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Princess Emeralda a.ka. Emma isn't exactly an ideal princess. Her laugh is more like a donkey's bray than tinkling bells, she trips over her own feet and she does not like Prince Jorge, whom her mother hopes she will marry. But if Emma ever thought to escape her troubles, she never expected it to happen by turning into a frog! When convinced to kiss a frog so he might return to being a prince, somehow the spell is reversed and Emma turns into a frog herself! Thus begins their adventure--a quest to return to human form.

Fascinating and hilarious characters ranging from a self-conscious but friendly bat to a surprisingly loyal snake and a wise green witch confirm that readers won't soon forget this madcap story. A fantastic debut from the talented E.D. Baker.

215 pages, Paperback

First published September 2, 2002

About the author

E.D. Baker

41 books1,543 followers
E.D. Baker made her international debut in 2002 with The Frog Princess, which was a Texas Lone Star Reading List Book, A Book Sense Children's Pick, a Florida's Sunshine State Readers List pick & a 2006 Sasquatch Book Award nominee. The Frog Princess inspired the Disney's Princess and the Frog!

E. D. Baker was born in Buffalo, New York and spent most of the next eighteen years in the Town of Tonawanda with her older brother and her parents. She married her husband while in college, and had two children a few years after graduating from Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. When her son was four, the family moved to the state of Maryland. With two young children at home, E.D. worked part time in her husband’s business and took writing classes at the local community college. She continued taking writing classes after the birth of her second daughter, but when she and her husband divorced, she went back to school and entered the SIMAT (School Immersion Masters in the Art of Teaching) program at Johns Hopkins University. After graduating, she taught fifth grade until her parents’ health began to fail. Her son had already graduated from college when E.D. and her daughters moved north to be closer to her parents. Having gained a new perspective on what is important in life, E.D. decided that it was time to believe in herself and devoted her time to writing. Her first book, The Frog Princess, was published in 2002. E.D. has written 25 books to date and has no plans to quite writing anytime soon.

Currently E. D. Baker lives on a small farm in Maryland where she and her family breed Appaloosa horses. They also have dogs, cats and goats.

If you have a question or a comment for E. D. Baker regarding her books, you can e-mail her at edbakerbooks@gmail.com and she will try very hard to reply to your e-mails. (Just keep in mind it may take a while before she responds, because she is working on a new book for you to enjoy!) For updates, announcements on upcoming books and daily posts by E.D. Baker be sure to follow her on Facebook.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,432 reviews
Profile Image for emma.
2,246 reviews74.1k followers
March 28, 2022
this series made me who i am today.

so if you have any complaints, direct them to e.d. baker. i refuse constructive criticism and i will not hear negativity!!!

this is a goofy fairytale retelling for quirky kids about a girl named emma being bad at being a princess. it rules, no notes, i derived my personality from it for years.

(just kidding. i didn't speak at school until the third grade. but if i DID...it would have been because of and in the style of this.)

part of a series i'm doing in which i review books i read a long time ago
Profile Image for Michelle.
147 reviews269 followers
November 20, 2018
We've heard it before: A princess kisses a frog, and it turns into a handsome prince. But what if, instead, she turns into a frog?

Spoiler Alert...

...that's what happens! So now Emma and Eadric are both amphibians -- although, of course, they retain all of their moral principles and do not perform that act of which frogs are more fond than anything apart from croaking and eating flies. What follows is a fascinating tale, as they seek to turn back into humans again.

“The Frog Princess” has all the magical elements of a classic fairy tale and while a happy ending is predictable, E.D. Baker manages to make the trials and tribulations that come before the ending quite enjoyable. Add in the Shakespearean style of comedy, and you get an entertaining narrative that can be read by adults and children alike.

This is the first novel of “The Tales of the Frog Princess". They are very clean in every way, easy and fun reads.
Profile Image for Kinga.
500 reviews2,546 followers
January 18, 2013
I like children's books and I am not even going to invent an excuse for reading this one. I read it because I wanted to. There.

I read it because I wanted to read a story about a princess who kisses a frog. Things went slighlty wrong and the frog prince didn't turn into a human prince, instead the princess turn into a frog.

And then they have a lot of adventures and epiphanies.

I liked how the frog prince was bent on saving and protecting the princess but somehow was always either asleep or not around when the danger struck, and the princess had to take care of herself (Bella, you look and learn). There was a lot of humour in the book (a pretend witch was called Vannabe) and no one was exceptionally pretty, people were short, had big noses, etc. And definitely no one sparkled in the sun.

On the other hand, there was a lot of bestiality in this book. I mean, human on frog action, then human and otter, there was also a hint of frog on snake thing. Apart from that, there was a prince who liked wearing women's shoes and apparently had really small feet (wink, wink). My, oh, my, just what exactly are we teaching our children?

(Don't get me started on the naked nymph).
Profile Image for Ross Blocher.
492 reviews1,444 followers
October 4, 2019
A fun, witty spin on the traditional princess-kisses-frog fairy tale. I had long been curious about this book, as it provided inspiration for The Princess and the Frog, a Disney Animation film that I worked on (and which holds a special place in my heart). Early in development, the animated film went by the same title as the book. This version is not set in New Orleans; rather, it exists in a generic, timeless medieval land with kings and castles and moats and witches who actually perform magic and collect dragon scales. While the book and film share the same basic structure of a princess kissing a frog-who-claims-to-be-a-prince-in-disguise, only to have the spell backfire and send them both on a quest to become human again (I don't think I'm spoiling anything there), they are very different stories beyond that. You still have the wiseacre, devil-may-care prince who is always angling for more kisses, and lots of other small moments and details that were fun to identify and compare, but be prepared for an entirely new adventure and set of characters and challenges. The dialogue is clever and the writing satisfying, and it's a quick, fun read in its own right. I'd gladly read the sequels.
Profile Image for Sam Chase.
821 reviews131 followers
June 12, 2020
Rating: 5 stars!

The Frog Princess is one of those books that I read at the library during my childhood just because I found it, loved, and then picked up every other book by the author. High recommendation for middle/elementary schoolers who love witty fantasy books! :)

Reread: June 2020

Now I know why I love The Princess and the Frog so much - it’s (very very loosely) based off this book! I adored this book as a kid, and I still love it to this day! There’s witches, curses, kisses, and the whole thing is just plain fun! I highly recommend it to young readers who love fantasy (and dragons?!).
Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,325 reviews3,494 followers
September 19, 2021
When I was eleven, I discovered a book in my school library called Dragon's Breath, featuring an irrepressible princess named Emma and her beau, Eadric. I greatly enjoyed that book, and from hints the characters dropped in it, I gathered that it was actually a sequel and Emma's adventures begin in a different book. This is that book, which I've got round to ten years later.

14-year-old Princess Emeralda, known as Emma, is just your average princess - apart from the fact that she learns magic from her witchy Aunt Grassina. When she wanders out to the woods one day, she's astounded to discover a talking frog - one, moreover, which claims to be a former royal named Prince Eadric and begs her to kiss him, so she can break the spell.

Emma refuses at first, because ew. When she gives in, though, she makes the horrible discovery that instead of her turning Eadric into a human, he's somehow turned her into a frog. The two of them desperately hop around trying to break the curse.

I looooved Emma. She's smart, sarcastic, and so much better than a ton of YA heroines nowadays. Eadric is also pretty amazing, partially because I don't think I've ever read a teenaged male hero who acts more like a genuine teenaged male. He's flirty, lazy, constantly hungry, but also has a streak of kindness and chivalry. I've read way too many YA/NA books recently where the 17/18-year-old heroes are just secretly 30-year-olds dressed by the author in a teenaged body. Also, Eadric is described as short and a bit 'pudgy', which does make for an interesting change.

I don't think I'll read the rest of the series, but this is a great book to give kids.

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Profile Image for cookiemonger.
232 reviews7 followers
March 5, 2016
This book has a great idea behind it. It's a shame that the writing is so clumsy, and that its characters range from blah to toxically unlikeable. This, I'd have to blame on the stilted, impressively awful dialogue.

I find it mystifying that some people have said that the vocabulary seems "above" or "beyond" the target audience. Maybe I'm a genius of vocabulary or something, but I thought that it was below the level of other books such as Redwall or even Fablehaven. Nothing against those people who did feel this way, it just strikes me as odd.

Perhaps my biggest problem with this book was that it didn't seem dedicated to its own setting. Descriptive asides were out of place and clearly meant to dazzle without contributing much else. The main character didn't act like even a castle pet, let alone a princess. Her first person narrative just sounded like an obnoxious brat from a contemporary setting. I would not have been surprised if she had mentioned Justin Bieber or Twilight. A good deal of behaviours and reactions struck against my logic shield and fried, such as her early insistence that an unseen character is totally icky when we only ever have her word for it.

In fact, her voice was so pervasive throughout that it rendered some characters female or genderless to me, as they merely sounded like her.

I had had this book recommended to me from a reliable source. Maybe I just demand too much after reading The Enchanted Forest Chronicles fifty times. This book, and likely this series, does not compare.
14 reviews
December 28, 2008
Princess Emerelda is not an ordinary princess at all. Her lagh is more like a croak, she is clumbsy, and dislikes being a princess. Her role model is her Aunt Grassina who is currently THE GREEN WITCH so she is also a witch in training.
On one of her walks to the river she comes across a talking otter who is supposibly a prince of cource you know how it goes she gives him a kiss to turn him back into a prince, but what you don't know is that instead of turning the frog into a prince she turns into a frog! So the venture to find the witch who cast the spell on him in the first place meeting dragons, hungry birds ( who like eating frogs,) and bats? (Fantastic!)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for N.N. Heaven.
Author 6 books2,009 followers
June 15, 2018
A twist on the classic Frog Prince fairy tale. I had slight issues with the weirdness going on in The Frog Princess. I think the author took the humor a little too far.

My Rating: 3 stars
Profile Image for Dana.
838 reviews42 followers
March 27, 2021
My first time reading this first novel in the ‘Tales of the Frog Princess’ series and it wasn’t very good. Eadric is extremely annoying and Emma doesn’t stand up for herself. Book 2 is definitely better.
Profile Image for Courtney Lyman.
Author 20 books851 followers
January 15, 2023
I read this to my 4th/5th grade class and while they thought it had too much kissing, I enjoyed the twist on a fairy tale and the humor interwoven in the story.
Profile Image for Nicky.
4,138 reviews1,087 followers
February 8, 2016
The Frog Princess is one of my sister’s favourite comfort-reads, so it was the first thing she thought to recommend when I had a reading challenge prompt to read something recommended by a family member. It takes a generic medieval-ish setting (castles, royalty, witches), and the usual Frog Prince story, and gives it a little twist to complicate it. If you’ve seen Disney’s The Princess and the Frog, you know the basic twist — apparently, the film was somewhat based on this book, though my sister disagrees about the whole idea. (Setting is different, characters different, etc, etc.)

It’s fun enough, though because it’s aimed at — well, I’m not good at judging: middle grade, perhaps? Whatever that means in British terms… — anyway, say middle grade, it’s pretty slight. It has a fairly clever and strong-minded heroine, who is not the perfect sort of princess — a princess who laughs in entirely the wrong way, and is clumsy about everything she does. That’s an okay role model for kids, even if the whole story basically rushes her towards adulthood and romance, whether she likes it or not.

The main male character is mostly insufferable. Randomly demanding kisses, acting as entitled as they come, boastful… The romance itself, though it has some cute moments, fails to enchant me.

In terms of other characters, there’s some interesting and funny stuff going on in the background, like the character of the snake and the bat. All in all, cute enough, though it’s not something I’ll come back to the way my sister does — wrong point in my life entirely for it to become charmingly nostalgic.

Originally posted here.
Profile Image for Jessica.
1,169 reviews83 followers
January 3, 2018
Would it surprise you if I told you that I read this just because I felt like it? No? Good. That means you know my reading style well! I love Middle Grade, I love fairy tales, and I can't resist anything that has a princess involved, so this book was something perfect for a quick read.

I loved the fact that Princess Emeralda was a "I can do it myself" kind of girl, and that situations allowed her to do just that. I also very much appreciated the adorable twist that E.D. Baker put on the whole frog prince story, while still staying true to the feeling of the original. This was a sweet, quick read that was a lot of fun to listen to. It was just exciting enough, without being too scary, and actually really well paced. It helps, of course, that Katherine Kellgren narrates this audio book. I adore her voice, and this was no exception.

To the surprise of no one, I didn't really love the prince. He was whiny, mostly self-centered, and rough to like. I suppose it was good that he was though, because his inability to really be front and center during any big moments made Emeralda shine! Still, that meant the romance didn't really work out for me, even though I knew it was the whole point of this fairy tale. I know this is Middle Grade, but I still maintain that a princess has every right to be picky! No one wants a whiny prince. *wink*

Overall, this was a cute read with a lot of fun parts in it. This would be excellent for a bedtime read between parents and their kids!
Profile Image for Dani.
14 reviews1 follower
June 13, 2009
Ages: 12-100+

Princess Emma would do nearly anything to get out of meeting with the pompous Prince Jorge. So when he comes for a visit, she hides out in the swamp and meets a frog that promises he's really a prince. Emma eventually agrees to kiss him so that he can regain his true form. Neither of them were prepared for her to turn into a frog instead. Emma soon learns that a frog's life, while it has its own rewards, is one fraught with danger. Outsmarting a witch that wants their toes and tongues, the castle dogs, a hungry otter, and a cantankerous swamp fairy, Emma does what it takes to return to her human size. Along the way she meets new friends and learns about the power of a kiss.

I loved how this book took fairy tale conventions and turned them on their heads. It's a fun read, and Emma is an engaging character. I also liked learning what it would be like to be a frog. i never knew they swallowed by blinking before. :D E.D. Baker isn't afraid to torture her characters, which makes for some great reading.

The only thing I would change about this is the tone. Sometimes it felt a little too modern for me. I like my fantasy to feel like it's from far away and long ago, but not archaic.

I give this 5 stars
Profile Image for Meg McGregor.
4,036 reviews78 followers
October 4, 2023
The Frog Princess is the first in a series of eight books! I have read this at least twice and just finished the third read!

You know, it was better than all the other times I have read this book!

In this story, Princess Emma goes into the swamp by her castle because she loves to explore it! The day the story begins, she is there as a way of avoiding her suitor, Prince Jorge (whom she absolutely deplores)! Little does she know that she will meet the love, I mean... the frog .... of her dreams!

Prince Eadric was transformed into a frog because he said some rather unflattering comments to a witch. Not exactly the smartest thing to do as he finds out. He has been searching high and low for a princess to kiss him. And it is his lucky day because, after some very witty and humorous dialogue, he gets Emma to kiss him!

But, Emma is wearing a bracelet that repels magic, given to her by her Aunt Grassina, the powerful and kind Green Witch! Instead of turning Eadric back to a prince, Emma becomes a frog!

How they finally get back to their original selves is at times perilous, heartfelt, and very funny!

I am already reading the next book in the series!
Profile Image for Isabel.
80 reviews
August 4, 2011
I adored this series when I was very little -- around 2nd and 3rd grade. ;)
Profile Image for Bookworm.
378 reviews52 followers
March 26, 2020
I love fairy tales with a twist, and this one satisfied that taste. :)

Emma is a unique kind of princess, and one I found endearing and (hallelujah) relatable! She was human!. The plot had a few holes, and sometimes things moved a bit fast, but not enough to detract. The characters development in their relationship was a bit spotty at times, and I felt the prince didn't get enough time to show his better side-(I could still be comparing this couple to Annie and Liam from the author's other series, though, and that is hardly fair.)
Yet I loved the ending, staying up till midnight to finish the book. Emma just needs to stop deciding she's in love one moment, and then thinking she "may" decide to marry "someday" later on-a character type I dislike in more modern tales...
I think if you like a sweet, simple and Disney-styled fairy tale, you'll definitely like this one!
Profile Image for Truly.
2,556 reviews4 followers
May 2, 2010
"Bersediakah kau mendapat kehormatan untuk menciumku?"

"Maaf, aku tidak tertarik mencium katak! "

Lahir sebagai seorang putri tidak secara otomatis menjadikan Putri Emeralda seorang gadis yang anggun dan penuh percaya diri. Ia begitu kikuk di situasi-situasi sosial serta takut berbicara di depan umum. Sementara Pangeran Jorge begitu anggun, tampan dan egois. Wajar jika Emeralda merasa heran mengetahui mereka dijodohkan, tidak ada persamaan diantara mereka. Agar bisa menghindari perjodohan, Putri Emeralda pergi ke rawa-rawa.

Putri Emeralda memang sering mengunjungi rawa-rawa. Siapa yang mengira kunjungannya saat itu malah membuatnya celaka. Alih-alih menghindar dari perjodohan dengan Pangeran Jorge, Putri Emeralda malah berubah menjadi seekor katak!

Semula ia hanya ingin berbaik hati mencium seorang ups…. seekor katak jantan yang mengaku sebagai Pangeran Eadric. Seperti yang diyakini banyak orang, peyihir berhati jahat mengubah seorang pangeran tampan menjadi seekor katak. Untuk bsia kembali menjadi manusia, hanya butuh ciuman tulus seorang putri. Demikan juga dengan sang pangeran. Kebetulan putri yang ditemuinya adalah Puteri Emeralda.

Mencium seekor katak memang tidak terlalu buruk bagi Putri Emeralda. Bibir si katak terasa dingin dan halus menekan bibirnya. Sensaninya tidak terlalu buruk. Namun yang terjadi sesudah itu yang membuat Putri Emeralda sangat terkejut.

Sang putri merasa pening dan tidak bisa memfokuskan pengliatannya. Walau lambat laun bias, namun yang segalanya tampak berbeda. Warna-warna lebih indah dan bervariasi! Lubang hidungnya mengembang saat mencium bau sayuran busuk. Kakinya melekat pada tubuh yang gempal, pendek serta memiliki kulit burik berwarna hijau. Putri Emeralda berubah menjadi seekor katak!

Bukan main kesalnya hati sang putri! Alih-alih menolong, malah ia celaka. Berubah menjadi katak juga. Sepasang pangeran dan putri yang menjadi katak bersatu bahu membahu mencari cara untuk menjadi manusia kembali.

Namun jangan mengira, perjalanan mereka penuh dengan aneka adegan romantis dan sendu ! Walau mereka akrab karena merasa senasib, namun tetap saja tidak membuat mereka rukun. Baca saja adegan saat sang putri belajar menangkap lalat untuk pertama kali. (hal 53).

Sang putri kesilitan menarik dan menggulung lidahnya yang keluar untuk menyambar lalat! Bukannya memberikan petujuk, Pangeran Eadric malah mentertawakannya. Atau bagaimaan kesalnya sang putri karena pangeran selalu merayu untuk mendapakan ciuman lagi, siapa tahu malah berubah menjadi manusia.

Bagaimana saya tidak mau tertawa keras, melupakan sopan-santun! Membaca bagaimana Emeralda membersihkan kaki lalat kering yang tersangkut di bibir Eadrick sebelum menciumanya. Bayangkan bagaimana eskpersi wajah sang putri menahan jijik melihat Eadrick dengan santainya melalap lalat yang berterbangan, ih……..! Atau saat Eadrick dengan rakusnya memakan semua cacing yang diberikan oleh perempuan jahat. Kocak habis......!

Namun seiring waktu, mereka mulai menjadi sahabat karib.Hari-hari menjadi katak telah mengajari Putri Emeralda banyak hal. Rawa-rawa sungguh tempat ajaib dimana kehidupan yang tua dapat berakhir dan kehidupan baru dapat mengalami berbagai ekjadian tak terduga, dimana teman dan pahlawan dapat muncul dalam berbagai wujud, di mana hidup bisa begitu indah, bahkan bagi seorang putri yang kikuk!

Untung ada Bibi Grassina, bibi Putri Emeralda yang menjadi penyihir. dengan bantuannya, serta Fang juga Li'l mereke bisa mengatasi masalah yang ada.

Siapa Li'l dan Fang?
Apa hubungannya dengan berang-berang?
Sudah... baca saja sendirinya...!

Beberapa buku yang saya baca menceritakan bagaimana seorang penyihir jahat menyihir seorang panegran tampan menajdi katak. Di salah satu buku, malah katak itu hidup dari tahun 1900 sekian dan baru akibat keisengan seorang gadis, di tahun 2000 ia kembali menjadi manusia. Buku ini jelas sangat berbeda dengan yang lainnya.

Buku ini membuat saya tertawa lepas! Saat menunggu waktu upacara dimulai di Depok, saya kembali membaca untuk menuntaskan buku ini. Bisa dibayangkan apa yang terjadi! Melihat saya tertawa lepas tida perduli orang sekitar, bebarapa rekan kerja tertarik untuk mengintip apa yang saya baca. Kami jadi tertawa bersama-sama.

Hingga upaca berlangsung, beberapa rekan masih tertawa-tawa kecil mengingat hal lucu yang dibaca dalam buku ini. Kebetulan hal-hal yang saya anggap perlu dijadikan point dalam repiu saya beri tanda. Sehingga kami hanya perlu mencari halaman yang sudah diberi tanda dan tertawa lepas bersama-sama.

Selesai upacara, gagal rencana saya untuk segera meluncur ke toko buku favorit saya. Rekan-rekan yang tadi mengintip buku saya kembali meminta saya menceritakan satu atau dua hal kocak yang ada dalam buku ini. Adu………..h! Seharusnya mereka membeli supaya bisa tertawa seperti saya!

Saya percaya segala sesuatu memang sudah ada waktunya. Misalnya, saat saya merasa kesal kehujanan, lalu basah kuyup, kedinginan maka pasti sebuah paket dari Bapak dan Ibu Peri buku sudah ada sebagai obat pelipur lara.

Hari Jumat yang lalu, sudah kehujanan, kedinginan, dua kali diturunkan dari angkot karena sepi penumpang, lalu sampai rumah mendapat kejutan yang tidak menyenangkan dari jagoan. Saat hendak menuju ke kamar mandi, di meja rias tergeletak 2 paket! Bayangkan 2 buah paket dari Bapak dan Ibu Peri! Sepertinya segala kesusahan terbayar sudah ^_^

Saya sungguh "Membeci" Trio kwek-kwek yang membuat buku ini sampai ke tangan saya …..!Jia, M Endah & Ida *kiss & hug*
Thx …. Buku ini bener2 menghibur!
Profile Image for Kira.
1,031 reviews33 followers
October 21, 2022
I really enjoyed this book, everyone has heard the story of how the princess kisses the frog prince and turns him back into a human but it was such a novel experience to have the princess turn into a frog as well.

I greatly enjoyed the adventures Eadric and Emma have together and the appearance of the real swamp fairy was very unexpected but it made the book even better. I am now curious about Aunt Grassina and the curse she mentioned.

I'll probably dive into other books of this series fairly soon!
Profile Image for Abigail McKenna.
698 reviews125 followers
May 14, 2024
"I'm not in the habit of kissing strangers, regardless of their species." she's so based for that

this was cute! I can definitely see how I would've been obsessed with it as a kiddo. I needed an escape which would make me laugh, and it delivered, so yay for that! 4 stars.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
11.3k reviews463 followers
August 18, 2020
My second read. It's fun. It's not deep, and it's clear that the author didn't have a lot of experience, but it just makes me smile.
Profile Image for Maggie (Raindrop Reads).
55 reviews38 followers
June 29, 2012
I picked this one up on Monday when I was bored out of my mind. I couldn't go to the book store that morning, and I had this book just sitting in my closet. I remembered how much I had adored this series when I was a little kid, so I picked up the book and began to read.

Princess Emeralda (Emma for short) is the princess, and sole heir, of her kingdom, Greater Greensward. Emma is no normal princess, and she would much rather spend time in the swamp that's right next to her castle than doting on dresses and hairstyles. Her mother often tries to primp her and create a perfect princess, so Emma spends far more time with her Aunt Grassina than her mother. Her Aunt Grassina is the Green Witch, the most powerful and kindest witch in the kingdom. Grassina loves to spend time with Emma, always encouraging Emma to use her magic, though Emma isn't very good, so she doesn't practice very often.

Always trying to make her daughter into a "proper princess," she invites Prince Jorge of East Aridia to visit the castle for a day to give Emma some royal company. Emma heads to the swamp to avoid the awkward encounter.

Upon entering the swamp, Emma encounters a talking frog who claims to be Prince Eadric of Upper Montevista. He tells her that a witch turned him into a frog and that the only way to return to his princely state is to receive a kiss from a princess. After constant badgering, she finally agrees, and kisses Eadric. But rather than Eadric becoming Human, when Emma opens her eyes, she has become a frog.

From there, Emma and Eadric must figure out how to return to their human forms, making a few animal friends along the way.

I found Emma to be a very annoying main character in this book. She was fairly whiny, though not the whole time (thank goodness). She could have been a lot more agitating, but she also could have been a LOT better. Oh well.

However annoying the main character was, it still wasn't a bad children's story. One of the best things about reading children's fiction is that there's no cursing, so it was very clean in addition to the fact that the story line wasn't bad. It was a little cliche with the whole "frog princess" thing, but it still had an original plot and it wasn't a bad read.

Either way, it wasn't bad for nostalgia purpose (a fun re-surfacing of my childhood), and it also had a story line that was interesting enough to make me read the sequels.
123 reviews35 followers
January 2, 2021
This is one of those series where you keep returning to reread it another time. I first read the series when I was a small girl with my brother and something about just stuck with me.

The story revolves around Emma, a princess who isn't very good a being one. One day while visiting the swamp she meets a frog who claims to be a prince. Trouble quickly ensues when the frog pesters her for a kiss... no spoilers :)

This series veers quite a bit from the original fairytale, while there are few references to the original story that are made, so if you are looking for a regular twist on a fairytale this might not be the one you want.

However the story by itself is interesting and fast paced, with magic, evil witches, and some very interesting frogs. Both gripping and funny this book is most definitely something to read even if you are not sure if you would be interested, just give it a try. It will always be one of my personal favorites and so I am giving it 5 stars. I hope you find the pleasure that I have in this book.
Profile Image for Lia Marcoux.
805 reviews10 followers
September 30, 2015
There was a scene at the beginning of this story where the Princess Emma is looking for someone to tell about her troubles, and she searches among the scullery maids, etc. for someone to complain to, but they're all so busy working (HOW DARE THEY) that they don't have time for her and she's grumpy. "Aha," I thought. "She's going to discover that being a princess is peaches and cream compared to working for a living - I see your arc, Baker", but, nope. We never hear about the working class again.

And that's how it goes in this book. I should have known when Emma had that telling flaw of the beautiful and gifted: she's clumsy! Also, this is the kind of story where a sexual harasser turns out to be your true love, concluding with a proposal to be his child bride. Also, there is a final-act irrelevant curse which turns ladies ugly, CLEARLY the worst fate imaginable. What? Why? And there's at least 3 books in this stale, sexist series. Pass.
1 review
September 23, 2010
A few days ago,I finshed reading an incredible story called, The Frog Princess. The book by E.D. Baker takes place in an enchanted kingdom. Emma, the main character, kisses a frog who claims he is a prince, his name was Eadric. There were many bumps along the way for Emma and Eadric. For example, Emma kissed Eadric and turned herself into a frog! In order to turn the both of them back they needed to find the witch who put the spell on Eadric. They also met many new friends like Li'l Stinker, a bat, and Fang, a snake. I loved the book. It makes you fell like you are in the medievil times! I also found myself wanting my own prince charming!!! This book is a great story for children. It will sweep them off there feet! I give the book a 100% A+!!
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