
Bullying Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bullying-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 94
Charlena E. Jackson
“We should always reassure our children that they are never alone. Time flies by so fast that before we know it our children will be grown and living their own lives. With that being said, we should never miss a chance to empower our children. Our children’s individuality is unique and we should teach them to embrace their authentic selves.”
Charlena E. Jackson

Charlena E. Jackson
“Building a relationship, foundation and confidence in our children is how they learn to love themselves, accept their flaws, and dance to the beat of their own drum. After all, they are a reflection of us – we are our children’s foundation.”
Charlena E. Jackson

Lorraine Nilon
“Emotional abuse is designed to undermine another's sense of self.
It is deliberate humiliation, with the intent to seize control of how others feel about themselves.”
Lorraine Nilon, Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence: A respectful exploration into the ramifications of Paedophilic abuse

Lorraine Nilon
“Emotional abuse can leave a victim feeling like a shell of a person, separated from the true essence of who they naturally are. It also leads to a victim feeling tormented and tortured by their own emotions.”
Lorraine Nilon, Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence: A respectful exploration into the ramifications of Paedophilic abuse

“Confident and proficient people are virtually impossible for a bully to intimidate in any environment.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Richie Norton
“If you don't fit in someone's circle, it's because they're afraid you'll become the ring leader.”
Richie Norton

Sijdah Hussain
“In the earliest English, the word bully was created by borrowing boel from the Dutch language. It means lover or sweetheart. Today, it is used to talk about someone who gets off by intimidating others because making others feel inferior is the only way for them to feel better about themselves maybe.
Oh, how the words have fallen – literally fallen from grace!”
Sijdah Hussain, Red Sugar, No More

Jennifer Weiner
“You are fine, just the way you are... Bodies come in all shapes and sized. Don't let anyone make you feel any differently.
I wanted to believe him, but by then, of course, the damage had been done.”
Jennifer Weiner, Big Summer

“Social Media will come to you and start putting ideas in your head to do something you might regret. They will tell you that they will support you and they will be with you all the way. When is time to face the music. To find your alone and when you look behind no one is there. They all logged off. Be careful , Don’t be fooled by the number of followers, retweets, likes or comments.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Stay alive. You never know what miracles you will accomplish.”
Adrienne Posey

Frank Joseph Minichetti
“Never Be Bullied Into Silence!”
Frank Joseph Minichetti, School and My Bully Experience

Andre Gatling
“Aggression in a dog is similar to aggression in a human. We're both scared of what we don't understand, and our need to protect leads to aggression. Changing that aggression in a dog is more complex because the dog doesn't speak English, so I had to learn to speak dog.”
Andre Gatling, Penelope's Bully

Christopher D. Ochs
“Some bullies never grow up.”
Christopher D. Ochs, My Friend Jackson

“The youngster had frozen again as his memory flashed back to the glowering face of his grandfather, deeply lined, snarling, wild eyes stretched as wide and white as pot saucers...”
Martin R Jackson : Running with Finn McCool

Jessica Speer
“Whether you have been the target of aggressive behavior or the aggressor, this event does not define you. Every day brings a new opportunity to start again.”
Jessica Speer, Middle School - Safety Goggles Advised: Exploring the WEIRD Stuff from Gossip to Grades, Cliques to Crushes and Popularity to Peer Pressure

“I have a choice.
Instead of worrying what others think,
I realize no one else
can change who I am inside.
I choose to feel proud of who I am,
even if I am different.
Because each tree is valuable because
it brings something unique to the world.
I believe in myself.
I know I am exactly as I am meant to be,
like a seed who knows it is a tree,
Lauren Martin, Insecurity is a Seed

“Evil can die. Let the good live.”
Adrienne Posey

Martha Begley Schade
“Funny that!", he would often think to himself. "The very worst thing about me, the thing that made others laugh and call me names, was actually the best thing that ever happened to me!
And all through the bullying, I never knew there was a hero in me, waiting to come out".”
Martha Begley Schade, Flappy: The Pigeon Who Overcame Bullying. From Zero To Hero!

“Nobody deserves to be bullied.”
Adrienne Posey

“Back then, I would never have thought- this was an option with me. I did what I believed was right, and I am happy. With all of the choices, but will I be able to finish school? Is being seventeen too young to be a mom? What is it like to be a mother? Why doesn’t the hellhole cover this in their health class? They just give you ways to prevent, yet not how to be a mother, who is supposed to teach this? I remember bringing her home for the first time, we made a nursery for her in my room, and we had a white bassinet for her. She keeps me tending to her nonstop, on the weekends he and I stayed together, maybe someday soon we can get our place. Her first bath was in the farm sink, and his mom got her all kinds of cute things to where it was hard to choose what to put on her. She always looked so adorable. A real-life baby doll.

(People talking)

Nevaeh- Talk is cheap… in all honesty, most people just need to mind their own business, I think. Either somebody wants to kick the shit out of you, or steal your joy. Stop making judgments about us! It all comes down to the fact that they need to feel needed. Just stop bothering me, go get what you need, and fight for it as I did, stop trying to take it away from me. Besides, keep this in mind as you are doing it- ‘Do to others, as you would want them to do to you.’ Why do you ask? Just because you might end up worse, off in what you are doing, than what you are seeing, and saying about others. ‘Just remember when you point a finger at someone three fingers are pointing back at you.’ Just like you can always tell when someone is on the dark side. They have to dance around the fires of destruction and torment, the flame within their eyes sparkles as you look at them, as they are children of the night and immorality.

Let's just say the sisters finally got their turn, for trying to kill my baby Jaylynn with her small pillow in my own home, in my room they stood over her one night. When hope was the only one home, and we were out for the first time all night without her. Hope caught and fought with all of them before they got the job done. Baby Jaylynn is still alive, yet it is a wonder that she is.”
Marcel Ray Duriez, Nevaeh The Miracle

Will Leamon
“Never turn your back on a bully”
Will Leamon

Germany Kent
“There's a problem when we continue to ignore the problem. Let's take a stand to combat the bullying and cyberbullying epidemic. Together, we can change the narrative.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“We have become insensitive to the severity of the situation when it comes to bullying and cyberbullying.”
Germany Kent

“Calling someone a bull beware the horns of a bull.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

“Calling someone a bull, beware the horns of a bull.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

“We must forget what they said if it causes us to forget who we are.”
Zara Hairston

“You see, the thing about bullying is that it doesn't hold the same amount of power or strike the same amount of fear that the words murder and rape and suicide do. But sometimes it's worse. If I passed you on the street and told you that Sam had bullied me, you'd probably feel a bit sorry for me, maybe link it in your mind to your own experiences of bullying and never think about it again. But if I passed you on the street and told you that Sam had tried to rape me. You'd have a much stronger reaction. You'd probably feel really sorry for me. You'd probably ask me how I was doing and say how strong you think I am. Or you might blame me. You might say it was my fault for trusting someone who was obviously so evil. But you would have quite a powerful reaction. Why is that? Why doesn't the world bully cause the development of strong feelings the way the words rape and murder do? I really don't know. But it shouldn't be that way. True, sometimes bullying isn't that bad. Sometimes it is just children being stupid and a little bit mean. But bullying is never good.”
Danielle Dunn, What it's Like to Keep Living

Aida Mandic
“The Dark Cloud
Is the idiocy of classmates who seem to lack manners and tact
Is the weakness of character that leaves a terrible and lasting impact
Is the ingratitude of bullies in the way that they think and act
Is the foolish attitude that keeps friends from making a pact”
Aida Mandic, The Dark Cloud

Aida Mandic
“The Dark Cloud
Is the “I’m sorry” that is worthless to you in times of despair
Is the worry and troubles that refugees have because life is not fair
Is the “Just ignore it” stance school administrations have towards kids that have been beat up
Is the dead dog you found laying on the street next to a small pup”
Aida Mandic, The Dark Cloud

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