. Born born for ‘this’ doesn’t mean ‘this’ is our ultimate end. It means we’re uniquely positioned with our particular gifts, experiences, abilities, and limitations to do something further God’s kingdom here—in this place, at this time, and among these people.”
Sarah Christmyer, Becoming Women of the Word: How to Answer God's Call with Purpose and Joy

Richelle E. Goodrich
“I am a child of God, and He loves me. I know it. I feel it in a surge of internal warmth that is almost too great to contain. Peace settles over my entire being, and my sins, though serious, appear surmountable for the first time in ages.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“God allows us to believe that we do not have a soul, because it is in living in the emptiness that we are ‘not’ that we become convinced of the fullness that we ‘are.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Mistie House
“I don’t want to be the type of beautiful princess who sits in her castle with servants waiting on her hand and foot. I want to be the type of princess who makes a difference in the kingdom, one who gets up, goes out, and serves others by being God’s hands and feet.
God has given us power and authority for a purpose—to make a difference in the kingdom. We’re to help set captives free from the evil oppression of Satan. We’re to extend our hands with the sword of the Spirit into the dark and lonely pits where prisoners are being held captive. We’re to pray and encourage them to grab hold of the sword (God’s Word and truth) and help pull them out of the darkness and into the light.”
Mistie House

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Learning and knowing something is cool, but superb knowledge comes when you leave your books and become the inner world's friend.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Gift Gugu Mona
“Prayer and fasting is what every Christian needs because prayer empowers you while fasting humbles you to be a better child of God.”
Gift Gugu Mona

Stellah Mupanduki
“When the truth is being said, accept it and deal with it in the best ways that bring good and justified remedies. Prayer to the living and active God Almighty is very powerful and effective, the Word of God is living and active because the Word is God himself, and there is that supernatural divine power of the Cross to conquer all strongholds, false and dark powers and all lies, affliction and all kinds of illnesses in this world. In everything, trust and believe that there is God Almighty who conquers everything for you to live your life in justice and peace. No enemy remains standing against you and everything in your life, no lie will rise above, it is wiped out and the truth and justice will be established from the North to the South and from the East to the West. Yeah, the spirit of struggles and death is driven away and abolished. The Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God rises above against all odds. There is the love of God that protects and corrects all wrongs done by the enemy...”
Stellah Mupanduki, For The Sound Mind: Heal Me Lord For I Am Weak

Stellah Mupanduki
“When things seem to be impossible for you in certain ways and places; don't fight with anyone, don't make noise in any way, do not force things; rather, move with the flow, for your life is like a watercourse directed by God Almighty himself. Remember when someone closes doors for you, God Almighty will open a mighty and wonderful, flourishing door for you, one that is above the closed one. Hallelujah”
Stellah Mupanduki, Blogs From God Almighty: Books Of Strength

Criss Jami
“By His grace let it be that 'sound doctrine' is, in itself, not a burden but a privilege to the Christian life. Let it be a form of worship. It is my belief that God has His ways of entering hearts and revealing Himself to people of the world who, perhaps by no fault of their own, have little to no access to doctrine regarding His character and nature and what He is and has been about; but as a people who claim to be His children, ones saved by grace through faith, would it not be hypocritical to downplay a deeper, more intimate understanding of the Lord of our lives in heart, soul, and mind? Where we display shallow relationships, where we salute an arrogant and willful ignorance of the God we serve and the Christ we represent, it is understandable that truth seekers will turn elsewhere for truth. It is with humility, honesty, and respect that every non-nominal Christian is a theologian and an apologist to some degree, to their ability God has gifted.”
Criss Jami

Benjamin W. Decker
“As children of God, we are walking portals to the Divine, and the Kingdom of Heaven is within.”
Benjamin W. Decker, Meditations on Christ: A 5-Minute Guided Journal for Christians

“You will find that there is a mighty power, a non-exclusive, eternal dimension that actually can change your psychology, your joy of life; it can lift you up, give you a sense of self beyond anything you imagined to empower you to become that child of the universe, a child of God to whom miracles of goodness can come. Take the time to seek; take the time to rediscover the depths of these teachings and everything will change. (p. 20)”
Theodore J. Nottingham, Doorway to Spiritual Awakening: Becoming Partakers of the Divine

“That „road less traveled by“ is a modern parallel to the ancient mystical metaphor „the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it“ (Matthew 7:14) This less traveled, more difficult „road“ is the living out of a spiritual life rather than a mere survival in our short passage through time […] The less traveled road, or the mystic way as others might call it, is therefore a process of sublimation carrying the relationship of the self with the universe to higher levels than our ordinary states of awareness. But this is no selfish journey. For as the mystic grows nearer the source of true life and participates in the creative energies of the Divine, he or she is capable of greater unselfish activity to the point of unconditional Love […] This is the journey of the one who chooses „the road less traveled“ and there are many who have witnessed to the fact that this harder road, this narrow way, is an inner journey leading to the infinite depths of our True Self, crossing the threshold into becoming a conscious Child of God, a Child of the Universe. (p. 205 -215)”
Theodore J. Nottingham, Doorway to Spiritual Awakening: Becoming Partakers of the Divine

John M. Sheehan
“Seeking justice in this world is such a selfish thing but giving justice reflects being a child of God.”
John M. Sheehan

Marianne Williamson
“we are punished by our sins, not for them.

Your mistakes, no matter how bad you might think they were, did not emanate from your self as He created you. Thats why remembering who you truly are is the key to deliverance from the flames of self condemnation.”
Marianne Williamson, The Age of Miracles: Embracing the New Midlife

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I am a one-of-a-kind manifestation of God’s creative genius so pristinely unique that it will never be repeated in all of time and history. And while the world might devalue me in ways rogue and brutal and while I too frequently do the same, my worth simply cannot be touched.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“How astonishingly improbable that we could actually be children of the God of all creation. But should such improbability actually be reality, how could we ever look in the mirror again without seeing something so utterly marvelous that we would be forced to spend the rest of our lives celebrating it?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

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