
Booklovers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "booklovers" Showing 1-30 of 64
Rainbow Rowell
“You’ve read the books?”
“I’ve seen the movies.”
Cath rolled her eyes so hard, it hurt. (Actually.) (Maybe because she was still on the edge of tears. On the edge, period.) “So you haven’t read the books.”
“I’m not really a book person.”
“That might be the most idiotic thing you’ve ever said to me”
Rainbow Rowell, Fangirl

Rebecca Stead
“Being a Great Reader means feeling something about books.”
Rebecca Stead, The Lost Library

Carley Fortune
“I liked how each book was both predictable and unique, comforting and unexpected. Safe but never boring.”
Carley Fortune, Every Summer After

“...because some books won't come directly to you; they go through someone who loves you.”
Eloghosa Osunde, Vagabonds!

Kailin Gow
“Words made physical were like words made magical. - Earthling (Red Genesis #2)”
Kailin Gow

“The world belongs to those who read”
Rick Holland

Rebecca Stead
“That delicious book smell, his heart said.”
Rebecca Stead, The Lost Library

Rebecca Stead
“Not all great readers wish to be in a book club. There are others ways of sharing books with very little conversation, or none at all.”
Rebecca Stead, The Lost Library

Pradip Bendkule
“If there is war between Love, Destiny and Nature ; Nature must win.”
Pradip Bendkule

Dani Deveaux
“Sometimes I long to be ignorant,
then I would enjoy bliss.
Books will forever keep me from this endeavor.”
Dani Deveaux

“My favorite place is the library.


“The important thing is that people read and enjoy books.”

Emily Henry
“I don’t want you to be Mom—and I definitely don’t want you to be my dad. When I tell you something’s going on, sometimes I just want you to be my sister and say ‘That sucks.’ Instead of trying to fix it”
Emily Henry, Book Lovers

Kaushal Jain

Isaac Samuel Miller
“Don't Let One Stop In Your Life Represent an Eternity of No's.”
Isaac Samuel Miller

“My favorite place is the library.

Marcela Serrano
“... Leggevo, leggevo, leggevo.
Ampliare le proprie conoscenze è un dramma ... "perché ogni passo in più che fai ti rende sempre più cosciente di quanto ancora ti manca da conoscere.
E ti ritrovi sempre più lontano dalla soddisfazione delle tue curiosità ...
E alla fine la pila di libri sul comodino continua a crescere e non basterebbero nemmeno dieci anni ..."

(Pagina 71)”
Marcela Serrano, Para que no me olvides

Marcela Serrano
“... i tuoi romanzi ... sono sempre rimasti in camera da letto, umilmente, accanto a te; li prendevi in prestito oppure, quando li compravi, li regalavi subito, desiderosa com'eri di passare ad altri il piacere di quelle letture.

(pagina 78)”
Marcela Serrano, Para que no me olvides

“Be like Ants, nonetheless
maybe small, but relentless
Hardworking and goal-driven
for your success, be striven”
Ricardo Derose

Cornelia Funke
“…Books have to be heavy because the whole world’s inside them…”
Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

Cornelia Funke
“If you take a book with you on a journey…an odd thing happens: The book begins collecting your memories. And forever after you only have to open that book to be back where you first read it.”
Cornelia Funke

“I always carry three book with me...
One's that I read, one's that I write and one's that I think !!”
Sagar Naskar

Ahmed Khalaf
“Between the lines of every book lies a gateway to the extraordinary, a path that leads us to the depths of our own souls. Embrace the unknown, for within its mysterious embrace, you will discover the untold stories that shape your own.”
Ahmed Khalaf, The Path to The Unknown

Julie  Simmons
“Well, I definitely don't need to make a birthday wish,” said Charles, “because my wish already came true. But I can think of something you can do to make my day special,” he said with a seductive grin, burrowing his face into the curve of her neck and leaving a trail of kisses as he made his way to her earlobe.
“Well, you get that every day,” she joked.
Charles looked her directly in the eyes and grew serious. “Yes, I do, and every day it's a gift. Every day you give me the gift of your body, your soul and your love, and there's no greater gift you could ever give me. Tori, you are my gift,” he said lovingly.
That's How You Know by Julie Simmons (Chapter 14)”
Julie Simmons, That's How You Know

Julie  Simmons
“If this turns out to be all we have, I'll cherish it for the rest of my life. Maybe we're like the butterfly when it emerges from its cocoon,” she said, returning to the cocoon analogy she had used before. “The butterfly emerges, amazingly beautiful, but only lives for a short time. Maybe that's us, and we're the butterfly, beautiful for a short time but not meant to last,” she said as tears spilled from her eyes once again.
That's How You Know by Julie Simmons (Chapter 14)”
Julie Simmons, That's How You Know

Julie  Simmons
“Oh my love, don't you know by now that, for me, making love to you is so much more than just physical? When I make love to you, I'm making love to everything that is the pure essence of you: your beautiful mind, your kind heart and everything else that I love about you.”
That's How You Know by Julie Simmons (Chapter 20)”
Julie Simmons, That's How You Know

Taylor Jenkins Reid
“That's the thing about women. There's no good way to be one. Wear your emotions on your sleeve and you're hysterical. Keep them tucked away where your boyfriend doesn't have to tend to them and you're a heartless bitch.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid

Emily Henry
“Is there anything worse than a man who thinks he's above the laws of the social contract just because he was born with a decent face and a fat wallet?”
Emily Henry, Book Lovers

Ardin Patterson
“All she wanted was to sit down and relax with a nice afternoon snack and a good book.”
Ardin Patterson, Feral

Claire Legrand
“If you are afraid, sad, tired or lonely
if you feel lost or strange
if you crave stories and adventure,
and the magic possibility of a forest path -
this book is for you”
Claire Legrand, Some Kind of Happiness

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