
Agility Quotes

Quotes tagged as "agility" Showing 1-30 of 55
Toba Beta
“Intelligence could be more briliant within modesty.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

“Only those with tenacity can march forward in March”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“Shaping the company's future requires a board that fosters a culture of innovation and agility to adapt to changing market conditions.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

Roger Spitz
“In an era of predictable unpredictability, agility allows us to emerge in the here and now, while at the same time bridging our longer-term strategy with the present.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume II - Essential Frameworks for Disruption and Uncertainty

Roger Spitz
“Fast-changing environments drive new opportunities and gaps. Agility means finding those gaps and exploring them.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume III - Beta Your Life: Existence in a Disruptive World

Pearl Zhu
“Accountability means to say what you do, do what you say.”
Pearl Zhu, Digital Agility: The Rocky Road from Doing Agile to Being Agile

Roger Spitz
“This need for humans to enhance their capabilities to become AAA is relevant in the context of machines learning faster, with increasingly higher-level human functions.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume I - Reframing and Navigating Disruption

Rafael Sabatini
“Speed will follow when the mechanism of the movements is more assured.”
Rafael Sabatini, Scaramouche

“In today's interconnected and rapidly changing world, boards of directors must prioritize ensuring their companies possess agility in response to global phenomena.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

“The Future of work is all about CREAM. More Consciousness, Relationships, Empathy, AdaptAgility, and Meaning. We must be building a more human-centered context for stakeholders, as opposed to JUST MORE profits for shareholders".”
Tony Dovale

“Consciously Constructive Human Capital Development, Perpetual Reinvention: innovation & Creativity, Adaptability, Resilience and Agility, are not only CORE DRIVERS, but also the DEFINING features of economic success in the 4IR.”
Tony Dovale

Fredrik Backman
“Benji barely leaves any footprints in the snow as he moves between the trees. That always used to surprise people who encountered him on the ice, the combination of agility and strength. Adri always says it's incredible that someone so agile can be so bad at dancing, and he always replies that it's incredible that someone can be so bad at cooking as she is yet still be so fat.”
Fredrik Backman, The Winners

Elizabeth Bowen
“He was not sprightly enough to have sprightly friends.”
Elizabeth Bowen, The Death of the Heart

“ADAPTAGILITY is the foundation of ALL success.”
Tony Dovale

“Limitless Leaders focus on

1. Consciously Constructive development of their people's ADAPTAGILITY capacity... to thrive in uncertainty, ever-changing, challenging, complexities, AND opportunities

2. Teamworking, connection, communication trust and collaboration

3. Limitless Leadership skills and mindsets on ALL levels of the organisation

4. A High Performance Culture, context and climate, that unleashes and engages fullest potentials and possibilities.”
Tony Dovale

“An ADAPTAGILITY High Performance coach can reveal options and choices that you did not see, and then set you up with accountability and rewards, to follow through fully, to take SWIFT action, on your best choices.”
Tony Dovale

“#ADAPTAGILITY is the CORE quality, skill, and mindset required of leaders today, in these tough, uncertain, ever-changing mega waves of change, challenge, and OPPORTUNITY.”
Tony Dovale

“The GAP, or divide, between... Knowing and Doing, is only crossed by people who can effectively, and positively, manage their emotional state, and their inner RESPONSES to the outside world.”
Tony Dovale

“Most people's BIG PICTURE focus, is still way too small to understand reality, make intelligent decisions, and take SWIFT Actions, that ENSURE long-term Success.”
Tony Dovale

Richie Norton
“Two people can get the same result while one has all the time in the world and the other doesn’t.”
Richie Norton

Darcy Luoma
“Agility is about handling the curveballs life pitches at us. It’s being able to respond quickly when you’re caught off guard. When you engage your core to Pause and Think, you can Act by responding thoughtfully when you’re blindsided, instead of reacting instinctually.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Darcy Luoma
“Agility asks us to override our knee-jerk tendency to fire back, to get angry, and to defend ourselves. When you work your core in Agility, you Pause, Think about what you want or need in the situation, and try to identify a more thoughtful and intentional course of Action. With practice, you can have the knee-jerk reactions without the jerk!”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Darcy Luoma
“If you think of life as a game of dodgeball, Agility is about learning to stay light on your feet and think about what you want to do with all those balls flying at you. In the short term, it can feel easier to duck and avoid them or be more satisfying to throw a ball back even harder, but sometimes the right choice is to call for a time out.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Sukant Ratnakar
“Agility, resilience, readiness, observation, learning, courage, vigilance, curiosity, and team spirit - these are the most critical traits needed to fight the change tornado called evolution.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

Darcy Luoma
“When we think about physical fitness, agility centers on your ability to move quickly and easily. To make adjustments to what’s happening around you. To help you stay on your feet when you get thrown off balance.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Darcy Luoma
“Agility is about overriding defaults. For me, a good way to accomplish that is to remember what happened the last time I went on autopilot. Ask yourself: What was the outcome? Is that something I want to repeat?
If the results weren’t good in the past, don’t use the same recipe! Try something different. If you tend to get frustrated and other people get defensive, see if you can be kinder. If you’re a yeller, see if you can deliver the same message with a calm demeanor and a more compassionate “inside” voice.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

“Organisational, or Team, Culture is a foundation, and primary factor for enabling greater people performance and exponential results.

To fully enable, and unleash, people potentials, consciously constructive leaders cultivate the heads, hearts, minds, and Souls. in their organisation”
Tony Dovale

“Agilityn suurin haaste on siinä, mitä tapahtuu esteiden välillä, ei niinkään esteillä.”
Salme Mujunen, Agilityradat, osa 2

Brandon Michael West
“Faithful leadership isn’t about sticking to your plans when you should abandon them. Instead, it’s about being willing to question them and be questioned in pursuit of them, then course correct where necessary. ”
Brandon Michael West, It Is Not Your Business to Succeed: Your Role in Leadership When You Can't Control Your Outcomes

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