
Bashar Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bashar" Showing 1-12 of 12
“Doubt is a one hundred percent trust, in a belief you don't prefer. You are never really actually in doubt. You are always completely trusting in something.”

Darryl Anka
“Time and space are illusions. Everything exists at the same time. We only see what we are tuned to the vibration of to see.

As we change our ideas, we change our vibrations, we start to see a different world, literally. Because we have shifted our consciousness, our focus, to a different version of Earth that exists simultaneously with the version we were on a moment ago. And we are experiencing literally, bit by bit, whether fast or slow, a progression through different versions of Earth.

So the change has to be made within the person. They may for a while still be able to see and observe the version of Earth that they are no longer really strongly connected to, but that will change over time.

It's not that the world they were on changes, it's that what changes is their ability to still perceive that world as opposed to perceiving one that's now more in alignment with the vibrational frequencies they have changed within themselves.”
Darryl Anka

“Here is the true secret of the Law of Attraction:

You have a core vibrational frequency.
It is purely uniquely you.
It's a beacon. It's like a lighthouse. It shines. It radiates purely that signature frequency of your unique being. It never stops radiating that light, that frequency, that energy - never stops.

Everything that is in alignment with that frequency is doing its utmost to come to you.

Everything that is not aligned with that frequency is doing its utmost to get as far away from you as it possibly can.

If the things that are aligned with that beacon aren't reaching you, it's not because "you're not vibrating at the resonance that you need to attract it". It's because your definitions and beliefs are holding it away.

If the things that are trying to get away from you can't get away from you, it's not because they're not trying - it's because you're holding onto them.

So the true Secret of the Law of Attraction is not "how to learn to attract what you prefer", it's how to learn to let go of what you don't, so that you can let in what is trying to get to you automatically - by definition.

That's the true Secret and that's why it's effortless.
It's just about letting go and letting in.
It's not about having to learn to do something you're not already doing.”

Darryl Anka
“We never change the world we're on. We change ourselves and we we actually shift to another version of Earth that already exists that is more reflective of the change we made in us. This gets into things like parallel realities, the multiverse - all of that kind of idea.”
Darryl Anka

“All emotions stem from beliefs. You can't feel something without believing something to be true first.”

Darryl Anka
“Physical reality is a reflection of what's going on in our belief systems and in our energy. (...)

Physical reality is really nothing more than a mirror of the energetic state of being that we choose to be in, based on the beliefs we hold to be true. (...)

It's possible to learn the lesson that allows us to change ourselves and get a different reflection.”
Darryl Anka

Darryl Anka
“Whatever it is we truly believe to be true, and that also goes with what we are afraid is true, is going to have a reflective consequence in physical reality.

The idea of choice is, we might be unconsciously choosing to buy into things that are out of alignment with who we truly are or who we prefer to be. And it's those choices to hold onto things that are out of alignment with us, that cause the consequence.”
Darryl Anka

Darryl Anka
“Positive energy is collective, integrative, expansion. Whereas negative energy (...) is simply that which disconnects, which segregates, which separates, which lowers energy, lowers frequency. Whereas Positive increases the frequency and allows us to see things more holistically. Whereas negative energy breaks things into parts that makes things a bit more challenging to manage.”
Darryl Anka

Darryl Anka
“This is the year 2020. We use the idea of 2020 to represent clear vision forward. We also use the idea of 2020 to talk about clear vision backward; 2020 hindsight. So the idea is that we're smack in the middle of the idea of the past and the future. And 2020 represents our opportunity to really see clearly what we've chosen in the past and really apply that clearly to what we prefer in the future.”
Darryl Anka

“The greatest gift creation has given to all of you is that life is fundamentally meaningless. That means it has no built-in meaning.

What that also means is, you were designed to give it the meaning you prefer to give it. And the meaning you give it will utterly determine how you experience it.”

“People who are saying that they are afraid of heights are usually not actually afraid of heights. They are afraid of falling, which means it's a synonym for losing control.
So they have to get in touch with the definitional belief to find out what's really going on.”