Best Quotes Ever Quotes

Quotes tagged as "best-quotes-ever" Showing 91-120 of 656
Markus Zusak
“Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in who they are.”
Markus Zusak

“Your summer!

Like the Summer that resides in everything,
That in Spring sprouted from nowhere and today is the most beautiful thing,
The Summer of beautiful imaginations,
Where your thoughts are the Summer like sensations,
That grow over me from everywhere,
And I often think of you whether I am everywhere or just somewhere,
Like the Summer that spreads and grows profound,
In you all my joys I have found,
So let the seasons pass and redefine beauty’s sensations,
In you I shall always discover beauty’s original passions and feel its true realisations.
But for now let me enjoy this Summer and your presence,
And bathe in your every essence!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Having expectations from someone you love is better than having no expectations from them.”
Garima Soni - words world

“She in the crowd!

There she stood in the middle of the busy street,
Stranded, thoughtful and trying hard to absorb life’s every beat,

That of moving people, the bustle of every sort,
She seemed to have paused to understand its finesse before she could take part,

In this life of constant imagination, new thoughts and never ending motion,
To seek moments of order in the midst of commotion,

To lead a life of purpose and some joy,
While dealing with life’s every evil ploy,

So, there she stood gazing at all and everything,
Learning the song of life before she could herself sing,

But right now she was trying to understand its notes and its actual melody,
That was there in every commotion, in every pandemonium, and in every moment lively,

There she was, still and motionless as people passed by her in scores,
She looked at them, their movements and their expressions, and sometimes looked at shopping stores,

Then suddenly as if she had found the meaning of life and its duty,
She smiled and took her steps towards her destiny,

And she became part of the crowd too,
And maybe she is someone who with a smile today at a street looked at you,

Then she went her way and you went your way, but always towards a destiny,
That for you is of your choosing and for her a choice made by her destiny,

If you only know what I mean, life is to us all as beautiful as it might seem,
To a few it is a constant strife whereas to a few it is a beautiful dream,

But whatever it might be, it certainly is about motion, about commotion and finding that balance,
Where your life, with your dreams and desires manages to achieve a perfect resemblance!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“The worst part of ending a relationship is that you forget how you used to live before they entered your life.”
Garima Soni - words world

“If you are ashamed of any chapter of your life, then write a new chapter that makes you proud of yourself.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Your memories

Thoughts that travel from memories to mind,
Many feelings and emotions they unwind,
Almost like a stiff creeper vine that uncurls with first Spring shower,
Your memories make me feel like a flower,
That waits to feel clad in the Sunshine,
And unwind just like the weary and twisted creeper vine,
But right now there is neither you nor the Sun, but just the creeper,
That grows on the surface of your imagination as your thoughts sink into me deeper and deeper,
While I wait for you and the creeper waits for the rain drops,
I hope this love affair with hoping and imagining someday stops,
So that the creeper vines can gradually and forever unwind,
So that you exist in the real world and not just in the memories of my mind!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“To love someone deeply is to open up with them like you haven't even opened up with yourself.”
Garima Soni - words world

“True love is sacred not manipulative.”
Garima Soni - words world

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“It doesn’t matter even if you finish a race in last place. Doing your best is what matters. Focus on that, and you will become the best you can become.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“Some people come close to you only because they don't have anyone else in their life.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Weak people can go to any level to justify their selfish decisions.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Everything and she!

Still, silent and motionless,
That is how the world appears without her,
A world of beauty that has been sleepless,
And is eagerly waiting to catch a glimpse of her,

Before the rivers, the flowers, the wind; all sleep and rest.
The Summer has gone by and Autumn has passed too,
Now it is winter when in the mornings East looks like the West,
And the less radiant Sun longs to catch a glimpse of her too,

The world, the morning and the evenings as well,
All seem to pass by as usual, but with a slower pace,
Where is she? Nothing and nobody can tell,
But the hope to see her someday has made them adopt a slower pace,

While I look at the Sun, the mountains and the rivers, I am reminded of her,
So, I too have adopted the nature’s pace,
And at times I see her waking shadows turn and stir,
And ah, how jovial is my heart’s pace, the happy pace, and then it is her face and the heart beating with a happy pace!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Your feelings

In a place where there is nothing to seek,
Where your scent is the only worth pursuing streak,
Of memories, of feelings, of old times, of you and me,
A place where there is nothing to seek, yet you can be and I can be,

A wandering feeling roaming the vastness of this emotion,
Where everything is held intact by your memories and their notion,
And in this feeling I lie wrapped within your warm feelings,
As the emotion grows intense, I then am reduced to nothing, but just a scent of your feelings,

It is a beautiful place, that is calm and too quiet,
The same place, where we had held hands and walked and met,
Not somebody, but each other, you and me,
But now the quiet looms all over, there is just the memories, the feelings, all still alive within me,

I often walk in this wilderness of emotions and memories,
And I feel questioned by the rustling leaves of the autumn trees,
As if they seek your whereabouts in me, in my eyes, in my gestures,
But all my memories are signatures of our moments of togetherness, experienced in the vastness of the life’s pastures,

Where today many flowers bloom everywhere,
They all bear your scent, your colours, but you are nowhere,
However, these flowers last forever, and thus they feed my relentless wanderings,
And there my love Irma you somehow appear everywhere, and I repose occupied by your wonderings!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Love isn't hard. Loving the wrong person is.”
Garima Soni - words world

“From being everything to someone to becoming nothing to them, we all realize our worth and the importance of the right people in life.”
Garima Soni - words world

“When you try too hard to get something, you either get everything or lose everything.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Illusions of a lover!

Illusions have neither a past nor any present,
They always seem to hang in the moments of the future,
For when experienced one never knows what they mean or represent,
But they always arise from the person’s conscience and the stature,

As for those who are in love everything is an illusion,
When with her even real appears more real,
When not with her even real seems unreal, a sort of hallucination,
A dawn of new reality where everything is surreal,

Only her smiles, her charms, her kisses, and her deep eyes exist,
And the heart seeks its indulgences in them,
And ah how much like a wanton kid it does persist,
To only chase her, and seek her as if she were the most precious gem,

The sun peeps in from the still and motionless curtains,
And the weary eyes open hoping its rays will bring her along,
But then everything drowns in the loud calls of martins,
Until every sound resembles her voice and her beautiful song,

Then nothing exists, neither the Sun, nor the curtains, and not even martins,
Only your song and your endless memories,
And the heart dutifully warbles to mind these emotional bulletins,
So, I rest my head on a pile of your feelings and bid farewell to all my worries!

And now it is me and your feelings spread all over,
The heart stops beating, the mind stops to think,
For now Irma, begins the journey called forever,
Where moments do not pass as eyes blink,

Because the heart does not beat and the mind does not think,
Making time irrelevant and unnecessary,
And as in this moment called forever we sink,
We now only seek what is necessary,

You, your memories, your charms and your smiles,
As this restful state extends into eternity,
It marks an end of life’s tribulations and trials,
Because now your feelings envelope me to create a new feeling of serenity!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“It's heartbreaking when people who promised to stay with you forever end up saying goodbye.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Don't expect others to fix your insecurities. You have to do that yourself.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Let it!

It was lingering still in the air,
Like a moment in time that refused to go anywhere,
Her scent, and with it she seemed to spread everywhere,
My heart had found her, though my eyes kept asking, “where, where?”

The matters of heart that mind never comprehends,
So to oblige the heart mind too pretends,
And to oblige heart’s every wish now it its own logic bends,
And ah the irony, that the heart in love never pretends,

So I have to convince my eyes, my sense of touch, all senses of mine,
To learn to be patient and wait like an aging bottle of wine,
If they were to taste the feelings of love refined and fine,
They better know it is the dear heart of mine,

And if it seeks her in everything,
Let it be so, and let it spare nothing,
For it is the heart’s matter, the heart’s thing,
Where sometimes, something resembles everything,

Right now let it find some peace in just imagining about her,
Let it behind the shadows romance her,
Amble with her and serenade her,
Maybe she is yet to accept that it loves her, just her!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“You and everything!

Everything and everyone can wait,
As long as you are with me it is never late,

For it is the Summer flowers that ought to worry,
Because winter always seems to arrive in a hurry,

But when you are beside me, who cares whether it is summer or winter,
For we can create anything as long as we are together,

So let the Sun rise Irma, and let it set, let the Moon shine and disappear,
Because in your presence anything can reappear,

Let it be night forever or a day that never ends,
Because around you and for you everything without any hesitation bends,

Let the world incriminate me for my belief,
As long as you love me, I need not know or feel any other form of relief,

Let the world pray to the Gods or who cares if it is a Godless world,
Because in my universe there is a Goddess who creates for me a truly God fearing world,

So, let everything end, or let everything begin,
For when I am with you, I care not, whether I lose or win!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Blind love is not love. It's an addiction.”
Garima Soni - words world

“A leaf and you!

A leaf from tree, in Autumn fell,
It had a story to tell,
As it swayed in the lap of air,
Nobody noticed the act unfair,
For it alone fell,
The rest clung to the branches and didn’t experience hell,
Which they all would someday,
Few early, few later, few did yesterday and the leaf that just fell, experienced it today,
It did not shout, it did not scream or yell,
As it thought of moments, few lived in agony and few lived so well,
Finally it rested on the surface of the bare ground,
And every natural force leapt on it like a famished hound,
To consume it in their own ways,
For death has a game that it with all plays,
So time kissed it, life forsook it, gravity constricted it; and finally it was lost, there was nothing left of it,
Just a memory of a falling leaf that everyone consumed bit by bit, bit by bit,
Surprising that time sometimes moans its departure,
Because it had reared it in its lap with love and composure,
Alas time the greatest force of all, is the most cursed of all,
For in the end it loses everything to its own existential virtues, and kills us all,
Then it lies there moaning the loss,
Whenever a beautiful corner of life that it loved it does happen to pass,
Just like the leaf that fell and was forever lost,
There on the branch a moment of time hangs still seeking the past,
For it loved the leaf, but it had duty to perform as well,
So it mournfully stood there as the leaf fell,
It buried it too,
And then it hurried too,
For it had new leaves to tend,
A new leaf to break and bend,
To keep gravity happy, who blames time for all crimes,
But it is someone else who in shadows creates these moments of depraved times,
And lays the blame on time, the eternal subject of everyone's hate,
But time has a companion who shares this blame, we all know it as fate,
However, the real force lies in the shadows always plotting to bend and break a leaf,
And blame it all on time, the eternal and infamous thief,
Who actually steals nothing, because it is always losing a part of it,
Whenever present becomes past, it loses its own precious bit,
It always has been so, and maybe it will always be so, until time has nothing to spare any more,
Then the Universe shall fall apart because then it shall not be needed anymore,
And a new order shall rise, a new leaf shall emerge and grow,
Then time shall rule every place high and low,
Then my darling Irma, I will love you again, and again,
Because then my love, a moment of love, shall be a lifelong gain,
Where every kiss shall be remembered and felt again and again,
And you shall not hurt me, and I shall not have the power to cause you any pain,
Because now time will be judging us all in the present,
A gift that indeed is the precious moment in the present,
So my love Irma, love me now, but love me true,
Before another leaf falls and as long as the sky is still happy and blue!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“It began again!

It began when everything had ended,
When there was nothing left that could be defended,
The universe was rapturing in all possible ways,
When days were like nights and nights felt like days,
There was nothing left, so it seemed,
And suddenly life from its brink of extinction was redeemed,
By the memory of your kiss, by the memory of your smile,
And everything came alive, everything; even if it was just for a while,
Then my love Irma, the universe was recast in its original form,
My universe, our universe, where your essences arise to ease me like some magical balm,
So it began again, the romance that actually can never end,
Because even universe cannot destroy what a heart chooses to defend,
Now there is nothing except our love story,
Because the universe ended and then began with our love story,
And in this universe where everything exists just for you and me,
The universe can be, the world can be, as long as in your eyes my reflection I see,
Let the universe end, let the realms collapse, let all the stars turn dark,
I shall not regret it, as long as my heart bears your mark,
Of those feelings and emotions experienced together,
Where in the season of our lives, our love was the climate and it was the permanent weather!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“The biggest reason for innocent people's genocide is...

The world is Hypocrite.. People are moral”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Two of the most dangerous terrorists are at war: one is a group, and the other is a state.

World, you need to reject the idea of terror to stop innocent people's genocide. It doesn't matter if it's the ideology of a group or the policy of a state.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

“Does the winner take it all?

They say, in the end winner takes it all,
The loser has to bear the despair and fall,
The winner is there standing tall,
And the loser is moving like shadow on the wall,

While the winner is welcomed by the loud applause,
The loser is still contemplating failure and its emotional clause,
Where he feels time and life, in a state of pause,
And is awakened by this thunderous applause,

Not for him, today, not for him,
And a feeling sad takes over him and he feels grim,
The lights in the playground of life turn dim,
And now nobody, just these faint lights and distant stars look at 

He stares back at them in the darkness,
With a sense of isolation a feeling of aloofness,
And then a feeling a freshness and a look of brightness,
Descends upon him amidst these moments of darkness,

And he believes again, he hopes again, and he stands again,
With the will not to surrender, and rise and gain,
No matter how much the pain,
His moment of applause, his winning moment, his new reign,

Of triumph and endless glory,
Where he will be the author of his success story,
And he competes again, this time to win without seeking glory,
Because there is always glory in the winner’s story,

So, he runs and he runs, and reaches the finish line,
He looks behind and claims, “today victory is mine!”
For every failure something is always waiting, always there, the
finish line,
Only if you are willing to run again, compete again, and not let one 
failure define,

You, your life or your will to win,
For winner may take it all, but he/she can never take your will to 
The fish will swim, the fish will be happy as long as it manages to 
flap its fin,
So today let the winner take it all, but tomorrow if you have the will
to win, you will win,

Let them sing, “the winner takes it all, 
The loser is bound to fall,”
But the loser will rise again and stand tall,
That is when everything else, except him shall lose and fall!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Innocent girl!

There in the distance she walked,
She skipped, she frolicked and with a stranger she talked,
Just for a while, maybe a moment or two,
Still wondering what next to do,
Maybe keep talking or just keep walking,
Then the stranger left, but it was her innocence that he was stalking,
I followed the stranger, and he followed the young girl,
She was dressed decently with her each ear adorned with a pearl,
Then as she reached the edge of the park,
Where it is usually cold and dark,
The stranger stood before her,
And then he followed her, wherever she went it seemed he was with her,
The girl seemed worried and uncomfortable,
And desperately looked for means to feel a bit secure and comfortable,
The stranger was resolved to keep bothering her,
As I wondered what pleasure from this hideous act he might incur,
He was about to assault her dignity,
Without any remorse, any forethought and with no sign of pity,
The girl closed her eyes,
And I wonder in that moment what she felt about herself and about the inaction of the skies,
It was then I decided to come forward,
And I asked her if there was anything making her feel awkward,
"Yes, yes," she said hurriedly,
"It is him, he has been stalking me shamelessly,"
Then I turned toward this person,
And I asked him if to justify his behaviour he had any valid reason,
He shrugged his shoulders and walked away,

The innocence of the young girl was saved today,
But tomorrow when none of us is there,
What shall she do and who will offer her strength in her moments of fear,
Maybe it is time to change something forever,
If we cannot do it now, then we may never,
Today the stranger left,
But who shall compensate the young girl for the theft,
That robbed her of her freedom and innocence,
Well I guess nobody can, because whenever she will be on a street, she will always feel the stranger’s presence!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!


Like a memory she does not travel,
She just stays in the mind of everything,
A feeling that is abysmal and at the same time makes you feel well,
Almost like experiencing everything but feeling nothing,

But her thoughts and her memories remain intact,
A love affair of a different kind maybe,
Where infinity is the witness and love that lasts for eternity is the pact,
There is no other way for it to exist maybe,

Or it could be my predilection towards her memories,
That makes everything else less preeminent,
And gradually one loses interest in all worldly stories,
Because her thought is still fresh and omnipresent,

Like a flower that you come to admire in Summer,
And you wait for the seasons to pass by,
To witness this flower again in the new Summer,
There, anticipating and waiting you lie,

Not for the Summer, but for the flower,
And how unnecessary everything else seems,
Almost like a desperate lover,
Whose heart often her name screams,

But the yearnings of heart are silent,
And no matter how much it cries or screams everyday,
It has no audience, except the helpless firmament,
Where it is heard, but it can't do anything to help it anyway!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!