
Big Pharma Quotes

Quotes tagged as "big-pharma" Showing 1-26 of 26
“Don’t worry, I’m a doctor. ... Besides, whatever I do to you is okay because I’m a doctor. Trust me. Now, on a scale of one to ten, how painful would you say this is?”
Jasun Ether, The Beasts of Success

“Pick a leader who will keep jobs in your country by offering companies incentives to hire only within their borders, not one who allows corporations to outsource jobs for cheaper labor when there is a national employment crisis. Choose a leader who will invest in building bridges, not walls. Books, not weapons. Morality, not corruption. Intellectualism and wisdom, not ignorance. Stability, not fear and terror. Peace, not chaos. Love, not hate. Convergence, not segregation. Tolerance, not discrimination. Fairness, not hypocrisy. Substance, not superficiality. Character, not immaturity. Transparency, not secrecy. Justice, not lawlessness. Environmental improvement and preservation, not destruction. Truth, not lies.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Pick a leader who will make their citizens proud. One who will stir the hearts of the people, so that the sons and daughters of a given nation strive to emulate their leader's greatness. Only then will a nation be truly great, when a leader inspires and produces citizens worthy of becoming future leaders, honorable decision makers and peacemakers. And in these times, a great leader must be extremely brave. Their leadership must be steered only by their conscience, not a bribe.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
tags: administration, airlines, bail, bail-out, banker, bankers, banking, banking-system, banks, best-leader, big-business, big-pharma, bipartisan, blood, books, brave, bravery, bribe, bridges, build-bridges, capitalism, censor, censorship, chaos, character, citizen, common-man, companies, confident, confident-leader, conscience, conservation, convergence, corporations, corrupt, corruption, country, critic, criticism, criticsm, darkness, decisionmakers, decison-makers, democrat, destruction, diplomacy, diplomatic, discriminate, discrimination, dissent, diversity, divide, divides, division, doctor, doctors, education, educators, election, elections, employment, environment, environmental, environmentalism, environmentalist, equality, ethnic-tolerance, fair, fairness, families, farmer, fear, for-the-people, foreign-relations, freedom, freedom-of-speech, funding, furture, future-leaders, good-leader, government, government-corruption, great-leader, great-leadership, great-nation, greatness, greed, guide, hands, hate, hatred, health-care, heart-driven, hearts, homes, honest, honest-broker, honorable, human-condition, human-life, humanity, humans, humble, hypocrisy, identify, ignorance, immaturity, immorality, improvement, incentives, indentifies, inspire, integrity, intellectualism, intelligent, job, jobs, justice, law, lawlessness, lead, leader, leaders, leadership, leadership-characteristics, leadership-traits, libraries, library, lie, lies, lobbyist, losing, love, make-america-great-again, man-on-the-street, mankind, monetary, monetary-profit, money, money-driven, morality, mortage, mortages, multinational, nation, oil, oil-tycoon, peace, peaceful, peacekeeper, peacemaker, peacemakers, people, pharma, pharmaceutical, pick-a-leader, picking-sides, political-science, politics, preservation, president, presidential, protection, public, race, race-tolerance, racism, religious-tolerance, republican, school, schools, scrutiny, secrecy, security, segregation, selecting, serves-the-people, silencing-dissent, sly, society, speech, spending, stability, street, street-level, strong, teacher, teachers, team, terror, tolerance, tolerate, transparency, truth, truthfulness, understand, understanding, unite, unites, uniting, unity, vote, voter, voting, walls, war, we-the-people, weapons, wisdom, word

Antonella Gambotto-Burke
“Suicide rates have not slumped under the onslaught of antidepressants, mood-stabilizers, anxiolytic and anti-psychotic drugs; the jump in suicide rates suggests that the opposite is true. In some cases, suicide risk skyrockets once treatment begins (the patient may feel not only penalized for a justifiable reaction, but permanently stigmatized as malfunctioning). Studies show that self-loathing sharply decreases only in the course of cognitive-behavioral treatment.”
Antonella Gambotto-Burke, The Eclipse: A Memoir of Suicide

Thomas Browne
“No one should approach the temple of science with the soul of a money changer.”
Thomas Browne

James Morcan
“Big Pharma needs sick people to prosper. Patients, not healthy people, are their customers. If everybody was cured of a particular illness or disease, pharmaceutical companies would lose 100% of their profits on the products they sell for that ailment. What all this means is because modern medicine is so heavily intertwined with the financial profits culture, it’s a sickness industry more than it is a health industry.”
James Morcan, The Orphan Conspiracies: 29 Conspiracy Theories from The Orphan Trilogy

Ben Goldacre
“Changing mainstream media will be hard, but you can help create parallel options. More academics should blog, post videos, post audio, post lectures, offer articles, and more. You’ll enjoy it: I’ve had threats and blackmail, abuse, smears and formal complaints with forged documentation.

But it’s worth it, for one simple reason: pulling bad science apart is the best teaching gimmick I know for explaining how good science works.”
Ben Goldacre, I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That

Ben Goldacre
“In the past, [medicalization]has been portrayed as something that doctors inflict on a passive and un-suspecting world - an expansion of the Medical Empire. But in reality, it seems that these reductionist bio-medical stories can appeal to us all, because complex problems often have depressingly-complex causes, and the solutions can be taxing, and unsatisfactory.”
Ben Goldacre, Bad Science

Beth Macy
“But you can't put a corporation in jail; you just take their money, and it's not really their money anyway.”
Beth Macy, Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America

Kat Lahr
“Can the CEO of a pharmaceutical company prioritize opioid addiction as a top concern if they are making a profit from opioids?”
Kat Lahr, What the U.S. Healthcare System Doesn't Want You to Know, Why, and How You Can Do Something About It

Jack Freestone
“People had been scammed by their own politicians, mainstream media, and Big Pharma. Not for money this time, but for their health, and perhaps their souls.”
Jack Freestone, The Pures

Enric Mestre Arenas
“much of our suffering often arises from living a lifestyle that is out of sync with our inner needs. This implies that a genuine path to healing often lies in making fundamental shifts within our lifestyles and thought patterns. Only by reevaluating and recalibrating our approach to life can we address the root causes of our discomfort and stagnation.
Regrettably, mainstream medicine often fails to endorse such transformative approaches. Instead, a deceptive narrative has been meticulously crafted by pharmaceutical giants, promoting the idea that pills capable of altering brain chemistry are the panacea for all our struggles. This untruthful and misleading notion has ensnared many, encouraging them to seek solutions in drugs rather than in meaningful changes. This can explain why many people remain stuck in toxic and self-destructive lifestyles that only bring gloom and doom into their lives.”
Enric Mestre Arenas

Ben Goldacre
“Pulling bad science apart is the best teaching gimmick I know for explaining how good science really works.”
Ben Goldacre, I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That

“As I grew up, I wondered why humans had strayed so far from the understanding of food as medicine, and why there were Big Pharma pharmacies in our food markets. I learned that what I put in and on my body mattered! I came to realize that most of what I purchased or used had negative consequences for people and the planet. This was an affront to my soul.”
Donna Maltz, Living Like the Future Matters: The Evolution of a Soil to Soul Entreprenuer

Sol Luckman
“antibiotic: (n.) drug that requires immediate administration of probiotics.”
Sol Luckman, The Angel's Dictionary

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“It’s easier to give a child a pill and pretend that everything is now fixed.”
Jessica Marie Baumgartner

Ben Goldacre
“[...] I’m very grateful to all the many companies and people who, by their optimistically bad behaviour under fire, have given narrative colour to what might otherwise have been some very dry explanations of basic statistical principles.”
Ben Goldacre, I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That

Thomas Hager
“Universities began learning the art of turning the insights of their researchers into large chunks of money by hiring more lawyers and making new kinds of deals, becoming experts in protecting intellectual property, installing startup incubators, and building research parks. Seen from this angle, it looks like universities and scientists aren't fighting against the profit motive; they've been infected by it.”
Thomas Hager

“Harley Filben: "People know the government has a vaccine. Riots everywhere. "

JC Denton: "The same corporation that makes Ambrosi also manufactures the virus. Quite convenient. The virus came over a superfreighter previously owner by Dowd."

Harley Filben: Yeah, most of Majestic 12 is just hand-me-downs from the Illuminati. Huh. We knew about Ambrosia, but the virus... that's news. They're infecting people on purpose, huh?”
Sheldon Pacotti, Chris Todd , and Austin Grossman

Steven Magee
“My health research is bad for the businesses of healthcare and the pharmaceutical industries.”
Steven Magee

Jonathan Harnisch
“In the deepest shadows of despair, where akathisia whispers its darkest tales, we discover not the end but the beginning of our most profound resilience. Although isolated and battered by storms, it is here, in this pit of suffering, that we discover an unwavering strength to overcome the seemingly impossible. Even amidst the relentless disruption of our nightmares, hope survives, a beacon calling us to rise. We are the evidence that even in the face of Akathisia's cruel grip, the human spirit remains indomitable, forever pushing forward towards renewal and growth.”
Jonathan Harnisch

Jonathan Harnisch
“In the deepest shadows of despair, where Akathisia whispers its darkest tales, we discover not the end but the beginning of our most profound resilience. Although isolated and battered by storms, it is here, in this pit of suffering, that we discover an unwavering strength to overcome the seemingly impossible. Even amidst the relentless disruption of our nightmares, hope survives, a beacon calling us to rise. We are the evidence that even in the face of Akathisia cruel grip, the human spirit remains indomitable, forever pushing forward towards renewal and growth.”
Jonathan Harnisch

Jonathan Harnisch
“Amidst the depths of despair, where Akathisia's whispers echo, we find not the conclusion but the start of our deepest strength. Despite being alone and facing challenges, it is in this place of intense struggle that we find a resilient determination to conquer what appears insurmountable. Even in the midst of constant turmoil in our worst dreams, there is a glimmer of hope that urges us to keep going. We demonstrate that despite the challenges of Akathisia, the human spirit perseveres, always striving for progress and development.”
Jonathan Harnisch

Jonathan Harnisch
“I have no more fight left, the will to keep going has been extinguished and I am ready to throw in the towel. I'm on the verge of giving up. Everything feels meaningless now, my heart is empty and I can't see any light for the future. This unbearable weight of despair seems never-ending, casting a shadow of hopelessness over everything.”
Jonathan Harnisch

Jonathan Harnisch
“The essence of deep and profound suffering, as articulated through the lens of individuals grappling with akathisia, reveals a universal truth about human resilience and the quest for meaning amidst adversity. Suffering, in its most unbearable forms, strips away the superficial layers of our existence, confronting us with the rawest facets of our being. It is in this crucible of despair that the depth of human strength is truly tested, and paradoxically, where the seeds of hope are sown.

Throughout history, philosophers, poets, and survivors of great hardship have all echoed a similar sentiment: there is a profound transformation that occurs in the heart of suffering. It is not merely an ordeal to be endured but a powerful catalyst for growth and self-discovery. The pain that once seemed to diminish us eventually serves to expand our empathy, deepen our understanding of life's fragility, and enhance our appreciation for moments of joy and connection.

In the narrative of overcoming akathisia, the raw and relentless nature of such suffering becomes a testament to the indomitable human spirit. This condition, characterized by an inner restlessness that can torment the mind and body, becomes a battleground upon which the battle for mental and emotional freedom is fought. The victory, hard-won, lies not in eradicating the condition but in mastering the art of resilience, in discovering that hope is not obliterated by despair but made more precious by it.

To conclude, deep and profound suffering is an unyielding force, capable of either crushing the human spirit or refining it into something stronger and more beautiful. The choice of which direction we turn depends largely on our ability to find meaning in our pain, to reach out for support, and to believe in the possibility of regeneration. Like the phoenix rising from its ashes, individuals who traverse the dark night of the soul can emerge transformed, bearing the scars of their battles as badges of honor. These experiences whisper to us of the extraordinary resilience that resides within, urging us to keep moving forward, even when every step seems impossible. The power of the human spirit to transcend suffering reminds us that even in our darkest moments, there is always a path leading towards the light.”
Jonathan Harnisch, Sex, Drugs, and Schizophrenia