
Body Shaming Quotes

Quotes tagged as "body-shaming" Showing 1-17 of 17
Miya Yamanouchi
“Dear Girls Across the Globe,
Let's stop body-shaming each other with hurtful comments about how another girl looks or doesn't look. We are all beautiful in our own unique way; so let's speak about each other with the dignity that we would want others to have when they speak about us.”
Miya Yamanouchi, Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for Women

Miya Yamanouchi
“Don't tell me I'm "too tall" just because my height happens to threaten your rather fragile sense of masculinity. The fact that men cannot physically look down upon women who are taller than them is the very reason that many men find tall women so intimidating.”
Miya Yamanouchi, Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for Women

Miya Yamanouchi
“We need feminism because degrading phrases like "walk of shame" are commonplace in our social vocabulary, yet these are only applied to women; whereas men in the same situation are praised by their peers and seen as nothing more than " a guy who got lucky", by the rest of society.”
Miya Yamanouchi, Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for Women

“A lot of women are ashamed of their pussies. They think it's not pretty enough. Not the right color. Or the lips are too big or two small. Let me put your fears to rest: There is no such thing as an ugly pussy.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Why Creeps Don't Know They're Creeps - What Game of Thrones can teach us about relationships and Hollywood scandals

Bruce Reyes-Chow
“At the end of the day, dipping into the attack well of body-shaming, racism, misogyny, and ableism is just lazy. When people resort to these kinds of tactics, I simply think that they have lost the ability to debate the merits and content of a position. Instead, they want to play to the bot-fueled, troll-fed, worst of who humans can be.”
Bruce Reyes-Chow, In Defense of Kindness: Why It Matters, How It Changes Our Lives, and How It Can Save the World

Gina Barreca
“When I was in my early 30s and appeared on CNN, Oprah, 20/20 and Entertainment Tonight, my loved ones didn’t say, “Good job!” My loved ones said, “The camera adds more than 20 pounds.” One detail-oriented aunt said “Not for nothing, but don’t wear red. You look like an ad for Red Lobster.”
Gina Barreca

Vanessa de Largie
“My body parts disgust him. Maybe my bloated belly isn't fluid retention but a storage of tears from all my silent cries.”
Vanessa de Largie, Don't Hit Me!

Paul Carlson
“Sir Parsifal started in on a chocolate milkshake, which he really did not need.”
Paul Carlson, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, June 2012

Gina Barreca
“Every potato chip I've have ever eaten has added another chip to my shoulder. They’re a lot heavier to carry around than the pounds, somehow.”
Gina Barreca

Mallory O'Meara
“Maybe someday, companies shilling skinny drinks will realize that the last thing a woman needs after a long day is to pick up a bottle that is going to body-shame her. Instead they might start using their enormous marking and manufacturing power to sell women a drink that isn't infused with self-hatred.”
Mallory O'Meara, Girly Drinks: A World History of Women and Alcohol

Abhijit Naskar
“Across the vacuum of body lies the valley of beauty.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulldozer on Duty

“Body shaming is one of the unhealthiest thing to do to anyone. You never know what others are going through to be in the position they are.
Always mind how you express your feelings to people, you may be causing them pain without realizing it.”
Ojingiri Hannah

“Body shaming is one of the unhealthiest thing to do to anyone. You never know what others are going through to be in the position they are.
Always mind how you express your thoughts to people, you may be causing them pain without realizing it.”
Ojingiri Hannah

Debatrayee Banerjee
“You know what I have learnt, when you can't stand up for others you lack the spine, which means you can never truly stand up for your own self. And vice versa. It is as basic and simple as that, when you can't man up the courage and voice up against the evils of this society, you become a part of that evil cycle, you become the very vacuum through which the injustices flow. But it's not your fault, it's called Spine, and God hasn't really graced everyone with it.

Anyway, this isn't gonna be a talk invested on such creatures, neither on those who try their hardest to pull others down by body-shaming, age-shaming, ganging up to mock and ridicule, in short being a bully to those their darkness can't withstand the Light of.

This is for everyone, Woman and Man, who's faced such a bully in their personal space, workspace or even in their random space. You guys, stay in your Light and remember when someone is literally shaken by your power and feel their failures as a living success on your being, they try to pull you down. It's like their mind cannot fathom how you shine all along that too so spontaneously and palpably, while those poor insecure beings have to literally wear a mask or turn in tactics that their soul knows the cost of.

This is for everyone, who stands up for their own selves and for every other soul who they see deserve (no, not need but deserve, these two words have very different connotations) their support at the moment, to fight the menaces of this evil system.
This is a Thank You note to every soul who fights these Bullies with a fierce strength and sunshine.
You go, guys.
You've got this.

Every day, we lose countless people from suicides to depression, and one of the core reasons to that is always going to be these cruel and worthless beings who try to pull down another only to feel their worth, because of their own insecurities; we lose good people from children to adults, because certain dark creatures are too loud in their derogatory treatment, and certain 'neutral' people find it difficult to take a stand (after all, those words weren't hurled at you, right?), but you see that's the thing we gotta tell the good people, that their goodness is their strength not weakness, we gotta tell them to raise their voices for themselves, because honestly one clear voice is enough, always enough.
You don't have to be loud to be heard.
And if you think, they are too many and you're just one, remember a sheep moves in a herd, a lioness, oh she roars baby, and that's just pretty much enough.

And if this gives you Strength, remember every time someone tries to pull you down, someone bullies you, it's just a reflection of their own insecurities; it has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Remember who you are, and walk with your Head up.

And if you're fortunate, you will find some support coming your way in the shape of like-minded souls, true friends and souls who know what it takes to be human and stand up with a clear spine, and then be gracious enough to thank them with all your soul.

So this one's for them, who know their worth and have the heart to stand up for what's important not only for their own sake but for others around.
Because when you fight to let your goodness shine on an individual level, you also channelise the spirit of fighting for the good at the collective level.

Hope this reaches and gives courage and strength to at least a single being, remember you've got this, already.

Love & Light, always
- Debatrayee”
Debatrayee Banerjee

Vanessa de Largie
“Penis size isn’t something that needs to be fixed. It’s our beliefs and perceptions which require altering. As a society, we should examine dick shaming culture and why it exists. Is it really necessary to shame a bloke because his package doesn’t replicate that of a male porn star?”
Vanessa de Largie

Yashvi Italiya
“I wanted my body
To be a muse
To an artist
But it somehow became
A topic for body shaming”