
Who would you like to see win the 2020 United States presidential election?

  64 votes 16.9%

  60 votes 15.8%

Michelle Obama
  42 votes 11.1%

  24 votes 6.3%

  22 votes 5.8%

  18 votes 4.7%

  17 votes 4.5%

Beto O’Rourke
[authorimage:Beto O’Rourke]
  17 votes 4.5%

None Of The Names On This List
  17 votes 4.5%

  11 votes 2.9%

  9 votes 2.4%

  6 votes 1.6%

  5 votes 1.3%

  5 votes 1.3%

  5 votes 1.3%

  4 votes 1.1%

  4 votes 1.1%

  3 votes 0.8%

Joe Kennedy
  3 votes 0.8%

  3 votes 0.8%

  3 votes 0.8%

Don't Care
  3 votes 0.8%

Aragon (write-in)
  3 votes 0.8%

Hermione for President (write-in)
  3 votes 0.8%

  3 votes 0.8%

  2 votes 0.5%

  2 votes 0.5%

  2 votes 0.5%

Will Smith
  2 votes 0.5%

  2 votes 0.5%

Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio (write-in)
  2 votes 0.5%

  2 votes 0.5%

Andrew Cuomo
  1 vote 0.3%

Tammi Stefano
  1 vote 0.3%

  1 vote 0.3%

  1 vote 0.3%

Bill Weld
[authorimage:Bill Weld]
  1 vote 0.3%

Adam Kokesh
Adam Kokesh (write-in)
  1 vote 0.3%

  1 vote 0.3%

Arya Stark
  1 vote 0.3%

  1 vote 0.3%

Almost anyone currently running except Trump. He is a maniac and is suffering from either early or mid stage dementia or FTD. This is on top of his psychological problems; narcissistic personality disorder at the top of that list. I would love to see a woman president if one is truly qualified. I'm not thrilled with any of the current candidates. I have voted however on the one I think might be able to bring the country back from the brink of being a dictatorship. I think the two party system needs to be eliminated along with the Electoral College. It was originally insitituted in and was an elitist tool since most of the population wasn't deemed educated enough to make a valid choice. America was born our of revolution. May be time for another one. (write-in)
  1 vote 0.3%

  0 votes 0.0%

  0 votes 0.0%

  0 votes 0.0%

  0 votes 0.0%

  0 votes 0.0%

  0 votes 0.0%

379 total votes

Poll added by: James

Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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message 1: by James (last edited Nov 12, 2018 08:18AM) (new)

James Morcan A mix of confirmed, rumored and possible candidates.
You can add your own favorite candidate (even if you just wish they would run) if you don't see your preferred individual on this list.

P.S. All votes are anonymous, just like an election.

message 2: by Angel (last edited Nov 12, 2018 08:24AM) (new)

Angel Noir Why bring this shit to Goodreads and upset people? I voted here out of principle. But seriously, I don’t think this poll is necessary. Some people come here to escape this stuff.

message 3: by James (new)

James Morcan Angel wrote: "Why bring this shit to Goodreads and upset people? I voted here out of principle. But seriously, I don’t think this poll is necessary. Some people come here to escape this stuff."

I apologize profusely for hurting anyone's feelings...

message 4: by Carol (new)

Carol James wrote: "Angel wrote: "Why bring this shit to Goodreads and upset people? I voted here out of principle. But seriously, I don’t think this poll is necessary. Some people come here to escape this stuff."

I ..."

I for one don't mind the poll since it is anonymous. It's like choosing books, I love suggestions outside of my norm and with this poll I get to see what others are truly feeling since they won't feel any repercussions from an anon poll.

Unsolved ☕︎ Mystery I love this poll.
Goodreads doesn't have to be about books all the time.

Geez Louise....Taking the time not only to vote on this poll, then complain about doing it. ***Face palm***

If anyone wants to be on Goodreads to get away from reality, then don't vote on the poll.

Thanks James, for the poll and the invite!

message 6: by Allen (new)

Allen Steele I am US Veteran, I am voting for Trump. When he negotiated the return of US soldiers remains from South Korea, from after the war and brought closure to mine & 54 other families. No other politician has been able, not democrats nor republican. He also talked S. Korea into not firing war heads into the Sea of Japan anymore and submitting to an inspector from the UN.

message 7: by Andis (new)

Andis Harasani Why would you put such a question here?

message 8: by James (new)

James Morcan Andis wrote: "Why would you put such a question here?"

Why would you (bother) to put such a question here?

message 9: by Tia (new)

Tia I'm not an American but I'm an Indian and I've still voted keeping in mind the candidates and their view towards India.
Juat thought should let you know

message 10: by Ian (new)

Ian Miller I am also not an American and I did not vote because I think the vote should depend on policy, and I suppose, not being American, I don't get a vote anyway. I guess I hope not the first two.

message 11: by Laura (new)

Laura Angel wrote: "Why bring this shit to Goodreads and upset people? I voted here out of principle. But seriously, I don’t think this poll is necessary. Some people come here to escape this stuff."
Agree let's not bring all this in here.

message 12: by George (new)

George At the moment I am of the disposition to not see the 2020 election at all, at least not in the sense of how the system currently operates. I wonder: what would the election process be like, how would our system change, if the only thing voters knew about candidates were their political standpoints? As in no names, pictures, personal/religious data. The only information available would be that which differentiates the candidate from the others from a purely positional standpoint. In other words, what would it be like if voters made decisions based off of what would improve the nation and who would most effectively fill the position they are campaigning for?

message 13: by Fr. Andrew (new)

Fr. Andrew Disturbing to see Trump in the lead here.

message 14: by Harris (new)

Harris Haha, surprising to see trump in the lead! And I voted for Warren, she's like the more milder Bernie.

message 15: by Joseph (new)

Joseph Shellim Trump.
And a Nuremberg mode trial for those involved in the Iran Nuke Deal.


message 16: by Jesse (new)

Jesse One thing that the past few years has made clear to me is that a large number of people simply do not care about the character of the person that is POTUS. I can't bring myself not to, but it's obviously not a factor (or, worse, is a factor in a bad way) for so many. I just think our leader should be the best we have in terms of integrity and character.

message 17: by Hal (new)

Hal Harker why the fuck has trump still got the majorty!!?? hahaha

message 18: by Robert (new)

Robert           The Chalmers Harris wrote: "Haha, surprising to see trump in the lead! And I voted for Warren, she's like the more milder Bernie."

I voted for Warren to. Good author.

message 19: by Robert (new)

Robert           The Chalmers Some real Americans here! Wow. Now this has to be a story. Even though I’m not from the US, this would make a great story. It’s being repeated all over the world. Sorry guys, you don’t have first dibs on people convinced they can do it better.
I’m going to come back here in a day or so and turn this into a book. All these actors. Priceless. Talk to me now about the movie rights.

message 20: by Robert (last edited Nov 14, 2018 08:59AM) (new)

Robert           The Chalmers OMG, I Love it.

message 21: by Robert (new)

Robert           The Chalmers Right there, that’s chapter two.

message 22: by James (new)

James Morcan B.E.L.L.A.Mc wrote: "US Elections are the most rigged & tampered with Elections - in the Western World.
We know it; why don’t YOU? 🤔

Not all Americans are stupid. I'm not an American, but have learned from many aware Americans about these issues. Many are conscious the US political system is heavily rigged (what nation's isn't?), but it's not easy to change or challenge -- especially with how much money is at stake with whoever controls the US economy...

In my view these are global issues we are facing and no nationalities are smarter or dumber than anyone else. Besides, whatever goes down in the US influences (positively or negatively) most of the world, so we are all in this together...

message 23: by Thieryn (new)

Thieryn James wrote: "Not all Americans are stupid."

At least 37 in this poll are, and you know what they say about bad apples :P

message 24: by Remy (last edited Nov 14, 2018 06:40PM) (new)

Remy Benoit Thanks James, and yes most Americans are not stupid but working each day to bring progressive change; and character to the White House. Money and power are the lynch pins of the elite and the rest of us don't matter to them; so, it is time to clean house. I would vote for Bernie in a minute as he has devoted his entire life, like many of us, to fight for the people. I have taught our Constitution, stood up for it my whole very long life, and will continue to so do. The rest of the world needs to know that the majority of us are opposed to what is going on, to the divisiveness, the racism, the whole mess. I personally apologize to France for the ill manners of last weekend. We shall overcome.

message 25: by P.J. (new)

P.J. Sullivan I agree with Noam Chomsky, who said that the Republican party is "the most dangerous organization in history." Their stand on climate change alone makes them a clear and present danger to the habitability of the planet and the survival of the human species.

message 26: by Remy (new)

Remy Benoit PJ Absolutely agree with you and Noam.

message 27: by Remy (new)

Remy Benoit In regards to climate, have you seen this? https://truthout.org/articles/the-glo...

message 28: by P.J. (last edited Nov 16, 2018 02:18PM) (new)

P.J. Sullivan Remy wrote: "In regards to climate, have you seen this? https://truthout.org/articles/the-glo..."
Good article, but as usual it fails to mention the role of overpopulation in causing climate change. There is no hope of surviving the climate crisis without serious attention to birth rates.


message 29: by James (new)

James Morcan Remy wrote: " I would vote for Bernie in a minute as he has devoted his entire life, like many of us, to fight for the people. ..."

I do wonder tho Remy, if Bernie's age will come in to play here? Maybe his opportune time was last election, but he'll be 79 by next election and that means voters would ideally need to be sure (which obviously they cannot be) he'll live until 83 just to serve one Presidential term and 87 to serve two...

I found this stat:

Who is the oldest person to be elected president? (Nov 9, 2016)
Previously, the oldest elected president was Ronald Reagan, who took the oath of office at the age of 69 in 1981. Donald Trump is 70 years old. Interestingly, had Hillary Clinton won election, she'd have been our second-oldest president-elect at the age of 69.

message 30: by Remy (new)

Remy Benoit I understand the concern about Bernie's age, but different people age differently. Bernie's energy is mind blowing and is a clear witness to his healthy and vitality. Look at Ruth Bader Ginsburg at 85! I am a few years younger than Bernie and know that I could not face the demands of that office health wise, but watching Bernie I am sure that if he did not feel capable of serving to the best of his ability, he would not run for the office. He has given all for so very long. A strong progressive running mate would be a good idea. Too young, too old? How about those too corrupt who have to be voted out? Think about it this way. Many years ago, before Barack and Michelle, I wrote to Jimmy Carter. This may sound off the wall, but I told him of all the presidents in my lifetime, he would be the only one I would let babysit my children, and I never used baby sitters. The president should be someone trusted with that huge responsibility for is she/he not to be trusted with all the lives of the nation? I would be honored to have Bernie watch over us, all of us, not just 1% who are choking the rest of us, our democracy, and the planet.

message 31: by Robert (new)

Robert           The Chalmers Isn’t it interesting how the donkey vote works. The further down the list you go the less votes the contenders get.

message 32: by Donmakles (new)

Donmakles Voted for Rand Paul. Although, I would have preferred if it was his father Ron Paul.

Anyway, just like what the previous commentators posted already no need to bring up polarizing questions and political debates. Leave that kind of stuffs to social media or discussion forums.

We're here to learn or share knowledge not bickering over who should be the overlord. They are all the same: Republicrats and Democraplicans.

message 33: by Lance (new)

Lance Morcan Donald Trump's midterm results and exit polls have left us some big clues about 2020 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-1...

message 34: by COMPTON (new)

COMPTON GAGE A Call for the Overthrow of the World Government, the Infidels. Attack them in their homes, markets, roads, and their forums. Kill them all: intensify your operations on Earth.

message 35: by James (new)

James Morcan COMPTON wrote: "A Call for the Overthrow of the World Government, the Infidels. Attack them in their homes, markets, roads, and their forums. Kill them all: intensify your operations on Earth.
COMPTON 6:66™"

Is that a warning, 6:66™?

message 36: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie I am a follow of Joe Biden. As we draw closer to the election in November, I'm trying to keep ahead of the election and follow the developments, but I'm already beginning to become anxious about the outcome. I truly don't want to see Donald Trump win re-election. He's clearly mentally challenged, and he's becoming more vindictive, more hostile by the day, as his popularity dwindles. I think this election will become the most acrimonious and difficult election America will have seen in many years. I sure hope Biden wins.

message 37: by Robert (new)

Robert           The Chalmers On the polling booth. “Give up hope all Ye who pass through these portals. The country will get the government it deserves.”

message 38: by Bonnie (last edited Jul 14, 2020 11:05AM) (new)

Bonnie Or in the Immortal Words of Dante Alighieri:

Your ominous message implies we are all doomed -- you feel that if we refuse to re-elect Donald Trump, our friendly Authoritarian Despot, to another 4 years in the White House, then we should all go to Hell? Or are you implying that we will all go to hell if we don't re-elect Donald Trump?

I fail to see the difference between what we are now enduring with our tyrant and what you imply will be our future.

message 39: by Kareem (new)

Kareem goodreads polling rigged!

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