
Best Thoughts Quotes

Quotes tagged as "best-thoughts" Showing 1-30 of 55
“When you love someone too much, you become destructive to them.”
Garima Soni - words world

“When you cheat on me, you don't disgrace me, you disgrace yourself and show your character.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Your decisions are not yours, if the acceptance of another person affects them.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Not accepting your flaws is your biggest flaw.”
Garima Soni - words world

“If you let someone disrespect you, you don't respect yourself.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Never assume someone loves you until they don't tell you.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Respect can't be a substitute for love in a relationship.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Some people lie to save others. Some people lie to save themselves.”
Garima Soni - words world

“If I have to work too hard to please you and be with you, then I don't want you.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Overlove can over the love.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Never take that person back in life who left you.”
Garima Soni - words world

“You don't have a good bond with yourself if you feel lonely when you are alone.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Things break when you hold them too tight.”
Garima Soni - words world

“To look at the past with pride is a luxury not many people have.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Not apologizing after making a mistake is twice a mistake.”
Garima Soni - words world

“To find something new, you have to leave something old.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Your life partner isn't your partner if they believe you are inferior to them.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Silence can lead to a lot of assumptions.”
Garima Soni - words world

“A friend who is angry at you isn't your enemy.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Pretending to be happy will make you more sad.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Lies don't kill the truth. It hides it.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Accepting mistakes and yet repeating them is worse than making mistakes.”
Garima Soni - words world

“It's easy to lie. It's hard to cover it up.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Dreams and us

Absolute and opulent treasure of time,
Are the moments we get to experience.
In one's life there are many aspects that may not rhyme,
But then time teaches us patience and tolerance,

So let the life play its notes,
We shall be busy doing what we believe in,
For it is not time but our dreams that our life denotes,
And under no circumstances shall we give up or give in,

For they matter to us more than our own lives and time too,
Because a dream unfulfilled is a life ill spent,
So we shall do what we believe in and we ought to do,
For with our own breaths we pay life’s rent,

So why oblige time and destiny,
Because we begin and end within our imagination,
And we do not prefer to be the slaves of serendipity,
We only give in to one, just one seduction,

Letting ourselves be seduced by the one we love and dream of,
Whether it is night or day she is the only one,
Passing through the eyes of imagination and ah the wonder thereof,
That you too like Gods loved and believed in someone!

So let the time pass by and maybe laugh at us,
Because we imagine, because we dream, and we choose our own destiny,
We are not victims of vanity, with which time often tests us,
Before the grandeur of time we may seem tiny,

But if we believe in the dreams and believe in our imagination,
Then our destiny shall seek us everywhere,
Because a noble imagination is a grand sensation,
That the universe respects everywhere!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Stars from the last night

It was a vast and endless desert,
Of sand, of dust, of the unforgiving sun,
Life crawled on its belly and ever effort hurt,
Yet life ventured to fulfil what yesterday was left undone,

The sand storm blew from every end,
Life was caught in its middle,
It had nowhere to go, though it had a universe to defend,
I watched life pitted against all forces that prevented it from solving the riddle,

The dust, the storm, connived with the hot Sun,
And they all held life in its cage of atrocities,
While life only thought of the universe whose affairs it had to run,
So, it heaved its chest and breathed in all the adversities,

And blew it at these forces evil,
In seconds the dust settled, the storm turned calm and the Sun shone humbly,
Because if life wishes to be; it can be the meanest devil,
But that is not what it fancies for it has universe to manage and it wants to do so proudly,

Life that deals with million adversities, sees storms of dust as nature’s vanities,
Because life that thrives everywhere cannot be contained in cages of temporary storms,
Life shall always reward the victor who fulfils his/her duties,
And is never scared of anything no matter how loud the alarms,

That is why it lives in the desert of dust and sand too,
Where everything is against its existence,
But life shall do what it has to do, while the desert of savagery will do what it has to do,
And there shall be neither any hand nor any role of providence,

For life that believes in love and equality of all sorts,
Will surmount every peak of resistance no matter how high,
And shoot itself at the the desert, at the storm, like brave darts,
That only love one thing, one purpose, that to fly,

So, I saw life wrestling with storm, with dust, with the desert, and even the Sun,
They all held her down like an animal of sacrifice to be offered to the God’s of vanity,
Yet life resisted and cast all these forces away, one by one,
And I witnessed desert’s travesty of life’s magnanimity,

Whenever you are in the desert and you see the storm coming closer to you,
Remember the actual fact, the life is always on your side,
As long as you do not believe it is the desert that favours you,
Because it takes some wisdom to realise that in the day sky the bright stars of yesternight still reside!

Just like in my eyes her dreams, her thoughts are as fresh as ever,
That no storm, no time can fade away,
Because I love her like life, that is in love forever,
And it shall be so, even in the tempest of all sorts, anyhow and anyway!

So you brave soldiers of life and love,
If you love someone, love her true love her the same in the desert and in the beautiful summer,
And do not wait for the providence from above,
Life of love is not always calm because in the desert of life, you shall witness a storm that ceases never!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“The corner

She sat there crouched in a corner,
Her will was broken and nothing in her looked stronger,

There were no signs of smiles or moments of joy,
Around her an army of misfortunes time did deploy,

So she lay there tied to her weariness,
And her eyes revealed a deep emptiness,

She had a benighted existence,
And in her, sadness sought its own permanence,

Many passed by her side,
But all were busy dealing with their life’s own tide,

A few turned and noticed her wretched state,
But nobody wanted to uplift her spirits and mend her fate,

She resided in a place that is neither hell nor paradise,
Because in her state even soul refuses to rise,

So she hangs between nowhere and nothing,
Between everything and something,

Between the Hell that is there and yet it is not anywhere,
Between the Paradise that is there but actually nowhere,

And her grief deepened every moment,
And with every passing day she got cast into hopelessness’s basement,

Now she lies there trapped and feelingless,
Dealing with the life that is lifeless,

Today when I saw her and her stock of misfortunes,
I could hear her heart’s sad tunes,

I stood there frozen in the moment,
As she slipped deeper into despondency’s basement,

And by the time I reached out my hand,
There was the corner, an endless pile of misfortunes, and my empty hand,

The basement had consumed her and everything related to her,
It was an empty corner with nothing to offer and nothing to incur,

But a realisation that how often we all fail,
To sympathise with someone needy and frail,

I too extended my hand but it was too late,
And now for a lifetime I am caught in a debate,

Where the guilt shall push all heedless passers by in the same basement,
To clash with their own conscience and the girl’s every sentiment!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!


Somebody said, real self awareness lies beyond thinking,
When the mind does not think,
But can eyes serve their purpose if they are always closed or open? No, their true purpose lies in blinking,
Even to realise we are not thinking we need to think,

So when they say silence is what offers inner peace,
I say without sounds, without voices, without music you experience a different form of silence,
Where you find not inner peace, but just your forsaken and unknown piece,
A piece that bears life’s no resonance,

So, you may meditate in silence, but let your mind be filled with voices,
Voices of love, voice of endless nature’s music,
Because it is only in death you shall experience eternal silence as it marks the end of all voices,
That is why death approaches silently, because it is only when you are alive that you can create and feel music,

So if they tell you to stop thinking and remain still!
Just smile, let them hear your voices of laughter and let them envy you,
Because by forcing you into silence even before your time to die, they actually intend to kill,
The beautiful and thinking mind gifted by universe just to you, only to you,

And if silence and thoughtless existence were the true philosophy of the universe,
Then there would exist flowers and nothing else, no breeze to scatter their scents and no birds to sing,
In this universe nothing is purposeless or perverse,
Imagine a beautiful butterfly withouts its wing,

And a mind that does not think is like a butterfly without wings,
Like a flower garden never visited by breeze,
So sing aloud whenever your heart sings,
Because with your mind and heart it is you who you should first be able to please,

Let these silencers of your mind and its beautiful thoughts say whatever they wish to,
You just fly like a butterfly with wings and dance to the tunes of every beautiful voice,
Because mind is an instrument from which you can create whatever you wish to,
So listen to the voices, listen to the sounds, love someone true and confess this to her in your beautiful voice,

I wonder what silent love feels like where two hearts just beat but never communicate,
Always remember your mind just like your life, serves a perspicuous purpose,
But when your mind is silent it retires into the hinterland where nothing grows because it now has no thoughts to replicate,
And it is then your heart turns impervious to every feeling, to every voice, and you begin to surmise about reality too that has an obvious purpose!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Real revenge is forgetting their existence.”
Garima Soni - words world

“When their absence stops bothering you, their presence starts bothering you.”
Garima Soni - words world

“We never forget the people who left us alone when we needed them.”
Garima Soni - words world

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